Speaker, Festschrift in Honor of Professor Martin Redish
March 30, 2012
Professor Mullenix was a speaker and a participant in the "Festschrift in Honor of Professor Martin Redish," marking Prof. Redish's 40th year in law teaching. She is a co-author of a treatise on federal courts with Professor Redish. Professor Mullenix spoke on a panel devoted to Prof. Redish's contributions to civil procedure, delivering a paper entitled: "Aggregate Litigation and the Death of Democratic Dispute Resolution." This paper is published at: 107 N.W.U. L. Rev. 511 (2013). The procedure panel, moderated by Prof. James Pfander, included professor Rick Marcus (Hastings), Jay Tidmarsh (Notre Dame), and Rick Freer (Emory). Panels devoted to Prof. Redish's work on constitutional law and federal jurisdiction included professors Lawrence Alexander (San Diego), Andrew Koppleman (Northwestern), Eugene Volokh (UCLA), Erwin Chemerinsky (UC Irvine), Richard Fallon (Harvard), and William Marshall (UNC). Chief Judge Alex Kozinski of the Ninth Circuit also participated in the festschrift, commenting on Prof. Redish's contributions to legal scholarship.
Full Citation
Linda S. Mullenix.
“Speaker, Festschrift in Honor of Professor Martin Redish”
at Northwest University Law School, Chicago, Illinois
(March 30, 2012).