Faculty Publications & Activities
Labor and Free Speech: The Curious Policy of Limited Expression [Pearl and Lawrence I. Gerber Memorial Lecture, University of Maryland School of Law]
Julius G. Getman, Labor and Free Speech: The Curious Policy of Limited Expression [Pearl and Lawrence I. Gerber Memorial Lecture, University of Maryland School of Law], 43 Maryland Law Review 4 (1984). -
Rights and the Authority of Law
John Deigh, Rights and the Authority of Law, 51 University of Chicago Law Review 668 (1984). -
Book Review
Law, Economics, and Philosophy, ed. by Mark Kuperberg & Charles Beitz
Charles M. Silver, Law, Economics, and Philosophy, ed. by Mark Kuperberg & Charles Beitz, 95 Ethics 180 (1984). -
On Dworkin, Kennedy, and Ely: Decoding the Legal Past
Sanford V. Levinson, On Dworkin, Kennedy, and Ely: Decoding the Legal Past, 51 Partisan Review 248 (1984). -
The Preference of Friendship,
Sanford V. Levinson, The Preference of Friendship, Duke Law Magazine, Summer 1984, at 21. -
Book Chapter
The Revocable Trust--An Underused Estate Planning Technique?
Stanley M. Johanson, The Revocable Trust--An Underused Estate Planning Technique? in Southwestern Legal Foundation Institute on Wills and Probate (Dallas: Southwestern Legal Foundation Press, 1984). -
Book Chapter
Federal Administrative Law: Finding Rules and Regulations
Barbara A. Bintliff, Federal Administrative Law: Finding Rules and Regulations, in Fundamental Research Techniques 4-1 (Denver: University of Denver Program for Advanced Professional Development, 1984)
Cases and Materials on the Law of Immigration and Citizenship
Ernest E. Smith, Cases and Materials on the Law of Immigration and Citizenship (Austin: University of Texas School of Law, 1984). -
Duncan's Do Nots: Cost-Benefit Analysis and the Determination of Legal Entitlements
Richard S. Markovits, Duncan's Do Nots: Cost-Benefit Analysis and the Determination of Legal Entitlements, 36 Stanford Law Review 1169 (1984). -
Silk Purses from a Sow's Ear: Cost Free Liabilities Under the Income Tax
Calvin H. Johnson, Silk Purses from a Sow's Ear: Cost Free Liabilities Under the Income Tax, 3 American Journal Tax Policy 231 (1984). -
Current & Quotable: A New Way to Look at the Tax Shelter Problem [reprint of letter to Chief of Staff of Joint Committee on Taxation]
Calvin H. Johnson, Current & Quotable: A New Way to Look at the Tax Shelter Problem [reprint of letter to Chief of Staff of Joint Committee on Taxation], 30 Tax Notes 765 (1984). https://law.utexas.edu/faculty/calvinjohnson/newway.htm -
Remarks on Some Difficulties in Freud's Theory of Moral Development
John Deigh, Remarks on Some Difficulties in Freud's Theory of Moral Development, 11 International Review of Psycho-Analysis 207 (1984). -
Book Review
Sociological Approaches to Law, ed. by Adam Podgorecki & Christopher J. Whelan
Charles M. Silver, Sociological Approaches to Law, ed. by Adam Podgorecki & Christopher J. Whelan, 94 Ethics 562 (1984). -
Testimonial Privileges and the Preferences of Friendship
Sanford V. Levinson, Testimonial Privileges and the Preferences of Friendship, 1984 Duke Law Journal 631. -
Book Review
Lexicon of Tax Terminology
Barbara A. Bintliff, Lexicon of Tax Terminology, by Richard A. Westin, 4 Legal Reference Services Quarterly 125 (1984). -
The "Subject To" Clause
Ernest E. Smith, The "Subject To" Clause, 30 Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Institute Proceedings 15 (1984). -
Book Review
Maidens, Meal and Money: Capitalism and the Domestic Community, by Claude Meillassoux, and Malinowski in Mexico: The Economics of the Mexican Market System, by Bronislaw Malinowski & Julio de la Fuente
Charles M. Silver, Maidens, Meal and Money: Capitalism and the Domestic Community, by Claude Meillassoux, and Malinowski in Mexico: The Economics of the Mexican Market System, by Bronislaw Malinowski & Julio de la Fuente, 94 Ethics 721 (1984). -
Untangling the Web of Gift-Leaseback Jurisprudence
Robert J. Peroni, Untangling the Web of Gift-Leaseback Jurisprudence, 68 Minnesota Law Review 735 (1984). -
Book Review
Values and Assumptions in American Labor Law, by James B. Atleson
David M. Rabban, Values and Assumptions in American Labor Law, by James B. Atleson, 84 Columbia Law Review 1118 (1984). -
Book Review
What's a Nice Court Like You Doing In a Democracy Like This?
Lawrence Sager, What's a Nice Court Like You Doing In a Democracy Like This?, 36 Stanford Law Review 1087 (1984) (reviewing The Constitution, the Courts, and Human Rights: An Inquiry into the Legitimacy of Constitutional Policymaking by the Judiciary, by Michael J. Perry).
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