Faculty Publications & Activities
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The Functions, Allocative Efficiency and Legality of Tie-Ins: A Comment
Richard S. Markovits, The Functions, Allocative Efficiency and Legality of Tie-Ins: A Comment, 28 Journal of Law & Economics 387 (1985). -
Gerrymandering and the Brooding Omnipresence of Proportional Representation: Why Won't It Go Away?
Sanford V. Levinson, Gerrymandering and the Brooding Omnipresence of Proportional Representation: Why Won't It Go Away?, 33 UCLA Law Review 257 (1985). -
Contributions of Empirical Data to Legal Research
Julius G. Getman, Contributions of Empirical Data to Legal Research, 35 Journal of Legal Education 489 (1985). -
An Essay on Commitment and the Emergency Room: Implications for the Delivery of Mental Health Services
Michael J. Churgin, An Essay on Commitment and the Emergency Room: Implications for the Delivery of Mental Health Services, 13 Law, Medicine & Health Care 297 (1985). -
Book Review
Dimensions of Tolerance: What Americans Believe, by Herbert McClosky & Alida Brill
Sanford V. Levinson, Dimensions of Tolerance: What Americans Believe, by Herbert McClosky & Alida Brill, 2 Constitution Commentary 512 (1985). -
Book Chapter
Freedom of Speech and the Right of Access to Private Property Under State Constitutional Law
Sanford V. Levinson, Freedom of Speech and the Right of Access to Private Property Under State Constitutional Law, in Developments in State Constitutional Law: The Williamsburg Conference 51 (Bradley D. McGraw ed.; St. Paul: West, 1985). -
The Ultimate Unity of Rights and Utilities
Douglas Laycock, The Ultimate Unity of Rights and Utilities, 64 Texas Law Review 407 (1985).
Book Chapter
Bankruptcy Judges and Bankruptcy Lawyers
Jay L. Westbrook, Bankruptcy Judges and Bankruptcy Lawyers, in Proceedings of the 79th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, San Antonio, Texas, Aug. 27, 1984 (Washington, DC: The American Sociological Association). -
The New OSHA Rules and the Worker's Right to Know
Thomas O. McGarity, The New OSHA Rules and the Worker's Right to Know, Hastings Center Report, Aug. 1984, at 38. -
Constitutional Implications of President Reagan's Censorship Directive 84
Lucas A. Powe Jr., Constitutional Implications of President Reagan's Censorship Directive 84, The Center Magazine, Mar./Apr. 1984, at 4. -
Reputation, Compensation, and Proof
David A. Anderson, Reputation, Compensation, and Proof, 25 William & Mary Law Review 747 (1984). -
On the Right to Be Punished: Some Doubts
John Deigh, On the Right to Be Punished: Some Doubts, 94 Ethics 191 (1984). -
Book Review
Sociological Approaches to Law, ed. by Adam Podgorecki & Christopher J. Whelan
Charles M. Silver, Sociological Approaches to Law, ed. by Adam Podgorecki & Christopher J. Whelan, 94 Ethics 562 (1984). -
Testimonial Privileges and the Preferences of Friendship
Sanford V. Levinson, Testimonial Privileges and the Preferences of Friendship, 1984 Duke Law Journal 631. -
Book Review
Lexicon of Tax Terminology
Barbara A. Bintliff, Lexicon of Tax Terminology, by Richard A. Westin, 4 Legal Reference Services Quarterly 125 (1984). -
The "Subject To" Clause
Ernest E. Smith, The "Subject To" Clause, 30 Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Institute Proceedings 15 (1984). -
Book Review
Maidens, Meal and Money: Capitalism and the Domestic Community, by Claude Meillassoux, and Malinowski in Mexico: The Economics of the Mexican Market System, by Bronislaw Malinowski & Julio de la Fuente
Charles M. Silver, Maidens, Meal and Money: Capitalism and the Domestic Community, by Claude Meillassoux, and Malinowski in Mexico: The Economics of the Mexican Market System, by Bronislaw Malinowski & Julio de la Fuente, 94 Ethics 721 (1984). -
Untangling the Web of Gift-Leaseback Jurisprudence
Robert J. Peroni, Untangling the Web of Gift-Leaseback Jurisprudence, 68 Minnesota Law Review 735 (1984). -
Book Review
Values and Assumptions in American Labor Law, by James B. Atleson
David M. Rabban, Values and Assumptions in American Labor Law, by James B. Atleson, 84 Columbia Law Review 1118 (1984). -
Book Review
What's a Nice Court Like You Doing In a Democracy Like This?
Lawrence Sager, What's a Nice Court Like You Doing In a Democracy Like This?, 36 Stanford Law Review 1087 (1984) (reviewing The Constitution, the Courts, and Human Rights: An Inquiry into the Legitimacy of Constitutional Policymaking by the Judiciary, by Michael J. Perry).