Jens Christian Dammann
- The Ben H. and Kitty King Powell Chair in Business and Commercial Law
- Professor

Jens Dammann's primary research areas include empirical legal studies, corporate law, contract law, European Union law, and comparative law. Although he concentrates primarily on U.S. law, Professor Dammann has also published extensively on European Union and German law. His work is routinely cited by the Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof), Germany's highest court in civil matters. He has authored two books and numerous articles in leading law reviews. Professor Dammann has taught at institutions such as the University of Chicago Law School, Cornell Law School, Bucerius Law School, Fundação Getulio Vargas, and the Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE. In July 2024, he was a Global Visiting Professor at the Technical University of Munich (TUM).
Featured Work
Various Contributions
Jens Dammann's primary research areas include empirical legal studies, corporate law, contract law, European Union law, and comparative law.
Although Professor Dammann concentrates primarily on U.S. law, he has also published extensively on European Union and German law. His work is routinely cited by the Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof), Germany's highest court in civil matters.
Professor Dammann has authored two books and numerous articles in leading law reviews. He has taught at institutions such as the University of Chicago Law School, Cornell Law School, Bucerius Law School, Fundação Getulio Vargas, and the Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE. In July 2024, he was a Global Visiting Professor at the Technical University of Munich (TUM).
Professor Dammann is a Research Member of the European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI) and currently chairs the ECGI's Research Member Committee (Appointments Committee).
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Revoking Brexit: Can Member States Rescind Their Declaration of Withdrawal from the European Union
Jens Christian Dammann. “Revoking Brexit: Can Member States Rescind Their Declaration of Withdrawal from the European Union.” In 23 Columbia Journal of European Law, (2017).
Paradise Lost: Can the European Union Expel Countries from the Eurozone?
Jens C. Dammann, Paradise Lost: Can the European Union Expel Countries from the Eurozone?, 49 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 693 (2016).
The Controlling Shareholder’s General Duty of Care: A Dogma That Should Be Abandoned
Jens C. Dammann, The Controlling Shareholder’s General Duty of Care: A Dogma That Should Be Abandoned, 2015 Illinois L. Rev. 479-506.
The Mandatory Law Puzzle: Redefining American Exceptionalism in Corporate Law
Jens Dammann, The Mandatory Law Puzzle: Redefining American Exceptionalism in Corporate Law, 65 Hastings L.J. 441-499 (2014).
Homogeneity Effects in Corporate Law
Jens C. Dammann, Homogeneity Effects in Corporate Law, 46 Arizona State Law Journal 1103 (2015).
Die Vereinbarung der VOB/B ohne Inhaltliche Abweichungen [Contracts Incorporating the VOB/B without Substantive Modifications]
Jens Christian Dammann, Andy Ruzik. “Die Vereinbarung der VOB/B ohne Inhaltliche Abweichungen [Contracts Incorporating the VOB/B without Substantive Modifications].” In 14 NZBAU [NEUE ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR BAURECHT UND VERGABERECHT], Page 265 (June 2, 2013). -
The Right to Leave the Eurozone
Jens C. Dammann, The Right to Leave the Eurozone, 48 Texas International Law Journal 125 (2013). -
Indeterminacy in Corporate Law: A Theoretical and Comparative Analysis
Jens C. Dammann, Indeterminacy in Corporate Law: A Theoretical and Comparative Analysis, 49 Stanford Journal of International Law 54 (2013). -
Where Are Limited Liability Companies Formed? An Empirical Analysis
Jens C. Dammann, Where Are Limited Liability Companies Formed? An Empirical Analysis, 55 Journal of Law & Economics 741 (2013) (with Matthias Schündeln). -
How Lax is Nevada Corporate Law? A Reponse to Professor Barzuza
Jens C. Dammann, How Lax is Nevada Corporate Law? A Reponse to Professor Barzuza, 99 Virginia Law Review In Brief 1 (2013).
Place Aux Dames: The Ideological Divide Between U.S. and European Gender Discrimination Laws
Jens C. Dammann, Place Aux Dames: The Ideological Divide Between U.S. and European Gender Discrimination Laws, 45 Cornell International Law Journal 25 (2012).
Book Chapter
Die Berücksichtigung der konkreten Umstände des Vertragsschlusses bei der Auslegung allgemeiner Geschäftsbedingungen [Taking into Account the Circumstances of the Individual Case in Interpreting Boilerplate Contracts]
Jens Christian Dammann. “Die Berücksichtigung der konkreten Umstände des Vertragsschlusses bei der Auslegung allgemeiner Geschäftsbedingungen [Taking into Account the Circumstances of the Individual Case in Interpreting Boilerplate Contracts]” -
The Incorporation Choices of Privately Held Corporations
Jens C. Dammann, The Incorporation Choices of Privately Held Corporations, 27 Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization 79 (2011) (with Matthias Schündeln). View Article
How Embattled Are U.S. CEOs?
Jens Christian Dammann. “How Embattled Are U.S. CEOs?.” In 88 Texas Law Review See Also, Page 201 (2010). View online.
Book Chapter
Subunternehmervertrag [Subcontractor Contracts]
Jens Christian Dammann. “Subunternehmervertrag [Subcontractor Contracts]”
Adjudicative Jurisdiction and the Market for Corporate Charters [Symposium]
Jens Christian Dammann. “Adjudicative Jurisdiction and the Market for Corporate Charters [Symposium].” In 82 Tulane Law Review, Page 1869 (2008). View online. -
Globalizing Commercial Litigation
Jens Christian Dammann, Henry Hansmann. “Globalizing Commercial Litigation.” In 94 Cornell Law Review, Page 1 (2008). View online. -
Corporate Ostracism: Freezing Out Controlling Shareholders
Jens C. Dammann, Corporate Ostracism: Freezing Out Controlling Shareholders, 33 The Journal of Corporation Law 681 (2008).
Materielles Recht und Beweisrecht im System der Grundfreiheiten Des EG-Vertages [The Relationship Between Substantive Law and Rules Governing the Burden and Standard of Proof in the Law of the Fundamental Freedoms of the EC Treaty]
Jens Christian Dammann. Materielles Recht und Beweisrecht im System der Grundfreiheiten Des EG-Vertages [The Relationship Between Substantive Law and Rules Governing the Burden and Standard of Proof in the Law of the Fundamental Freedoms of the EC Treaty] ( Mohr Siebeck, 2007). -
Materielles Recht und Beweisrecht im System der Grundfreiheiten
Jens C. Dammann, Materielles Recht und Beweisrecht im System der Grundfreiheiten (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2007).