
April 1, 2011
Prof. Mullenix gave a presentation: "Of Dubious Doctrines: The Quasi Class Action," at The University of Cincinnati College of Law 24th Annual Corporate Law Center Symposium on "The Principles of Aggregate Litigation: CAFA, PSLRA, and Beyond." This paper will be published in the law review. Other participants included Dean Robert H. Klonoff, Reporter on the ALI Aggregate Litigation Project, Emery G. Lee III and Thomas E. Willging. Senior Researchers, The Federal Judicial Center, Professor Francis McGovern, Special Master in the BP Gulf Coast Oil Spill MDL, and Theodore H. Frank, of the Center for Class Action Fairness.

Full Citation

Linda S. Mullenix. “Speaker” at The University of Cincinnati College of Law, Cincinnati, Ohio (April 1, 2011).