Inga Markovits
- "The Friends of Joe Jamail" Regents Chair in Law
- "The Friends of Joe Jamail" Regents Chair Emeritus

Inga Markovits is an internationally renowned expert in comparative law who teaches and writes about family law. Her research has concentrated on socialist legal regimes and, more recently, on law reform in Eastern Europe. The “Friends of Joe Jamail” Regents Chair in Law emeritus, she is currently working on a local history of East German law as reflected in the work of one East German trial court and in the experiences of its users.
An internationally renowed expert in comparative law, Professor Markovits' research has concentrated on socialist legal regimes, and more recently, on law reform in Eastern Europe. She is currently writing a local history of East German law as reflected in the work of one East German trial court and in the experiences of its users. Professor Markovits also teaches and writes in the area of family law.
In 1995-96 Professor Markovits was a Fellow at the Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University and in 1997, a Visiting Scholar at the Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung in Potsdam, Germany. Her 1995 book Imperfect Justice: An East-West German Diary (Oxford University Press) traces the replacement of a socialist legal system by its ideological opposite in the course of Germany's reunification. Recent Publications: "Selective Memory: How the Law Affects What We Remember and Forget About the Past. The Case of East Germany", 35 Law & Society Review 513 (2002); "Justice in Lüritz", 50 American Journal of Comparative Law 819 (2002).
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Book Review
The Encyclopedia of Law & Society: American and Global Perspectives, by David S. Clark, ed.,
Inga Markovits, The Encyclopedia of Law & Society: American and Global Perspectives, by David S. Clark, ed., 60 American Journal of Comparative Law 856 (2012).
Justice in Lüritz: Experiencing Socialist Law in East Germany
Inga Markovits. Justice in Lüritz: Experiencing Socialist Law in East Germany ( Princeton University Press, 2010). View online. -
Book Chapter
Rechtssoziologie für Außenseiter
Inga Markovits, Rechtssoziologie für Außenseiter, in Wie wirkt Recht? : Ausgewählte Beiträge zum ersten gemeinsamen Kongress der deutschsprachigen Rechtssoziologie-Vereinigungen, Luzern 4.-6. September 2008 43 (Michelle Cottier, Josef Estermann & Michael Wrase eds.; Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2010). <>
Book Chapter
Rechtssoziologie für Außenseite
Inga Markovits. “Rechtssoziologie für Außenseite” -
Constitution Making After National Catastrophes: Germany in 1949 and 1990
Inga Markovits, Constitution Making After National Catastrophes: Germany in 1949 and 1990 [Symposium: Constitution Drafting in Post-Conflict States], 49 William and Mary Law Review 1307 (2008).
Gerechtigkeit in Luritz: eine ostdeutsche Rechtsgeschichte
Inga Markovits, Gerechtigkeit in Luritz: eine ostdeutsche Rechtsgeschichte (Munchen: Beck C.H., 2006). [Translated into English; Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2010].
Exporting Law Reform--But Will It Travel?
Inga Markovits, Exporting Law Reform--But Will It Travel?, 37 Cornell International Law Journal 95 (2004). [Reprinted in Legal Transformation and Culture in the Period of Transition at 2 (Mary Jane Nepalese and Wei Leijie, eds.; Bejing: Tsinghua University Press, 2011)].
Justice in Lüritz
Inga Markovits, Justice in Lüritz, 50 American Journal of Comparative Law 819 (2002).
Selective Memory: How the Law Affects What We Remember and Forget about the Past--The Case of East Germany
Inga Markovits, Selective Memory: How the Law Affects What We Remember and Forget about the Past--The Case of East Germany, 35 Law & Society Review 513 (2001).
Book Review
Reconcilable Differences: On Peter Quint's The Imperfect Union
Inga Markovits, Reconcilable Differences: On Peter Quint's The Imperfect Union, 47 American Journal of Comparative Law 189 (1999) (essay reviewing The Imperfect Union: Constitutional Structures of German Unification, by Peter Quint). -
Book Chapter
Der Handel mit der sozialistischen Gerechtigkeit. Zum Verhältnis zwischen Bürger und Gericht in der DDR
Inga Markovits. “Der Handel mit der sozialistischen Gerechtigkeit. Zum Verhältnis zwischen Bürger und Gericht in der DDR” -
Book Chapter
Der Handel mit der sozialistischen Gerechtigkeit. Zum Verhältnis zwischen Bürger und Gericht in der DDR [Cutting a Deal With Socialist Justice: GDR Citizens in Court]
Inga Markovits, Der Handel mit der sozialistischen Gerechtigkeit. Zum Verhältnis zwischen Bürger und Gericht in der DDR [Cutting a Deal With Socialist Justice: GDR Citizens in Court], in Herrschaft und Eigen-Sinn in der Diktatur: Studien zur Gesellschaftsgeschichte der DDR 315 (Thomas Lindenberger ed.; Köln: Böhlau Verlag, 1999).
Book Chapter
Rechts-Geschichte. Ein DDR-Zivilprozeß aus den 1980er Jahren
Inga Markovits, Rechts-Geschichte. Ein DDR-Zivilprozeß aus den 1980er Jahren, in Akten. Eingaben. Schaufenster: Die DDR und ihre Texte. Erkundungen zu Herrschaft und Alltag 259 (Alf Lüdtke & Peter Becker eds.; Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1997). -
Two Truths About Socialist Justice: A Comment on Kommers
Inga Markovits, Two Truths About Socialist Justice: A Comment on Kommers, 22 Law & Social Inquiry 849 (1997).
Children of a Lesser God: GDR Lawyers in Post-Socialist Germany
Inga Markovits, Children of a Lesser God: GDR Lawyers in Post-Socialist Germany, 94 Michigan Law Review 2270 (1996). -
"The Road from 'I' to 'We'": Family Law in the Communitarian State
Inga Markovits. “"The Road from 'I' to 'We'": Family Law in the Communitarian State.” In Utah Law Review, Page 487 (1996).
Imperfect Justice: An East-West German Diary
Inga Markovits, Imperfect Justice: An East-West German Diary (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995). -
Book Chapter
Unfamiliar Territory: The East German Legal Profession in Transition to Democracy
Inga Markovits, Unfamiliar Territory: The East German Legal Profession in Transition to Democracy, in Democracy, Market Economy, and the Law: Legal, Economic, and Political Problems of Transition to Democracy 317 (Werner F. Ebke & Detlev F. Vagts eds.; Heidelberg: Verlag Recht und Wirtschaft, 1995).
Die Abwicklung: Ein Tagebuch zum Ender der DDR-Justiz
Inga Markovits, Die Abwicklung: Ein Tagebuch zum Ender der DDR-Justiz (Munchen: Beck, 1993).