Faculty Publications & Activities
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Book Review
The Constitutionalist, by George Anastaplo
Lucas A. Powe Jr., The Constitutionalist, by George Anastaplo, 8 Criminal Law Bulletin 350 (1972). -
Exclusionary Zoning: Constitutional Limitations on the Power of Municipalities To Restrict the Use of Land
Lawrence Sager, Exclusionary Zoning: Constitutional Limitations on the Power of Municipalities To Restrict the Use of Land, 1972 Land-Use Controls Annual 153. -
Book Review
The 1971 Supreme Court Review, by Phillip B. Kurland
Lucas A. Powe Jr., The 1971 Supreme Court Review, by Phillip B. Kurland, 8 Criminal Law Bulletin 438 (1972).
"Corrective Advertising" Orders of the Federal Trade Commission
Olin G. Wellborn, "Corrective Advertising" Orders of the Federal Trade Commission, 85 Harvard Law Review 477 (1971). [Also in 11 Publishing, Entertainment, Advertising Law Quarterly 101 (1972).]
Probate and Decedents' Estates
Ernest E. Smith, Probate and Decedents' Estates (St. Paul: West, 1971) (with Marion K. Woodward). -
Book Review
Nomos XII: Political and Legal Obligation, ed. by J. Roland Pennock & John William Chapman
Sanford V. Levinson, Nomos XII: Political and Legal Obligation, ed. by J. Roland Pennock & John William Chapman, 15 Midwest Journal of Political Science 625 (1971). -
Marriage and the State: A Comparative Look at East and West German Family Law
Inga Markovits. “Marriage and the State: A Comparative Look at East and West German Family Law.” In 24 Stanford Law Review, Page 116 (1971). -
Community Property: The Migrant Client
Stanley M. Johanson, Community Property: The Migrant Client (Washington, DC: Tax Management, 1971).
Tie-ins, Leverage, and the American Antitrust Laws
Richard S. Markovits, Tie-ins, Leverage, and the American Antitrust Laws, 80 Yale Law Journal 195 (1970). -
Oil and Gas: Supplemental Material
Ernest E. Smith, Oil and Gas: Supplemental Material (Austin: University of Texas School of Law, 1970). -
Power and Community: Dissenting Essays in Political Science
Sanford V. Levinson, Power and Community: Dissenting Essays in Political Science (New York: Pantheon Books, 1970) (editor, with Philip Green). -
Book Review
Open Systems, by Henry S. Kariel
Sanford V. Levinson, Open Systems, by Henry S. Kariel, 64 American Political Science Review 1276 (1970). -
Estate Planning and Administration Seminar
Stanley M. Johanson, Estate Planning and Administration Seminar (Austin: University of Texas School of Law, 1970) (editor). -
Voting Behavior in NLRB Elections
Julius G. Getman, Voting Behavior in NLRB Elections, 23 New York University Conference on Labor 115 (1970) (with Stephen B. Goldberg). -
Georgia Straight and Freedom of Expression in Canada
Lucas A. Powe Jr., Georgia Straight and Freedom of Expression in Canada, 48 Canada Bar Review 410 (1970). -
Revocable Trusts, Widow's Election Wills, and Community Property: The Tax Problems
Stanley M. Johanson, Revocable Trusts, Widow's Election Wills, and Community Property: The Tax Problems, 47 Texas Law Review 1247 (1970).
Other Publication
Wills and Estates, pt. 1-2
Stanley M. Johanson, Wills and Estates, pt. 1-2 (Austin: University of Texas Communications Center, 1969) (with William W. Gibson). -
Tight Little Islands: Exclusionary Zoning, Equal Protection and the Indigent
Lawrence Sager, Tight Little Islands: Exclusionary Zoning, Equal Protection and the Indigent, 21 Stanford Law Review 767 (1969). -
Sozialistisches und bürgerliches Zivilrechtsdenken in der DDR, (Socialist and Bourgeois Civil Law Thinking in the GDR)
Inga Markovits, Sozialistisches und bürgerliches Zivilrechtsdenken in der DDR, (Socialist and Bourgeois Civil Law Thinking in the GDR) (Koln: Verlag Wissenschaft und Politik, 1969). -
Round Table of the Whole: A Panel
Julius G. Getman, Round Table of the Whole: A Panel, 1968 Association of American Law Schools Proceedings 119 (1969).