
A Practitioner's Guide to Class Actions (ABA Publications 2d ed. 2017)(Chapter 8, Class Action Settlements)


Linda S. Mullenix


A two volume treatise governing all aspects of class action practice and procedure, edited by March Greer. The second edition, published approximately a decade after the first edition, has been extensively updated to reflect chages in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23 and relevant statutes; recent Supreme Court decisions dealing with class action litigation; and all aspects of class action practice and procedure, including ethical duties involved in class litigation. Vol. I (1040 pgs.); Vol. II (624 pgs.). The treatisew is sponsored by the ABA Tort and Insurance Section. The author's Chapter 8 deals with all apsects of class action settlements, including recent rule amendments affecting settlement practice.

Full Citation

Linda S. Mullenix, Chapter 8, Settlements, A Practitioner's Guide to Class Actions (ABA Publications 2d ed. 2017) (Marcy Greer, editor, ABA Publishing, October 15, 2017).