Faculty Publications & Activities
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Insights and Ironies: The American Bhopal Cases
Louise Weinberg, Insights and Ironies: The American Bhopal Cases [Symposium: The Bhopal Tragedy: Social and Legal Issues], 20 Texas International Law Journal 307 (1985). <https://law.utexas.edu/faculty/lweinberg/bhopal.pdf> -
Spousal Maintenance
John J. Sampson, Spousal Maintenance, 48 Texas Bar Journal 288 (1985) (with Judith Guthrie). -
Intellectual Property
Alan S. Rau, Intellectual Property, 16 Texas Tech University Law Review 355 (1985). -
On Interpretation: The Adultery Clause of the Ten Commandments
Sanford V. Levinson, On Interpretation: The Adultery Clause of the Ten Commandments, 58 Southern California Law Review 719 (1985). -
Parker Fielder: Consummate Teacher
Stanley M. Johanson, Parker Fielder: Consummate Teacher, 63 Texas Law Review 769 (1985). -
Is the Labor Act Doing Its Job?
Julius G. Getman, Is the Labor Act Doing Its Job?, 15 Stetson Law Review 93 (1985). -
Unnecessary and Improper: The Judicial Councils Reform and Judicial Conduct Disability Act of 1980
Lynn A. Baker, Unnecessary and Improper: The Judicial Councils Reform and Judicial Conduct Disability Act of 1980, 94 Yale Law Journal 1117 (1985). View article -
Avoiding Defamation Problems in Fiction
David A. Anderson, Avoiding Defamation Problems in Fiction, 51 Brooklyn Law Review 383 (1985). -
Euthanasia: A Neglected Question
John Deigh, Euthanasia: A Neglected Question, Bioethics Reporter #5 (1985), at 36. -
The New Judicial Federalism: Where We Are Now
Louise Weinberg, The New Judicial Federalism: Where We Are Now [Symposium: Federalism: Allocating Responsibility Between the Federal and State Courts], 19 Georgia Law Review 1075 (1985). <https://law.utexas.edu/faculty/lweinberg/NUNOWPUB.pdf> -
Book Chapter
Fiduciary Obligations Under Oil and Gas Leases: The Standard of Conduct Owed by Executives and Lessees
Ernest E. Smith, Fiduciary Obligations Under Oil and Gas Leases: The Standard of Conduct Owed by Executives and Lessees, in State Bar Institute on Advanced Oil and Gas Law (Austin: State Bar of Texas, 1985). -
The New Federal Express: Mail Service of Process Under Amended Rule 4
Linda S. Mullenix, The New Federal Express: Mail Service of Process Under Amended Rule 4, 4 Review of Litigation 299 (1985).
Foreword: State Courts and the Strategic Space Between the Norms and Rules Of Constitutional Law [Symposium: The Emergence of State Constitutional Law]
Lawrence Sager, Foreword: State Courts and the Strategic Space Between the Norms and Rules of Constitutional Law [Symposium: The Emergence of State Constitutional Law], 63 Texas Law Review 959 (1985). -
The Functions, Allocative Efficiency and Legality of Tie-Ins: A Comment
Richard S. Markovits, The Functions, Allocative Efficiency and Legality of Tie-Ins: A Comment, 28 Journal of Law & Economics 387 (1985). -
Gerrymandering and the Brooding Omnipresence of Proportional Representation: Why Won't It Go Away?
Sanford V. Levinson, Gerrymandering and the Brooding Omnipresence of Proportional Representation: Why Won't It Go Away?, 33 UCLA Law Review 257 (1985). -
Contributions of Empirical Data to Legal Research
Julius G. Getman, Contributions of Empirical Data to Legal Research, 35 Journal of Legal Education 489 (1985). -
An Essay on Commitment and the Emergency Room: Implications for the Delivery of Mental Health Services
Michael J. Churgin, An Essay on Commitment and the Emergency Room: Implications for the Delivery of Mental Health Services, 13 Law, Medicine & Health Care 297 (1985). -
Book Review
Dimensions of Tolerance: What Americans Believe, by Herbert McClosky & Alida Brill
Sanford V. Levinson, Dimensions of Tolerance: What Americans Believe, by Herbert McClosky & Alida Brill, 2 Constitution Commentary 512 (1985). -
Book Chapter
Freedom of Speech and the Right of Access to Private Property Under State Constitutional Law
Sanford V. Levinson, Freedom of Speech and the Right of Access to Private Property Under State Constitutional Law, in Developments in State Constitutional Law: The Williamsburg Conference 51 (Bradley D. McGraw ed.; St. Paul: West, 1985). -
The Ultimate Unity of Rights and Utilities
Douglas Laycock, The Ultimate Unity of Rights and Utilities, 64 Texas Law Review 407 (1985).