Texas Law participated in the Elliott Cup, a preliminary competition for the 23rd Annual Duberstein Moot Court Competition. More info about the Elliott Cup is at: http://statebaroftexasbankruptcy.com/?page_id=39
Both UT teams advanced to semi-finals. Daniel Hatoum, ’16, and Lisa Elizondo, ’15, faced SMU in the final round, judged by Bankruptcy Judges Richard Schmidt, Tony Davis, Harlin Hale and David Jones.
Daniel and Lisa won the Elliott Cup. Daniel Hatoum was also named Best Speaker for the tournament. Texas Law’s second team, Kelsi Stayart, ’15, and Matt Buongiorno, ’16 took third place.
The team is coached by Deborah B. Langehennig (a Chapter 13 Trustree in bankruptcy in Austin) and by Jay Ong (a partner with Munsch Hardt Kopf and Harr, in Austin), and sponsored by Prof. Jay Westbrook.