Speaker, The 20th Annual Clifford Symposium: "Judge Jack Weinstein's Impact on Civil Justice in America"

April 25, 2014
Professor Mullenix was a speaker at the 20th Annual Clifford Symposium, "Judge Jack Weinstein's Impact on Civil Justice in America," sponsored by the DePaul University School of Law, in Chicago, Illinois on April 24-25, 2014. Justice Stephen Breyer delivered remarks honoring Judge Weinstein's career. The symposium speakers discussing Judge Weinstein's contributions to the law were drawn from the large universe of Judge Weinstein's law clerks, special masters, judicial colleagues, and academic commentators. Professor Mullenix's article for this symposium, "Competing Values: Preserving Litigant Autonomy in an Age of Collective Redress," will be published in Vol. 64 of the DePaul law review. A draft of this article is located at http://ssrn.com/abstract=2426829

Full Citation

Linda S. Mullenix. “Speaker, The 20th Annual Clifford Symposium: "Judge Jack Weinstein's Impact on Civil Justice in America"” at DePaul University School of Law, Chicago, Illinois (April 25, 2014).