Thea Jane Posel

Thea Jane Posel

  • Clinical Assistant Professor

Faculty Profile: Thea Jane Posel

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Thea Posel is a clinical assistant professor at the Steve Hicks School of Social Work and the Capital Punishment Clinic at the School of Law, and serves as the JD/MSSW dual degree advisor for the School of Law. She has worked with capital defense teams in both Colorado and Texas, from pre-trial litigation preparation and consulting to state and federal post-conviction cases. Thea’s areas of interest include jury selection, jury decision-making, and mitigation investigation and presentation, and she works primarily on Texas state court advocacy and consulting at the capital trial, appellate, and habeas stages.

Thea holds a sociology degree from the University of Colorado, where her undergraduate research focused on the effects of race and class in capital prosecutions, sentencing outcomes, and participation in the criminal legal system as well as social and environmental effects and attitudes surrounding the death penalty in Colorado. Along with Professors Jordan Steiker and Jim Marcus, she is a co-author of The Problem of “Rubber-Stamping” in State Capital Habeas Proceedings: A Harris County Case Study, 55 Hous. L. Rev. 889 (2018), and most recently authored "When Justice Depends on It: The Need for Professional Standards for Mitigation Development in All Criminal Cases" with Dr. Elizabeth Vartkessian, Anthony Ginez, and Lela Hubbard, 52 U. Balt. L. Rev. 449 (2023).

She graduated from the University of Colorado Law School and has been at the Capital Punishment Center since August 2016.