Narration and Problem Solving for Litigation

Course Information

Registration Information

Meeting Times

Day Time Location
MON, WED 6:00 - 9:00 pm TNH 3.140

Evaluation Method

Type Date Time Location


Whether you are going to trial as a criminal or civil lawyer, to arbitration or to mediation, your case has to have a theme. Your discovery plan, witness prep, and documents have to have legal relevance and narrative traction to stick. We know we need a theme and theory, a story, a way to evaluate who will be “good or bad” jurors, but how do we do it? This class borrows from the Creative Problem Solving method but uses it in a unique way, teaching students how to design and develop a process to generate and evaluate case themes, narratives, discovery plans, etc. Students work in small groups to practice and cement each phase of the process. This is truly learning to think not just like a lawyer, but like an expert litigator.1-Hour Pass/Fail. Class Schedule: This 1 credit hour class will meet for five total sessions from 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. on the following dates: 1/17 (Wed.), 1/22 (Mon.), 1/24 (Wed.), 1/29 (Mon.), 1/31 (Wed.). Prerequisite or Concurrent: Advocacy Survey & Evidence.

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Date Updated
01/17/2018 Instructor(s) updated