


Linda S. Mullenix

A Practitioner's Guide to Class Actions 171


Detailed chapter on class action settlements, including discussion of: the historical development of settlements and class action settlement classes; due process requirements to achieve a binding effect of settlement orders and the possibility of subsequent collateral attack against settlements; possible types of settlement classes; ethical problems inherent in class action settlements and potential absuses of class action settlements; special challenges raised by attorney fee agreements; actors and fiduciaries involved in the settlement process; substanitve terms of settlement agreements; procedural rules governing judicial approval of settlement agreements; class settlement notice; final fairness hearings; the Class Action Fairness Act and requirements under CAFA relating to class action settlements.

Full Citation

Linda S. Mullenix, Settlements, in A Practitioner's Guide to Class Actions 171 (Marcy Hogan Greer editor; Chicago: American Bar Association, Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section, 2010). <>