Speaker, Symposium: "A Complicated Cleanup: The BP Oil Spill Litigation"

May 9, 2014
Professor Mullenix was a speaker at the symposium, "A Complicated Cleanup: The BP Oil Spill Litigation," sponsored by the Stanford Journal of Complex Litigation, at Stanford University Law School on May 8-9, 2014. The speakers included special master Kenneth Feinberg, who administered the BP Gulf Coast Claims Facility; Professor Francis McGovern (Duke); Professor Janet Alexander (Stanford); Professor Deborah Hensler (Stanford); and attorney Elizabeth Cabraser, among many others. Professor Mullenix's article for this symposium, "Designing a Compensatory Fund: The Search for First Principles," will be published in the Stanford Journal of Complex Litigation. A draft of this article is located at http://ssrn.com/abstract= 2466301

Full Citation

Linda S. Mullenix. “Speaker, Symposium: "A Complicated Cleanup: The BP Oil Spill Litigation"” at Stanford University Law School, Palo Alto, California (May 9, 2014).