H. W. Perry Jr
- Associate Professor

H.W. Perry Jr. is an associate professor and a specialist in constitutional and public law who holds tenured positions in both the Law School and the Department of Government. His scholarship focuses on constitutional law and legal institutions, and he is best known for his award-winning book "Deciding to Decide: Agenda Setting in the United States Supreme Court."
Featured Work
A specialist in constitutional and public law, he is tenured in both the Law School and the Deparatment of Government, teaching law students, Ph.D. students and undergraduates. His scholarship focuses on Constitutional Law and on legal institutions. Professor Perry is best-known for his award-winning book Deciding to Decide: Agenda Setting in the United States Supreme Court (Harvard Univesity Press.) He was one of first scholars to whom U.S. Supreme Court Justices and their clerks granted extensive interviews about internal decision processes in the U.S. Supreme Court. He is also co-author of Civil Liberties and the Constitution. Heis currently engaged in a study of state Solilcitors General as well as a study examining freedom of speech in a comparative context. He came to Texas in 1994 after teaching at Harvard University and prior to that at Washington University.
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The Elitification of the U.S. Supreme Court and Appellate Lawyering
H. W. Perry Jr., The Elitification of the U.S. Supreme Court and Appellate Lawyering, 72 S.C. L. Rev. (2020): 245-304. View Online
Human Rights Issues in Constitutional Courts: Why Amici Curiae are Important in the U.S., and What Australia Can Learn from the U.S. Experience
H W Perry Jr., Patrick Keyzer, Human Rights Issues in Constitutional Courts: Why Amici Curiae are Important in the U.S., and What Australia Can Learn from the U.S. Experience, Law in Context, 37 (1): 1-33 (2020). View Online
Constitutional Faith, Constitutional Redemtion, and Political Science: Can Faith and Political Science Coexist? [Symposium: Constitutional Redemption & Costitutional Faith]
H. W. Perry Jr., Constitutional Faith, Constitutional Redemtion, and Political Science: Can Faith and Political Science Coexist? [Symposium: Constitutional Redemption & Costitutional Faith], 71 Maryland Law Review 1098 (2012).
Access to Justice: Procedure, Polity, and Politics
H. W. Perry Jr., Access to Justice: Procedure, Polity, and Politics, 22 Bond Law Review 191 (2010). -
Civil Liberties and the Constitution: Cases and Commentaries
H. W. Perry Jr., Civil Liberties and the Constitution: Cases and Commentaries (New York: Longman, 9th ed. 2010) (with Lucius Barker, Michael Combs, Kevin Lyles & Twiley Barker).
Book Chapter
Certiorari, Writ of
H. W. Perry Jr., Certiorari, Writ of, in The Oxford Companion to the Supreme Court of the United States (Kermit L. Hall ed.; New York: Oxford University Press, 2005).
The Political Battle for the Constitution
H. W. Perry Jr., The Political Battle for the Constitution, 21 Constitutional Commentary 641 (2004) (with L.A. Powe Jr.).
Taking Political Science Seriously
H. W. Perry Jr., Taking Political Science Seriously, 47 St. Louis University Law Journal 889 (2003).
Panel One: Presidential-Legislative Relations: Confrontation or Coordination?
H. W. Perry Jr., Michael M Sharlot, Panel One: Presidential-Legislative Relations: Confrontation or Coordination? [Symposium: Challenges to Fragile Democracies in the Americas: Legitimacy and Accountability], 36 Texas International Law Journal 325 (2001) (with Lourdes Flores Nano, Carlos Rosenkrantz & A. R. Brewer-Carias).
United States Attorneys--Whom Shall They Serve?
H. W. Perry Jr., United States Attorneys--Whom Shall They Serve?, 61 Law & Contemporary Problems 129 (1998).
Lucius J. Baker: An Accomplished Career Despite No Crystal Stair
H. W. Perry Jr., Lucius J. Baker: An Accomplished Career Despite No Crystal Stair, 25 PS: Political Science & Politics 752 (1992).
Deciding to Decide: Agenda Setting in the United States Supreme Court
H. W. Perry Jr., Deciding to Decide: Agenda Setting in the United States Supreme Court (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1991) [Translated into Chinese; Beijing: Chinese University of Political Science and Law Press, 2006].
Strategies for Judicial Research: Soaking and Poking in the Judiciary
H. W. Perry Jr., Strategies for Judicial Research: Soaking and Poking in the Judiciary, 73 Judicature 192 (1989) (with Charles A. Johnson et al.).
Book Review
Redefining the Supreme Court's Role: A Theory of Managing the Federal Judicial Process
H. W. Perry Jr., Redefining the Supreme Court's Role: A Theory of Managing the Federal Judicial Process, by Samuel Estreicher, 82 American Political Science Review 631 (1988). -
Interaction and Decisionmaking on Collegial Courts: A Panel Discussion
H. W. Perry Jr., Interaction and Decisionmaking on Collegial Courts: A Panel Discussion, 71 Judicature 339 (1988) (with John W. Cooley et al.).
spring 2026
- Agenda Setting at the Supreme Court
- U.S. Constitutional Law for Foreign Lawyers