Lawrence Sager
- Alice Jane Drysdale Sheffield Regents Chair
- Professor

Lawrence Sager is one of the nation's preeminent constitutional theorists and scholars with expertise in constitutional law, religion and law, jurisprudence, and the legal process. He is the author and co-author of several articles, many now classics in the canon of legal scholarship. Professor Sager also authored the book “Justice in Plainclothes: A Theory of American Constitutional Practice,” and co-authored “Religious Freedom and the Constitution.”
Featured Work
Lawrence Sager is one of the nation's preeminent constitutional theorists and scholars. Professor Sager came to Texas from New York University School of Law, where he was the Robert B. McKay Professor and Co-Founder of the Program in Law, Philosophy & Social Theory. He has also taught at Harvard, Princeton, Boston University, UCLA, and the University of Michigan. Professor Sager is the author or co-author of dozens of articles, many now classics in the canon of legal scholarship. Sager is the author of two books: Justice in Plainclothes: a Theory of American Constitutional Practice (Yale Univ. Press), and Religious Freedom and the Constitution (co-authored with Christopher Eisgruber) (Harvard Univ. Press).
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In the Name of God: Structural Injustice and Religious Faith
Lawrence Sager, In the Name of God: Structural Injustice and Religious Faith [Childress Lecture], 60 St. Louis Law Journal 585 (2016).
Book Review
Fidelity to the Best Version of Ourselves
Lawrence Sager, Fidelity to the Best Version of Ourselves, 31 Constitutional Commentary 479 (2016) (reviewing Fidelity to Our Imperfect Constitution, by James E. Fleming).
Congress's Authority to Enact the Violence Against Women Act: One More Pass at the Missing Argument
Lawrence Sager, Congress's Authority to Enact the Violence Against Women Act: One More Pass at the Missing Argument, 121 Yale Law Journal Online 629 (2012).
Material Rights, Underenforcement, and the Adjudication Thesis
Lawrence Sager, Material Rights, Underenforcement, and the Adjudication Thesis, [Symposium: Justice for Hedgehogs: A Conference on Ronald Dworkin's Forthcoming Book], 90 Boston University Law Review 579 (2010). -
Our Hero
Lawrence Sager, Our Hero, 89 Texas Law Review 9 (2010). View Article
Does it Matter What Religion is?
Lawrence Sager, Does it Matter What Religion is? [Symposium: The Supreme Court's Hands-Off Approach to Religious Doctrine], 84 Notre Dame Law Review 807 (2009) (with Christopher L. Eisgruber).
Book Chapter
The Moral Economy of Religious Freedom
Lawrence Sager, The Moral Economy of Religious Freedom, in Law and Religion in Theoretical and Historical Context 16 (Peter Cane, Carolyn Evans & Zoë Robinson eds.; Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2008).
Chips Off Our Block? A Reply to Berg, Greenawalt, Lupu and Tuttle
Lawrence Sager, Chips Off Our Block? A Reply to Berg, Greenawalt, Lupu and Tuttle, 85 Texas Law Review 1273 (2007) (with Christopher L. Eisgruber). -
Religious Freedom and the Constitution
Lawrence Sager, Religious Freedom and the Constitution (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2007) (with Christopher L. Eisgruber).
Courting Disaster [Symposium: Theories of Taking the Constitution Seriously Outside the Courts]
Lawrence Sager, Courting Disaster [Symposium: Theories of Taking the Constitution Seriously Outside the Courts], 73 Fordham Law Review 1361 (2005). -
Cool Federalism and the Life-Cycle of Moral Progress [Symposium: Dual Enforcement of Constitutional Norms]
Lawrence Sager, Cool Federalism and the Life-Cycle of Moral Progress [Symposium: Dual Enforcement of Constitutional Norms], 46 William & Mary Law Review 1385 (2005).
Comparative Avenues in Constitutional Law: An Introduction [Symposium: Comparative Avenues in Constitutional Law]
Lawrence Sager, Comparative Avenues in Constitutional Law: An Introduction [Symposium: Comparative Avenues in Constitutional Law], 82 Texas Law Review 1653 (2004) (with William E. Forbath). -
The Why of Constitutional Essentials [Symposium: Rawls and the Law]
Lawrence Sager, The Why of Constitutional Essentials [Symposium: Rawls and the Law], 72 Fordham Law Review 1421 (2004). -
The Many As One: Integrity and Group Choice in Paradoxical Cases
Lawrence Sager, The Many As One: Integrity and Group Choice in Paradoxical Cases, 32 Philosophy & Public Affairs 249 (2004) (with L. Kornhauser). -
Justice in Plainclothes: A Theory of American Constitutional Practice
Lawrence Sager, Justice in Plainclothes: A Theory of American Constitutional Practice (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2004).
Constitutional Justice
Lawrence Sager, Constitutional Justice, 6 New York University Journal of Legislation & Public Policy 11 (2002-2003). -
Book Chapter
Civil Liberties in the Dragons' Domain: Negotiating the Blurred Boundary between Domestic Law and Foreign Affairs after 9/11
Lawrence Sager, Civil Liberties in the Dragons' Domain: Negotiating the Blurred Boundary between Domestic Law and Foreign Affairs after 9/11 in September 11 in History: A Watershed Moment? 163 (Mary Dudziak, ed.; Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press, 2003) (with C. Eisgruber). -
Commitment and Constitutionalism [Symposium: Precommitment Theory In Bioethics and Constitutional Law]
Lawrence Sager, Commitment and Constitutionalism [Symposium: Precommitment Theory In Bioethics and Constitutional Law], 81 Texas Law Review 1929 (2003) (with J. Ferejohn).
The U.S. Constitution [letter to the editor]
Lawrence Sager, The U.S. Constitution [letter to the editor], Times Literary Supplement, Aug. 9, 2002, at 1. -
Of Tiers of Scrutiny and Time Travel: A Reply to Dean Sullivan [Symposium: The Brennan Center Jorde Symposium on Constitutional Law]
Lawrence Sager, Of Tiers of Scrutiny and Time Travel: A Reply to Dean Sullivan [Symposium: The Brennan Center Jorde Symposium on Constitutional Law], 90 California Law Review 819 (2002).
spring 2026
- SMNR: Law and Philosophy Workshop
- SMNR: Supreme Court