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- The cases and materials published on this website is, unless otherwise stated, subject to the copyright of Professor Sir Basil Markesinis QC. Making copies in file, print or any other mode is prohibited subject to statutory provisions. This excludes temporary copies necessary for purely technical reasons while viewing the website.
- The translations and other documents included in this site were prepared to assist students and teachers interested in foreign law. The collection makes no claim of being either complete or current, and should not be relied upon for the basis of a legal opinion or course of action without careful review of current applicable authority. Law changes rapidly. Cases and statutes may be modified, abrogated, overruled, or interpreted in a way that makes the posted cases out-of-date and legally incorrect.
- The translations have been made by various specialists in the field. There has been no attempt to create a uniform terminology or style throughout. In rendering the texts into English, the emphasis has been on readability, which means that the texts reproduced here could be described as ‘free’ translations.