Faculty Publications & Activities
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Materials on Mass Communications
Lucas A. Powe Jr., Materials on Mass Communications (Austin: University of Texas School of Law, 1973). -
Book Review
Private Pressures on Public Law: The Legal Career of Justice Thurgood Marshall, by Randolf W. Bland
Lucas A. Powe Jr., Private Pressures on Public Law: The Legal Career of Justice Thurgood Marshall, by Randolf W. Bland, 36 Texas Bar Journal 1070 (1973). -
The Democratic Faith of Felix Frankfurter
Sanford V. Levinson, The Democratic Faith of Felix Frankfurter, 25 Stanford Law Review 430 (1973). -
Book Review
2 Letters of Louis Brandeis, ed. by Melvin I. Urofsky & David W. Levy
Sanford V. Levinson, 2 Letters of Louis Brandeis, ed. by Melvin I. Urofsky & David W. Levy, 3 Societas 371 (1973). -
David A. Anderson, The Texas Constitution: A Reorganization and Simplification Without Substantive Change (Austin: Texas Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, 1973, with Seth S. Searcy III & James R. Patterson). -
Responsibility for Crimes of War
Sanford V. Levinson, Responsibility for Crimes of War, 2 Philosophy and Public Affairs 244 (1973). [Reprinted in War and Moral Responsibility, 104 (Marshall Cohen, Thomas Nagel & Thomas Scanlon eds.; Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1974).] -
Cases on Property
Ernest E. Smith, Cases on Property (Austin: University of Texas School of Law, 1973). -
Allocation of Power and Individual Rights
Julius G. Getman, Allocation of Power and Individual Rights (Washington, DC: Bureau of National Affairs, 1973) (with Jerry R. Anderson & Eileen Silverstein).
Supreme Court Case Note
Supreme Court Case Note, 86 HARVARD LAW REVIEW 234 (1972).
Recent Case Note
Olin G. Wellborn, Recent Case Note, 85 Harvard Law Review 1478 (1972).
Book Chapter
An Inter-City Approach to Fiscal Impact Analysis
Douglas Laycock, An Inter-City Approach to Fiscal Impact Analysis (1972) (in collection of the D’Angelo Law Library, Univ. of Chicago). -
The National Labor Relations Board Voting Study: A Preliminary Report
Julius G. Getman, The National Labor Relations Board Voting Study: A Preliminary Report, 1 Journal of Legal Studies 233 (1972) (with Stephen B. Goldberg & Jeanne B. Herman). -
Corrective Advertising: The FTC's New Formula for Effective Relief
David A. Anderson, Corrective Advertising: The FTC's New Formula for Effective Relief, 50 Texas Law Review 312 (1972). -
The Myth of Labor Board Expertise
Julius G. Getman, The Myth of Labor Board Expertise, 39 University of Chicago Law Review 681 (1972). -
Book Review
Reconstruction and Reunion, 1868-88: Part One, by Charles Fairman
Lucas A. Powe Jr., Reconstruction and Reunion, 1868-88: Part One, by Charles Fairman, 50 Texas Law Review 1468 (1972). -
Myths and Assumptions in Labor Law: The Role of Empirical Research
Julius G. Getman, Myths and Assumptions in Labor Law: The Role of Empirical Research (Washington, DC: Bureau of National Affairs, 1972) (with Jerry R. Anderson). -
Cases and Materials on Oil and Gas
Ernest E. Smith, Cases and Materials on Oil and Gas (St. Paul: West, 2nd ed. 1972) (with William O. Huie & Marion K. Woodward). -
Book Review
The Constitutionalist, by George Anastaplo
Lucas A. Powe Jr., The Constitutionalist, by George Anastaplo, 8 Criminal Law Bulletin 350 (1972). -
Exclusionary Zoning: Constitutional Limitations on the Power of Municipalities To Restrict the Use of Land
Lawrence Sager, Exclusionary Zoning: Constitutional Limitations on the Power of Municipalities To Restrict the Use of Land, 1972 Land-Use Controls Annual 153. -
Book Review
The 1971 Supreme Court Review, by Phillip B. Kurland
Lucas A. Powe Jr., The 1971 Supreme Court Review, by Phillip B. Kurland, 8 Criminal Law Bulletin 438 (1972).