Invited Conferee
May 10, 2010
Professor Mullenix participated as an invited conferee to the Civil Litigation Conference: Fairness, Cost, and Delay in Civil Litigation in Federal Court, sponsored by the Judicial Conference Advisory Committee on Civil Rules at Duke University Law School, on May 10, 2010. This conference was an invitation-only conference which gathered judges, prominent federal practitioners, and academicians who teach federal practice and procedure to discuss issues relating to access to justice in the federal courts, and to generate ideas for an agenda for possible rule amendments. Participating in the conference was Duke Law School Dean David Levi, a former member of the Civil Rules Advisory Committee, federal judges Lee Rosenthal and David Kravitz, current and past chairs of the Advisory Committee on Civil Rules, several current and past Reporters for the Advisory Committee on Civil Rules, including Professor Arthur Miller, Professor Paul Carrington, and Professor Ed Cooper. Also participating was Professor Geoffrey Hazard, a former member of the Standing Committee on Practice and Procedure.
Full Citation
Linda S. Mullenix.
“Invited Conferee”
at Civil Litigation Conference, Advisory Committee on Civil Rules, Duke University Law School
(May 10, 2010).