Lucas A. Powe Jr.
- Anne Green Regents Chair
- Professor

Lucas Powe Jr. is a leading historian of the Supreme Court and First Amendment scholar. Professor Powe, who was named one of the "Texas 10" most inspiring teachers at UT in 2019, teaches courses in constitutional law and sports law. He is also a professor of government and has been a visiting professor at several universities. Professor Power clerked for Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas before joining the Texas Law faculty.
Featured Work
A leading historian of the Supreme Court, Professor Powe clerked for Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas before joining the Texas faculty in 1971. His latest books are The Supreme Court and the American Elite, 1789-2020 (2nd ed. 2021) and America's Lone Star Constitution: How Supreme Court Cases from texas Shape the Nation (2018). Previously , reflecting a split career as a historian and a First Amendment scholar, especially of the electronic media, his three award-winning books were American Broadcasting and the First Amendment (California 1987), The Fourth Estate and the Constitution (California 1991), and The Warren Court and American Politics (Harvard 2000). Additionally he has co-authored Regulating Broadcast Programming (MIT 1994) and written scores of articles. Powe was also a principal commentator on the 2007 four-part PBS series "The Supreme Court." He is also a Professor of Government and has been a visiting professor at Berkeley, Connecticut, and Georgetown. In 2019 UT's Alumni magazine named him one of the "Texas Ten" - most inspiring teachers at UT.
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From "Times" to "Times"
Lucas A. Powe Jr., From "Times" to "Times," Constitution, Fall 1991, at 24. -
The Fourth Estate and the Constitution: Freedom of the Press in America
Lucas A. Powe Jr., The Fourth Estate and the Constitution: Freedom of the Press in America (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991).
Book Review
Jerry Falwell v. Larry Flynt, by Rodney Smolla
Lucas A. Powe Jr., Jerry Falwell v. Larry Flynt, by Rodney Smolla, 6 Constitutional Commentary 127 (1990). -
Book Chapter
Justice Douglas and the First Amendment
Lucas A. Powe Jr., Justice Douglas and the First Amendment, in He Shall Never Pass This Way Again: The Legacy of Justice William O. Douglas (Stephen Wosby ed.; Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press for the William O. Douglas Institute, 1990).
Justice Douglas After Fifty Years: the First Amendment, McCarthyism and Rights
Lucas A. Powe Jr., Justice Douglas After Fifty Years: the First Amendment, McCarthyism and Rights, 6 Constitutional Commentary 267 (1989).
Consistency Over Time: The FCC's Indecency Review
Lucas A. Powe Jr., Consistency Over Time: The FCC's Indecency Review, 10 Comm/Ent 571 (1988).
American Broadcasting and the First Amendment
Lucas A. Powe Jr., American Broadcasting and the First Amendment (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987). -
Book Review
The Constitution in the Supreme Court 1789-1888, by David P. Currie
Lucas A. Powe Jr., The Constitution in the Supreme Court 1789-1888, by David P. Currie, 31 American Journal of Legal History 262 (1987). -
Powe Writes About Problems in Broadcasting Regulations
Lucas A. Powe Jr., Powe Writes About Problems in Broadcasting Regulations, 14 Media Law Notes 7 (1987). -
Scholarship and Markets
Lucas A. Powe Jr., Scholarship and Markets, 56 George Washington Law Review 172 (1987). -
Book Review
Lucas A. Powe Jr., Tornillo, 1987 Supreme Court Review 345.
Espionage, Leaks, and the First Amendment
Lucas A. Powe Jr., Espionage, Leaks, and the First Amendment, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, June/July 1986, at 8. -
Cases and Materials on the Law of Witch Hunting
Lucas A. Powe Jr., Cases and Materials on the Law of Witch Hunting (1986). -
Making the Difficult Choices Easy
Lucas A. Powe Jr., Making the Difficult Choices Easy, 1986 American Bar Foundation 57. -
Economic Make-Believe in the Supreme Court
Lucas A. Powe Jr., Economic Make-Believe in the Supreme Court, 3 Constitution Commentary 385 (1986).
The Fairness Doctrine Today: A Constitutional Curiosity and An Impossible Dream
Lucas A. Powe Jr., The Fairness Doctrine Today: A Constitutional Curiosity and An Impossible Dream, 1985 Duke Law Journal 151 (with Thomas G. Krattenmaker).
Constitutional Implications of President Reagan's Censorship Directive 84
Lucas A. Powe Jr., Constitutional Implications of President Reagan's Censorship Directive 84, The Center Magazine, Mar./Apr. 1984, at 4.
A Silver Anniversary Retrospective for Frontier Broadcasting
Lucas A. Powe Jr., A Silver Anniversary Retrospective for Frontier Broadcasting, Media Law Notes, May 1983, at 4.
Mass Speech and the Newer First Amendment
Lucas A. Powe Jr., Mass Speech and the Newer First Amendment, 1982 Supreme Court Review 243 (1982).
American Voodoo: If Television Doesn't Show It, Maybe It Won't Exist
Lucas A. Powe Jr., American Voodoo: If Television Doesn't Show It, Maybe It Won't Exist, 59 Texas Law Review 879 (1981).
fall 2025
- Const Law II: Amendments 1 & 2