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1L Alumni Mentoring Program: Every 1L has the opportunity to be matched with an Austin-area alum starting in January of the 1L year, running through the start of 2L year. Mentors introduce students to the practice of law and counsel them on law school challenges: exams, 2L course selection, the search for summer employment, and finding great extracurriculars.
2L/3L Mentoring Program: Students are matched with mentors in the practice areas and legal markets they are interested in. The relationship can develop mostly by email, phone, or Zoom, and in person when they find themselves in the same city.
Transfer Student Mentoring Program: All incoming 2L transfers are matched with an alumni mentor in Austin, ideally someone who was a transfer student themselves, for the duration of 2L year, meeting regularly in person.
Summer Mentoring Programs: Students working in New York City, Washington D.C., or Los Angeles are matched with an alum in that city from May through August to be introduced to the local community and the legal market.