Speaker, Program in Honor of Professor Edward Cooper, Reporter for the Advisory Committee on Civil Rules

March 23, 2012
Professor Mullenix was a speaker at a program organized during the March meeting of the Advisory Committee on Civil Rules, in honor of Professor Ed Cooper twenty years of service as the Reporter for the Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee held its meeting at the University of Michigan Law School. Professor Mullenix spoke about Professor Cooper's efforts during the proposed revision of Rule 23, the class action rule, from 1991 to 1997. Her remarks have been published in a short article entitled: "Professor Ed Cooper: Zen Minimalist," 46 Mich. J. L. Reform 661 (Winter 2013). Among the law professors paying tribute to Professor Cooper, including some former Reporters to the Advisory Committee, were: Steve Burbank (U. Pa), Paul Carrington (Duke), Dan Coquillette (B.C.), Steve Gensler (Okla.), Geoffrey Hazard (Hastings), Rick Marcus (Hastings), Arthur Miller (NYU), Tom Rowe (Duke), and Catherine Struve (U. Pa.). Among the judges participating the program and writing in Prof. Cooper's honor: Judges Patrick Higginbotham. Mark Kravitz, Dean David Levi (Duke), Paul Niemeyer, Anthony Scirica, and Lee Rosenthal.

Full Citation

Linda S. Mullenix. “Speaker, Program in Honor of Professor Edward Cooper, Reporter for the Advisory Committee on Civil Rules” at University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor, Michigan (March 23, 2012).