Charles M. Silver
- Roy W. and Eugenia C. McDonald Endowed Chair of Civil Procedure
- Professor

Charles Silver teaches courses on civil procedure, health law, and professional responsibility. His current research focuses on aggregate lawsuits, attorneys’ fees, professional responsibility, and health care law and policy. He previously worked with a group of empirical researchers on studies of medical malpractice litigation in Texas for over a decade. Professor Silver has authored several publications, including his most recent books “Medical Malpractice Litigation: How It Works, What It Does, And Why Tort Reform Hasn’t Helped” and “Overcharged: Why Americans Pay Too Much for Health Care.”
Featured Work
Charles Silver holds the Roy W. and Eugenia C. McDonald Endowed Chair of Civil Procedure at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law. His research focuses on aggregate lawsuits (including class actions and other mass proceedings), attorneys’ fees (including contractual compensation arrangements, common fund fee awards, and statutory fee awards), professional responsibility (focusing on lawyers involved in civil litigation on behalf of plaintiffs and defendants), and health care law and policy (with an emphasis on the payment system). For over a decade, he worked with a group of empirical researchers on studies of medical malpractice litigation in Texas. He served as an Associate Reporter on the Principles of Aggregate Litigation, which the American Law Institute published in 2010. His recent books are Overcharged: Why Americans Pay Too Much For Health Care (Cato Inst. 2018), coauthored with David A. Hyman, and Medical Malpractice Litigation: How It Works—Why Tort Reform Hasn’t Helped (Cato Inst. 2021), coauthored with Bernard S. Black, David A. Hyman, Myungho Paik, and William M. Sage.
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Book Review
Theories of Evidence: Bentham and Wigmore, by William Twining
Charles M. Silver, Theories of Evidence: Bentham and Wigmore, by William Twining, 98 Ethics 209 (1987).
Justice in Settlements
Charles M. Silver, Justice in Settlements, 4 Social Philosophy & Policy 102 (1986) (with J. Coleman).
Book Review
Ronald Dworkin and Contemporary Jurisprudence, ed. by Marshall Cohen
Charles M. Silver, Ronald Dworkin and Contemporary Jurisprudence, ed. by Marshall Cohen, 95 Ethics 356 (1985). -
Negative Positivism and the Hard Facts of Life
Charles M. Silver, Negative Positivism and the Hard Facts of Life, 68 The Monist 347 (1985).
Book Review
Maidens, Meal and Money: Capitalism and the Domestic Community, by Claude Meillassoux, and Malinowski in Mexico: The Economics of the Mexican Market System, by Bronislaw Malinowski & Julio de la Fuente
Charles M. Silver, Maidens, Meal and Money: Capitalism and the Domestic Community, by Claude Meillassoux, and Malinowski in Mexico: The Economics of the Mexican Market System, by Bronislaw Malinowski & Julio de la Fuente, 94 Ethics 721 (1984). -
Utilitarian Participation
Charles M. Silver, Utilitarian Participation, 23 Social Science Information 701 (1984). -
Public Opinion and the Federal Judiciary: Crime, Punishment, and Demographic Constraints
Charles M. Silver, Public Opinion and the Federal Judiciary: Crime, Punishment, and Demographic Constraints, 3 Population Research & Policy Review 255 (1984 (with Robert Y. Shapiro). -
Book Review
Experimentation in the Law: Report of the Federal Judicial Center Advisory Committee on The Sociology of Law: A Social-Structural Perspective, ed. by William M. Evan
Charles M. Silver, Experimentation in the Law: Report of the Federal Judicial Center Advisory Committee on The Sociology of Law: A Social-Structural Perspective, ed. by William M. Evan, 94 Ethics 734 (1984). -
Book Review
The Legal Enforcement of Morality, by Thomas C. Gray
Charles M. Silver, The Legal Enforcement of Morality, by Thomas C. Gray, 95 Ethics 156 (1984). -
Book Review
Law, Economics, and Philosophy, ed. by Mark Kuperberg & Charles Beitz
Charles M. Silver, Law, Economics, and Philosophy, ed. by Mark Kuperberg & Charles Beitz, 95 Ethics 180 (1984). -
Book Review
Sociological Approaches to Law, ed. by Adam Podgorecki & Christopher J. Whelan
Charles M. Silver, Sociological Approaches to Law, ed. by Adam Podgorecki & Christopher J. Whelan, 94 Ethics 562 (1984).
Book Review
Experimentation in the Law
Charles M. Silver, Experimentation in the Law, 93 Ethics 644 (1983). -
Book Review
Bentham and Bureaucracy, by Leonard J. Hume
Charles M. Silver, Bentham and Bureaucracy, by Leonard J. Hume, 93 Ethics 639 (1983).
Book Review
Economic Special-Opportunity Conduct and Crime, by Pawel Horoszowski
Charles M. Silver, Economic Special-Opportunity Conduct and Crime, by Pawel Horoszowski, 92 Ethics 601 (1982). -
Book Review
Courts: A Comparative and Political Analysis, by Martin Shapiro
Charles M. Silver, Courts: A Comparative and Political Analysis, by Martin Shapiro, 92 Ethics 797 (1982). -
Book Review
A National Strategy for Containing White-Collar Crime, by Herbert Edelhertz & Charles Rogovin
Charles M. Silver, A National Strategy for Containing White-Collar Crime, by Herbert Edelhertz & Charles Rogovin, 92 Ethics 602 (1982). -
Book Review
Essays in Law and Society, ed. by Zenon Bankowski & Geoff Mungham
Charles M. Silver, Essays in Law and Society, ed. by Zenon Bankowski & Geoff Mungham, 93 Ethics 204 (1982). -
Book Review
Sentencing, by Hyman Gross & Andrew von Hirsch
Charles M. Silver, Sentencing, by Hyman Gross & Andrew von Hirsch, 92 Ethics 602 (1982).