GILTI: The Co-operative Potential of a Unilateral Minimum Tax

October 21, 2019

Prior to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA), the US allowed US parented multinationals to delay indefinitely their payment of US corporate income tax on non-US income earned by non-US corporate subsidiaries (CFCs). The TCJA revoked this permission through the enactment of a unilateral, current minimum tax on the “global intangible low-taxed income” (GILTI) of CFCs. The post-TCJA US international tax law generally imposes current US tax on CFC income subject to reductions for foreign income taxes paid or accrued. This US regime supports the continued existence of a corporate income tax and presents an opportunity to co-ordinate the details of corporate income tax systems globally. Similarity among systems, for instance with respect to rate, timing and base, would further strengthen the corporate income tax and perhaps support innovations such as formulary apportionment. US tax administrators, non-US governments and taxpayers will each play a role in negotiating the details of international corporate income tax law going forward and in determining whether and on what terms these details converge.

Full Citation

Susan C. Morse. “GILTI: The Co-operative Potential of a Unilateral Minimum Tax.” In 2019 British Tax Review, Page 512 (October 21, 2019). View online.