Speaker, 2012 Annual Meeting, Association of American Law Schools
January 6, 2012
Professor Mullenix was a speaker at the 2012 annual meeting of the Association of American Law Schools in Washington D.C. She presented a paper during the AALS Section on Litigation program: "Large Scale Litigation Issues: Class Actions and Mass Tort Cases in 2012 and Beyond." Her paper is entitled "Mass Tort Funds and the Election of Remedies," and it is published at 31 Rev. of Litig. 833 (2102). Other panel participants included Prof. Rhonda Wasserman (U. Pitt.), Michelle Slack (U. Pitt.), Morris Ratner (Harvard), and Emery Lee (Senior Researcher, FJC).
Full Citation
Linda S. Mullenix.
“Speaker, 2012 Annual Meeting, Association of American Law Schools”
at Washington D.C.
(January 6, 2012).