Faculty Member and Presenter

July 22, 2005
Professor Mullenix served as a faculty member and presented a paper for the Roscoe Pound Institute, 2005 Forum for State Appellate Judges, held in Toronto, Canada on July 22-23, 2005. She presented a paper entitled: "State Rulemaking: The Varieties of the Rulemaking Experience and the Consequence for Substantive and Procedural Fairness." The Roscoe Pound Institute solicited Professor Mullenix to conduct this study of the way in which the fifty states implement rulemaking, as compared to the federal rulemaking model. Professor Mullenix's paper surveys all fifty-state rulemaking models, including state decisional law interpreting rule making statutes and rules. At the Roscoe Pound Institute meeting, Professor Mullenix facilitated a discussion among state appellate law judges concerning the nature and scope of their rulemaking authority. Her paper will be published in the proceedings of the Roscoe Pound Institute. Professor Mullenix has written several articles on the federal rulemaking process.

Full Citation

Linda S. Mullenix. “Faculty Member and Presenter” at The Roscoe Pound Institute (July 22, 2005).