Jens Christian Dammann

Jens Christian Dammann

  • Professor

Faculty Profile: Jens Christian Dammann

Main Profile Content


Professor Dammann's main fields of research are corporate law and European Union law; his other areas of interest include contracts and comparative law. He has published two books as well as articles in leading law reviews and peer-reviewed journals.

While Professor Dammann's main focus is on U.S. law, he has authored various publications on European Union law and German law. His work on German consumer protection law has been cited in numerous decisions by the German Bundesgerichtshof, the highest German court in civil law matters.

Professor Dammann has taught or is scheduled to teach at various other universities including the University of Chicago Law School, the Cornell Law School, the Fundação Getulio Vargas in São Paulo, the Leibniz Institute for Financial Research in Frankfurt am Main, and the Bucerius Law School in Hamburg. Before joining the University of Texas, Professor Dammann worked at the Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance in Munich. His degrees include: first state exam (J.D. equivalent) with highest honors, Frankfurt am Main; second state exam, with high honors, Schleswig-Holstein; Dr. jur. (Ph.D. equivalent) with highest honors, Frankfurt am Main; habilitation (post-doctoral degree), Frankfurt am Main; LL.M., Yale; J.S.D., Yale; M.A. (economics), UT Austin; Ph.D. (economics), UT Austin.  He is a Research Member of the European Corporate Governance Institute (ecgi).

Professional Activities


July 12, 2019

Presenter: Deference to Delaware Corporate Law Precedents and Shareholder Wealth: An Empirical Analysis.

German Law and Economics Association Annual Conference

February 11, 2019


Duke Law School

January 16, 2019


University of Oxford


September 11, 2018


Boston College Law School

February 20, 2018


Boston University School of Law


February 2, 2018


University of Texas, Department of Ecconomics, Applied Micro Lunch Seminar

Delaware’s Shadow


December 21, 2017


ETH Zurich

December 19, 2017


University of Zurich

Presentation: Business Courts and Firm Performance

November 29, 2017


Boston University School of Law

November 16, 2017


2017 Annual Meeting of the Southern Finance Association

October 21, 2017


Goethe University Frankfurt

July 6, 2017


Annual Meeting of the Spanish Finance Association, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona

Business Courts and Firm Performance

June 22, 2017


First Conference on Empirical Legal Studies in Asia, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan

Business Courts and Firm Performance

June 2, 2017


Annual Conference, Canadian Economics Association, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia

Business Courts and Firm Performance

May 26, 2017


University of Oxford

Related Party Transactions and Intragroup Transactions

May 13, 2017


American Law & Economics Association, Yale University

Business Courts and Firm Performance

March 13, 2017


Israeli Law & Economics Association, Annual Meeting, Tel Aviv University, Buchmann Faculty of Law

Business Courts and Firm Performance