Lucas A. Powe Jr.
- Anne Green Regents Chair
- Professor

Lucas Powe Jr. is a leading historian of the Supreme Court and First Amendment scholar. Professor Powe, who was named one of the "Texas 10" most inspiring teachers at UT in 2019, teaches courses in constitutional law and sports law. He is also a professor of government and has been a visiting professor at several universities. Professor Power clerked for Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas before joining the Texas Law faculty.
Featured Work
A leading historian of the Supreme Court, Professor Powe clerked for Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas before joining the Texas faculty in 1971. His latest books are The Supreme Court and the American Elite, 1789-2020 (2nd ed. 2021) and America's Lone Star Constitution: How Supreme Court Cases from texas Shape the Nation (2018). Previously , reflecting a split career as a historian and a First Amendment scholar, especially of the electronic media, his three award-winning books were American Broadcasting and the First Amendment (California 1987), The Fourth Estate and the Constitution (California 1991), and The Warren Court and American Politics (Harvard 2000). Additionally he has co-authored Regulating Broadcast Programming (MIT 1994) and written scores of articles. Powe was also a principal commentator on the 2007 four-part PBS series "The Supreme Court." He is also a Professor of Government and has been a visiting professor at Berkeley, Connecticut, and Georgetown. In 2019 UT's Alumni magazine named him one of the "Texas Ten" - most inspiring teachers at UT.
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Mr. Justice Douglas
Lucas A. Powe Jr., Mr. Justice Douglas, 55 Washington Law Review 285 (1980). -
Book Chapter
First Amendment Issues Confronting the Network Inquiry
Lucas A. Powe Jr., First Amendment Issues Confronting the Network Inquiry, in Appendix A to An Analysis of Television Program Production, Acquisition and Distribution (Washington, DC: The Commission, 1980). -
Book Chapter
FCC Jurisdiction to Regulate Commercial Television Network Practices
Lucas A. Powe Jr., FCC Jurisdiction to Regulate Commercial Television Network Practices, in Volume 1 of Final Report, Network Inquiry Special Staff, New Television Networks: Entry, Jurisdiction, Ownership and Regulation 185 (Washington, DC: The Commission, 1980) (with Network Inquiry Special Staff). -
Populist Fiscal Restraints and the Contracts Clause
Lucas A. Powe Jr., Populist Fiscal Restraints and the Contracts Clause, 65 Iowa Law Review 963 (1980). -
Other Publication
FCC Determinations on Networking Issues in Multiple Ownership Proceedings
Lucas A. Powe Jr., FCC Determinations on Networking Issues in Multiple Ownership Proceedings, in Network Inquiry Special Staff, Preliminary Report on the Prospects for Additional Networks (Washington, DC: The Commission, 1980).
Book Chapter
Access to the Media
Lucas A. Powe Jr., Access to the Media, in The William O. Douglas Inquiry into the State of Individual Freedom (Harry Ashmore ed.; Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1979).
Book Chapter
Power of Congress to Dispose of U.S. Property: Hearing Before the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries
Lucas A. Powe Jr., Power of Congress to Dispose of U.S. Property: Hearing Before the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, 95th Cong., 2nd Sess. (1978). -
Book Review
The Memoirs of Earl Warren, by Earl Warren
Lucas A. Powe Jr., The Memoirs of Earl Warren, by Earl Warren, 56 North Carolina Law Review 408 (1978). -
The Panama Canal Treaty and the Constitution
Lucas A. Powe Jr., The Panama Canal Treaty and the Constitution, 66 Georgetown Law Journal 1185 (1978). -
Televised Violence: First Amendment Principles and Social Science Theory
Lucas A. Powe Jr., Televised Violence: First Amendment Principles and Social Science Theory, 64 Virginia Law Review 1123 (1978) (with Thomas Krattenmaker).
Book Chapter
Diversity of Citizenship Jurisdiction: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Courts, Civil Liberties, and the Administration of Justice of the Committee on the Judiciary
Lucas A. Powe Jr., Diversity of Citizenship Jurisdiction: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Courts, Civil Liberties, and the Administration of Justice of the Committee on the Judiciary, 95th Cong., 1st Sess. (1977).
Materials on the Regulation of Broadcasting
Lucas A. Powe Jr., Materials on the Regulation of Broadcasting (Austin: University of Texas School of Law, 1976). -
Book Review
From the Diaries of Felix Frankfurter, by Joseph P. Lash
Lucas A. Powe Jr., From the Diaries of Felix Frankfurter, by Joseph P. Lash, 39 Texas Bar Journal 69 (1976). -
"Or of the (Broadcast) Press"
Lucas A. Powe Jr., "Or of the (Broadcast) Press," 55 Texas Law Review 39 (1976). -
Book Review
Supreme Court of the United States Nominations 1916-72, ed. by Roy M. Mersky and J. Myron Jacobstein
Lucas A. Powe Jr., Supreme Court of the United States Nominations 1916-72, ed. by Roy M. Mersky and J. Myron Jacobstein, 54 Texas Law Review 891 (1976).
Rehearsal for Substantive Due Process: the Municipal Bond Cases
Lucas A. Powe Jr., Rehearsal for Substantive Due Process: the Municipal Bond Cases, 53 Texas Law Review 738 (1975). -
Cable and Obscenity
Lucas A. Powe Jr., Cable and Obscenity, 24 Catholic University Law Review 719 (1975).
The Supreme Court and Sex Discrimination
Lucas A. Powe Jr., The Supreme Court and Sex Discrimination, 1 Women's Law Reporter 1 (1974). -
Evolution to Absolutism: Justice Douglas and the First Amendment
Lucas A. Powe Jr., Evolution to Absolutism: Justice Douglas and the First Amendment, 74 Columbia Law Review 371 (1974).
Materials on Mass Communications
Lucas A. Powe Jr., Materials on Mass Communications (Austin: University of Texas School of Law, 1973).