
April 23, 2004
Professor Mullenix presented a paper, "Taking Adequacy Seriously: The Inadequate Assessment of Adequacy in Litigation and Settlement Classes," at the 10th Annual Institute for Law and Economic Policy. This was part of a symposium on the theme: "Protecting the Public: The Role of Private and Public Attorneys' General." The symposium was jointly sponsored by the Institute for Law and Economic Policy and Vanderbilt University Law School. The Vanderbilt Law Review will publish Professor Mullenix's article, which discusses the importance of securing adequate representation of absent class members in order to ensure due process and fair play, and to avoid subsequent collateral attack against class action settlements. Professor Mullenix has written extensively in the field of class action litigation and class settlements. The symposium was held in Miami, Florida on April 23-24, 2004.

Full Citation

Linda S. Mullenix. “Speaker” at 10th Annual Institute for Law and Economic Policy (April 23, 2004).