Ernest E. Smith III
- The Rex G. Baker Centennial Chair in Natural Resources Law
- Professor Emeritus

Ernest Smith, who holds the Rex G. Baker Centennial Chair Emeritus in Natural Resources Law, has expertise in property, oil and gas, international petroleum transactions, and wind energy law. A former dean of the Law School (1974-79), Professor Smith was honored by the Texas State Bar with the re-naming of the former Annual Institute of Oil, Gas and Mineral Law to the Ernest E. Smith Oil, Gas and Mineral Law Institute. He is co-author of the leading casebook and a leading treatise on oil and gas law.
Featured Work
A specialist in oil and gas law, Professor Smith is co-author of the leading casebook on Oil and Gas Law (West, 6th ed., 2013), and the leading treatise on Texas Law of Oil and Gas (3 volumes, 2nd ed., LEXIS, 1998). Other co-authored books on oil and gas law include Hemingway Oil and Gas Law and Taxation (4th ed., 2004), and International Petroleum Transactions (3rd ed., 2010). He is also co-author of Cases and Materials on Property (Foundation, 9th ed., 2007) and (Texas) Wind Law (Lexis 2011).
In 2008 Professor Smith received the Massey Teaching Excellence Award. Earlier teaching awards include the Clyde Martz Award for Excellence in Teaching from the Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation in 1998, and the Texas Excellence Teaching Award for the School of Law from the Ex-Students Association in 2000. In the same year, Annual Institute of Oil, Gas and Mineral Law, which is co-sponsored by the Texas State Bar Section on Oil, Gas and Energy Law and the University of Texas School of Law was re-named the Ernest E. Smith Oil, Gas and Mineral Law Institute. The Ernest E. Smith Endowed Presidential Scholarship in Law was established in 1994, and the Ernest E. Smith Professorship in Law was established in 1996.
Professor Smith teaches classes in the areas of property, oil and gas, international petroleum transactions, and wind energy law. A former Dean of the Law School, Professor Smith has also been a Visiting Professor at several law schools including Harvard.
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Oil and Gas Law and Taxation
Ernest E. Smith III, John S. Dzienkowski, Owen L. Anderson, Robert J. Peroni, J. Lowe, D. Pierce. Oil and Gas Law and Taxation ( West Academic Publishing, 2017).
Oil and Gas Law: Cases and Materials
Ernest E. Smith III, Owen L. Anderson, David E. Pierce, Christopher S. Kulander, John S. Lowe, Eugene O. Kuntz. Oil and Gas Law: Cases and Materials ( West, 2013).
Texas Wind Law
Ernest E. Smith, Texas Wind Law (LexisNexis, 2011)(with Steve DeWolf, Roderick Wetsel, & Becky Diffen).
Winds of Change: The Creation of Wind Law
Ernest E. Smith, Winds of Change: The Creation of Wind Law, 5 Texas Journal of Oil, Gas, and Energy Law 165 (2009-2010) (with Becky H. Diffen). -
Materials on International Petroleum Transactions
John S. Dzienkowski, Ernest E. Smith, Owen L. Anderson, John S. Lowe, Bruce M. Kramer, & Jacqueline Lang Weaver, Materials on International Petroleum Transactions , Denver: Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation (Denver: Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation, 3rd ed. 2010 (with Ernest E. Smith, Owen L. Anderson, John S. Lowe, Bruce M. Kramer, & Jacqueline Lang Weaver); 2nd ed. 2000; 1st ed. 1993 (with Ernest E. Smith, Owen L. Anderson, Gary B. Conine & John S. Lowe)
The Growing Demand for Oil and Gase and the Potential Impact upon Rural Land
Ernest E. Smith, The Growing Demand for Oil and Gase and the Potential Impact upon Rural Land, 4 Texas Journal of Oil, Gas, and Energy Law 1 (2008-2009).
Property: Cases and Materials
John S. Dzienkowski, Ernest E. Smith, John E. Cribbet, Roger Findley, Property: Cases and Materials, New York: Foundation Press, 9th edition 2008
In Memoriam: Tribute to Professor Roy Mersky
Ernest E. Smith, In Memoriam: Tribute to Professor Roy Mersky, 87 Texas Law Review 1 (2008). -
Forms Manual to Accompany Oil and Gas Law
Ernest E. Smith, Forms Manual to Accompany Oil and Gas Law (St. Paul: Thomson/West, 9th ed. 2008) (with John S. Lowe, Owen L. Anderson & David E. Pierce).
Book Review
Wind Energy: Siting Controversies and Rights in Wind
Ernest E. Smith, Wind Energy: Siting Controversies and Rights in Wind, 1 Environmental & Energy Law & Policy Journal 281 (2007). -
Cases and Materials on Oil and Gas Law
Ernest E. Smith, Cases and Materials on Oil and Gas Law (St. Paul: Thomson/West, 5th ed. 2007 with John S. Lowe, Owen L. Anderson, & David E. Pierce; 4th ed. 2002; 3rd ed. 1998 with Eugene O. Kuntz, John S. Lowe & Owen L. Anderson).
Foreword: Recent Developments: Texas, United States, and International Energy Law
Ernest E. Smith, Foreword: Recent Developments: Texas, United States, and International Energy Law, 1 Texas Journal of Oil, Gas & Energy Law 101 (2006).
Corwin W. Johnson [In Memoriam: Corwin W. Johnson]
Ernest E. Smith, Corwin W. Johnson [In Memoriam: Corwin W. Johnson], 83 Texas Law Review 1801 (2005). -
U.S. Legislative Incentives for Wind-Generated Electricity: State and Local Statutes
Ernest E. Smith, U.S. Legislative Incentives for Wind-Generated Electricity: State and Local Statutes, 23 Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law 173 (2005). -
Renewable Energy--the Increasing Role of Wind Power: Incentives, Mandates, Siting, and Leasing
Ernest E. Smith, Renewable Energy--the Increasing Role of Wind Power: Incentives, Mandates, Siting, and Leasing, 26 Energy & Mineral Law Foundation Annual Institute Proceedings 43 (2005).
Book Chapter
Onshore Oil and Gas Case Law Update: 2004
Ernest E. Smith, Onshore Oil and Gas Case Law Update: 2004, Ch. 12 in Fifty-Fifth Annual Institute on Oil and Gas Law (Albany, NY: Matthew Bender, 2004). -
Hemingway Oil and Gas Law and Taxation
John S. Dzienkowski, Owen L. Anderson, Robert J. Peroni, Ernest E. Smith, John S. Lowe, David E. Pierce, Hemingway Oil and Gas Law and Taxation, St. Paul: Thomson/West (4th ed. 2004)
Exploratory Unitization Under the 2004 Model Oil and Gas Conservation Act: Leveling the Playing Field
Ernest E. Smith, Exploratory Unitization Under the 2004 Model Oil and Gas Conservation Act: Leveling the Playing Field, 24 Journal of Land, Resources, & Environmental Law 277 (2004) (with Owen L. Anderson).
Cases and Materials on Property
Ernest E. Smith, Cases and Materials on Property (New York: Foundation Press, 9th ed. 2008, 8th ed. 2002, 7th ed. 1997; 6th ed. 1990) (with John Cribbet, Corwin Johnson & Roger Findley) (and accompanying Teacher's Manual).
Book Chapter
Ernest E. Smith, Preface, in Selected Works of A. W. Walker, Jr. (Austin: Oil, Gas & Mineral Law Section, State Bar of Texas, 2001).