Speaker, Conference on Mass Torts in Federal Courts
February 23, 2012
Professor Mullenix was a speaker at the Conference on Mass Torts in Federal Courts, sponsored by the Charleston School of Law, in Charleston, South Carolina on February 23, 2013. Professor Mullenix presented a critique of fund approaches to resolving aggregate mass tort claims, suggesting that claimants ought to be required to received some kind of informed consent prior to electing a fund remedy in lieu of litigation. Other conference participants included Prof. Catherine Sharkey (NYU), Professor Alexandra LaHav (Conn.), Professor Morris Ratner (Hastings), and Professor Lynn Baker (Texas). Also participating were practicing attorneys Sheila Birnbaum and John Beisner (Skadden Arps) and Deepak Gupta (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau).
Full Citation
Linda S. Mullenix.
“Speaker, Conference on Mass Torts in Federal Courts”
at Charleston School of Law, Charleston, South Carolina
(February 23, 2012).