Events Calendar

Now viewing: September 2010

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Sunday 29 Monday August 30
  1. 8:00am 2010-08-30T17:00-05:00
    Fall 2010 Course Packets Available

    University Duplicating Service will be on-site selling Fall 2010 course packets in the Mail & Supply Department (TNH 1.207) beginning Friday, August 20th – Friday, September 3rd. Their hours will be from 8am-5pm (closed for lunch from 12-1pm).

    Full event information:

  2. 12:00pm 2010-08-30T14:00-05:00
    EIC/ME Meeting

    Editors in chief and managing editors for student journals to meet with various Law School administrators to discuss the business of running journals.

    Full event information:

Tuesday August 31
  1. 8:00am 2010-08-31T17:00-05:00
    Fall 2010 Course Packets Available

    University Duplicating Service will be on-site selling Fall 2010 course packets in the Mail & Supply Department (TNH 1.207) beginning Friday, August 20th – Friday, September 3rd. Their hours will be from 8am-5pm (closed for lunch from 12-1pm).

    Full event information:

  2. 10:30am 2010-08-31T11:30-05:00
    Texas Attorney General Info Session

    Mark Levy, '01, Bret Fulkerson, and Gabriel Gervey with the Texas Office of the Attorney General will discuss working for the Antitrust Division and the current opportunities available for internships. 2Ls and 3Ls may register for the fall nonprofit/government internship class for credit. You should apply directly to the Division (see job bank posting 8613) and if hired, apply for the class by submitting an application form. RSVP by Monday, August 30, on UT Law Symplicity by selecting the "Events" tab.

    Full event information:

Wednesday September 1
  1. 8:00am 2010-09-01T17:00-05:00
    Fall 2010 Course Packets Available

    University Duplicating Service will be on-site selling Fall 2010 course packets in the Mail & Supply Department (TNH 1.207) beginning Friday, August 20th – Friday, September 3rd. Their hours will be from 8am-5pm (closed for lunch from 12-1pm).

    Full event information:

  2. 11:30am 2010-09-01T13:30-05:00
    Student Org. Fair

    All the student organizations on campus will be at tables representing their groups as students walk by and gather information about the groups and sign up for emails to attend meetings.

    Full event information:

  3. 12:30pm 2010-09-01T13:30-05:00
    U.S. DOJ Honors Program Info Session

    Learn more about the opportunities available in the Honors Program (for entry-level attorneys) and Summer Law Intern Program at the Department of Justice (DOJ). Lunch will be served after the program. RSVP by Tuesday, August 31, on UT Law Symplicity by selecting the "Events" tab.

    Full event information:

Thursday September 2
  1. 8:00am 2010-09-02T17:00-05:00
    Fall 2010 Course Packets Available

    University Duplicating Service will be on-site selling Fall 2010 course packets in the Mail & Supply Department (TNH 1.207) beginning Friday, August 20th – Friday, September 3rd. Their hours will be from 8am-5pm (closed for lunch from 12-1pm).

    Full event information:

  2. 2:30pm 2010-09-02T16:30-05:00
    Texas BLE Info Session for 1L's

    Lori Adelman, the Director of Character and Fitness at the BLE will be at the Law School on September 2 to explain the Declaration of Intent to Study Law in Texas. All first year students intending to practice in Texas must complete the Declaration by October 1, 2010. Sections 1, 3A and 3C will meet at 2:30 pm. Sections 2, 3B, 3D and 4 will meet at 3:30 pm. Both sessions will be held in the Francis Auditorium (TNH 2.114). This meeting is incredibly informative and will let you know exactly what you must include on the Declaration, particularly in the character and fitness section

    Full event information:

Friday September 3
  1. 8:00am 2010-09-03T17:00-05:00
    Fall 2010 Course Packets Available

    University Duplicating Service will be on-site selling Fall 2010 course packets in the Mail & Supply Department (TNH 1.207) beginning Friday, August 20th – Friday, September 3rd. Their hours will be from 8am-5pm (closed for lunch from 12-1pm).

    Full event information:

  2. 11:30am 2010-09-03T13:00-05:00
    faculty colloquium

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

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Saturday 4
Sunday 5 Monday 6 Tuesday September 7
  1. 4:00pm 2010-09-07T17:00-05:00
    Youth Court Info Meeting

    Youth Court will be having their informational meeting on Tuesday, September 7th at 4:00pm. All those who are interested in participating in Youth Court this year should attend.

    Full event information:

  2. 5:30pm 2010-09-07T18:30-05:00
    IPLS Meeting

    The Intellectual Property Law Society will host its next meeting TUESDAY, 9/07/10. New members are welcome to attend.

    Firm: Baker Botts Speaker: Kevin Meek Topic: Introduction to IP law and Careers in IP Date: 9/07/10 Time: 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Room: 3.124 Food: Maudie's (Tex-Mex)

    Please complete the food survey so we can plan for the right amount of food:

    Full event information:

Wednesday September 8
  1. 1:00pm 2010-09-08T14:45-05:00
    Luncheon with José Hernández-Claire

    Private luncheon and informal conversation with Mexican photojournalist, José Hernández-Claire, in celebration of the opening of his exhibition “National Exodus: Immigration Into the US."

    Full event information:

  2. 3:30pm 2010-09-08T16:30-05:00
    Street Law Orientation

    FALL 2010 STREET LAW MEETINGS Wed. Sept 8, room 2.139, 3:30-4:30pm OR Thur. Sept 9, room 2.137, 5:30-6:30pm Please bring your $15 annual membership dues to the meeting so that you can sign up for a lesson.

    Too many people are uneducated about their rights. You can help.

    Originally founded at the Georgetown Law Center in 1972, Street Law sends law students and lawyers into local public schools to teach practical lessons about law, democracy, and human rights. An affiliate of the national organization, the Street Law Program at the University of Texas is designed to teach Austin students about practical aspects of the law and the legal system. Our lessons range from basic constitutional law to teen dating violence.

    Street Law is an exciting opportunity to escape the law school grind by getting involved in the Austin community while developing dynamic public speaking skills. In addition to our Street Law curriculum, we have developed a new mentorship program; interested members can volunteer to mentor a middle school student.

    We provide step by step, objective-driven lesson plans, teaching materials, and training. No prior teaching experience is required, and we welcome veteran teachers with open arms. All of our hour-long lessons are scheduled for Fridays and taught in groups of (3) Street Law Members. While you're only required to teach one lesson a semester, you may, of course, sign up for as many lessons as you would like.

    We hope you'll stop by one of our two meetings to learn more about our organization and sign up for a lesson. Please bring your $15 annual dues (cash or check). If you have any questions, please email

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  3. 3:30pm 2010-09-08T16:00-05:00
    TLF - 1L Representative Elections Inform

    The Texas Law Fellowships (TLF) will host two information sessions for 1Ls interested in serving on the 2010-2011 TLF Board. Both sessions will be held on Wednesday, September 8th, the first at 3:30PM in room TNH 2.140 and the second at 5PM in room TNH 2.140. The TLF Board members will explain the work of the organization, the election process, and the responsibilities of 1L representatives. For questions about the Information Sessions or if you are interested in running for a 1L Representative position, but you are unable to make one of the information sessions, please email Lindzi Timberlake ( For more information about TLF visit

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  4. 5:15pm 2010-09-08T18:15-05:00
    CIA - OLO Info Session

    The deadline to apply for a CIA-OLO position is Wednesday, September 1. For more information about applying for a CIA internship or postgraduate position, please contact Denyse Demel, Government Career Counselor, in the CSO.

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  5. 5:30pm 2010-09-08T19:00-05:00
    ALSA, 1st General Meeting

    ALSA's first general and informational meeting. Come meet new and returning members, learn what we have in store for the year, and FREE FOOD.

    Full event information:

Thursday September 9
  1. 11:30am 2010-09-09T12:30-05:00
    Introduction to Public Service Law

    Are you interested in possibly pursuing a career in public service? Come learn about both short-term and long-term strategies for obtaining a government or public interest job during the summer and/or after graduation from Career Counselors Nicole Clark (Public Interest) and Denyse Demel (Government). Lunch will be served after the program. Please RSVP by Wednesday, September 8, on UT Law Symplicity by selecting the "Events" tab.

    Full event information:

  2. 12:15pm 2010-09-09T14:00-05:00
    PMF Informational Session

    The purpose of the Presidential Management Fellowship Program is to attract to the federal service outstanding men and women from a variety of academic disciplines and career paths who have a clear interest in, and commitment to, excellence in the leadership and management of public policies and programs.

    Full event information:

  3. 3:30pm 2010-09-09T17:30-05:00
    Law and Philosophy Workshop

    Law and Philosophy Workshop

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  4. 5:30pm 2010-09-09T18:30-05:00
    Street Law Orientation

    FALL 2010 STREET LAW MEETINGS Wed. Sept 8, room 2.139, 3:30-4:30pm **OR** Thur. Sept 9, room 2.137, 5:30-6:30pm Please bring your $15 annual membership dues to the meeting so that you can sign up for a lesson.

    Too many people are uneducated about their rights. You can help.

    Originally founded at the Georgetown Law Center in 1972, Street Law sends law students and lawyers into local, public schools to teach practical lessons about law, democracy, and human rights. An affiliate of the national organization, the Street Law Program at the University of Texas is designed to teach Austin students about practical aspects of the law and the legal system. Our lessons range from basic constitutional rights to teen dating violence.

    Street Law is an exciting opportunity to escape the law school grind by getting involved in the Austin community and developing dynamic public speaking skills. In addition to our Street Law Lessons, we have a new and exciting mentorship program where law students may volunteer to mentor a middle school student.

    We provide step by step, objective-driven lesson plans, teaching materials, and training. No prior teaching experience is required, and we welcome veteran teachers with open arms. All of our hour-long lessons are scheduled for Fridays and taught in groups of (3) Street Law Members. While you're only required to teach one lesson a semester, you may, of course, sign up for as many lessons as you would like.

    We hope you'll stop by one of our two meetings to learn more about our organization and sign up for a lesson. Please bring your $15 dues (cash or check). If you have any questions, please email

    Full event information:

  5. 7:00pm 2010-09-09T00:00-05:00
    Getman book signing

    University of Texas Law School Professor Julius G. Getman will discuss and sign his new book, Restoring the Power of Unions: It Takes a Movement, at BookPeople in Austin on Thursday, September 9, 2010, at 7:00 p.m.

    In his book, Getman examines recent developments to demonstrate that a resurgent labor movement is possible. He proposes new models for organizing and innovative techniques to strengthen strikes. Above all, Getman insists that unions must return to their historical roots as a social movement.

    The event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.

    Full event information:

Friday September 10
  1. 9:30am 2010-09-10T13:30-05:00
    Supreme Ct. Clinic

    to discuss a case that the Supreme Court Clinic is handling

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  2. 11:30am 2010-09-10T14:45-05:00
    2010 Fall Litigation Institute

    The Fall Litigation Institute is a 4-week hands-on, crash course in trial skills – from the basics of laying a foundation to advanced witness examination techniques. It is open to second- and third-year law students of all experience levels. Registration begins at noon on August 27th and ends at 8:00 a.m. on September 7th. For more information and for registration instructions, see

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  3. 12:30pm 2010-09-10T00:00-05:00
    Final Read for TIPLJ

    Meeting for journal staff members to review articles prior to printing

    Full event information:

Saturday September 11
  1. 9:00am 2010-09-11T16:00-05:00

    The diversity organizations at UT Law are committed to promoting the professional success of our members. In connection with this goal, the Asian Law Students' Association, Chicano/Hispanic Law Students' Association, and the Thurgood Marshall Legal Society are hosting our third annual Diversity Education Weekend.

    This year, DEW will be held on Friday and Saturday, September 10-11.

    September 10, 2010

    Reception Sponsored by Bracewell & Giuliani LLP 6:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m.

    September 11, 2010 Educational Panels Sponsored by Andrews Kurth LLP

    9:00 a.m. — 9:25 a.m. Breakfast: Opening Remarks by Dean Sager

    9:30 a.m. — 10:25 a.m. Panel: “Working Smarter, Not Harder: Studying Strategies, Exam Preparation, Balancing Stress

    10:30 a.m. — 11:25 a.m. Panel: “Mentoring and Relationship Building”

    11:30 p.m. — 12:25 p.m. Panel: “Class Prep 101”

    12:30 p.m. — 1:25 p.m. Lunch: “Law School Table Talks” Provided by Mangia’s

    1:30 p.m. — 2:25p.m. Panel: "The Importance of Legal Writing"

    2:30 p.m. — 3:35 p.m. Panel: “Building Your Legal Career”

    4:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m. TMLS/CHLSA Tailgate Party

    Full event information:

Sunday 12 Monday September 13
  1. 11:30am 2010-09-13T12:30-05:00
    Study Abroad General Information Session

    General information about the study abroad programs offered by the University of Texas School of Law. Students will learn about each program and the application deadline.

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  2. 3:30pm 2010-09-13T00:00-05:00
    DVSSN Introductory Meeting

    Domestic Violence Survivors Support Network is having our first meeting of the school year. Come either Monday or Tuesday to find out how you can help survivors of domestic violence. We will be discussing DVSSN's on-going work and our plans for the coming year. We will also be enlisting volunteers for our up-coming projects. See you there!

    Full event information:

  3. 3:30pm 2010-09-13T16:30-05:00
    LSRJ meeting

    Texas Law Students for Reproductive Justice will meet for the first time this year on Monday, Sept. 13th, at 3:30pm in rm. 3.127. Come learn about our upcoming events and how our group supports individuals' decisions to have children, not to have children, and to raise the children we have in healthy environments. SNACKS will be available.

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  4. 5:00pm 2010-09-13T18:00-05:00
    Law Students for the Arts Meeting

    First meeting for the Law Students for the Arts organization.

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Tuesday September 14
  1. 11:00am 2010-09-14T13:30-05:00
    Drawing Board Luncheon

    The Drawing Board Luncheon is a regular colloquium series designed to permit members of the UT faculty (permanent and visiting) to present projects at an early stage of development. Unlike many colloquia series, here and elsewhere, that are often described as fora for the presentation of "works in progress" but which, in actuality, feature works that are entirely, or substantially, complete, the Drawing Board lives up to its name. This is a forum for faculty members who would like feedback, suggestions, and guidance at a point in time at which they can be made use of.

    Full event information:

  2. 12:15pm 2010-09-14T13:15-05:00
    CIA - IRR/IMO Informational Session

    The deadline to apply for a CIA-IRR/IMO positions is Wednesday, September 1. For more information about applying for a CIA internship or postgraduate position, please contact Denyse Demel, Government Career Counselor, in the CSO.

    Full event information:

  3. 3:00pm 2010-09-14T16:00-05:00
    Study Abroad General Information Session

    General information session for all UT Law students wishing to learn more about our programs before the application deadline.

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  4. 3:30pm 2010-09-14T00:00-05:00
    DVSSN Introductory Meeting

    Domestic Violence Survivors Support Network is having our first meeting of the school year. Come either Monday or Tuesday to find out how you can help survivors of domestic violence. We will be discussing DVSSN's on-going work and our plans for the coming year. We will also be enlisting volunteers for our up-coming projects. See you there!

    Full event information:

  5. 5:30pm 2010-09-14T19:00-05:00
    Chicago Alumni Reception

    The Alumni Association is hosting a reception on Tuesday, September 14 at Lathrop & Gage, LLP from 5:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m.

    Full event information:

  6. 5:30pm 2010-09-14T18:30-05:00
    Public Service Fall Party

    The CSO, William Wayne Justice Center, and Rapoport Center invite the law school community to the Fifth Annual Public Service Fall Party. Come celebrate the public interest and government communities at the UT Law School and join other service-minded students, faculty, and administrators for refreshments and camaraderie. Here's a great chance to network and exchange ideas on building a career in the public interest and government sectors and promoting service at our law school. A fajita buffet will be served. Please RSVP by Monday, September 13, on UT Law Symplicity by selecting the "Events" tab.

    Full event information:

Wednesday September 15
  1. 10:30am 2010-09-15T11:30-05:00
    Foreign Service Informational Session

    Ambassador Ronald K. McMullen, Diplomat in Residence at the LBJ School of Public Affairs, will speak about foreign service career opportunities, including those with the U.S. Department of State. This will be an informal event with a chance for you to ask your own questions on the topic. RSVP by Tuesday, September 14, on UT Law Symplicity by selecting the "Events" tab.

    Full event information:

Thursday September 16
  1. 8:30am 2010-09-16T09:30-05:00
    PS Table Talk Breakfast for Employers

    Employers participating in Public Service Table Talk are invited to join UT Law administrators and faculty for breakfast so we may share information on new developments within the UT Law public service community. We also hope to exchange ideas on creating more opportunities for students to serve the public.

    Full event information:

  2. 10:00am 2010-09-16T13:00-05:00
    Public Service Table Talk

    Representatives from dozens of public interest organizations as well as federal and state government agencies will be on hand to answer questions about what they do and how you can assist them. Find out about current volunteer opportunities, summer internships and paid positions with a variety of nonprofits, legal services providers and government agencies. All UT Law students are encouraged to stop by.

    Full event information:

  3. 11:30am 2010-09-16T13:00-05:00
    faculty colloquium

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

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  4. 12:00pm 2010-09-16T13:30-05:00
    Dean's Forum lunch

    Speaker = Michelle Goolsby

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  5. 2:00pm 2010-09-16T15:00-05:00
    Future Solo Attorneys Open House

    Are you interested in advancing your career through building a personal brand, networking, and social media? Considering small firm or solo practice? If so, please come and meet other interested UT Law students. Leigh Jorgesen, ’09, and Ian Pittman, ’09, will be on hand to discuss their experiences in starting their own firm, Jorgeson, Pittman, L.L.P. We’ll also discuss starting a Future Solo and Small Firm Attorneys Group to explore these issues, how best to meet attorneys, and have fun. Snacks will be served. Please RSVP by Wednesday, September 15, on UT Law Symplicity by selecting the "Events" tab.

    Full event information:

  6. 5:15pm 2010-09-16T18:15-05:00
    CIA - NCS Info Session

    UT Law students are invited to learn more about the CIA's National Clandestine Services. For more information about applying for a CIA internship or postgraduate position, please contact Denyse Demel, Government Career Counselor, in the CSO.

    Full event information:

  7. 6:00pm 2010-09-16T20:00-05:00
    Public Interest Law Association Potluck

    The Public Interest Law Association is hosting a Professor Potluck on September 16 (location TBA). Bring snacks, appetizers, drinks, or deserts and converse with PILA members and professors.

    Full event information:

  8. 8:00pm 2010-09-16T22:00-05:00
    WLC Happy Hour @ 219 West

    Come out and join the Women's Law Caucus this Thursday, September 16 at 219 West from 8-10 pm for some free drinks and socializing. This event is for members only, so please pay dues at the Communication Center in the Atrium. They are $30 for the year and get you a t-shirt and entrance to all WLC events.

    Full event information:

Friday September 17
  1. 11:30am 2010-09-17T14:45-05:00
    2010 Fall Litigation Institute

    The Fall Litigation Institute is a 4-week hands-on, crash course in trial skills – from the basics of laying a foundation to advanced witness examination techniques. It is open to second- and third-year law students of all experience levels. Registration begins at noon on August 27th and ends at 8:00 a.m. on September 7th. For more information and for registration instructions, see

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  2. 1:00pm 2010-09-17T14:00-05:00
    Foreign-Trained LLM Resume Workshop

    Learn how to develop a resume and cover letter for the U.S. legal market. UT Law LL.M. students will also have the opportunity to submit resumes for the UT Law LL.M. Resume Directory. RSVP by Thursday, September 16, on UT Law Symplicity by selecting the "Events" tab.

    Full event information:

Saturday September 18
  1. 6:30pm 2010-09-18T00:00-05:00
    Young Alumni Kickoff Party

    The Alumni Association is hosting a kickoff party for its Young Austin Alumni chapter on September 18 at 6:30 at Cover 3, 2700 W. Anderson Lane, Suite 202

    Full event information:

Sunday 19 Monday September 20
  1. 11:30am 2010-09-20T12:30-05:00
    Dept. of Homeland Security Info Session

    Learn more about the opportunities available in the Honors Program (for entry-level attorneys) and Summer Law Intern Program at the Department of Homeland Security. Lunch will be served. RSVP by Friday, September 17, on UT Law Symplicity by selecting the "Events" tab.

    Full event information:

Tuesday September 21
  1. All day
    Literary and Visual Art Show

    Applications are now available for the Literary and Visual Art Show brought to you by Law Students for the Arts. The show will run October 4-8. All students, faculty, and staff can enter any sort of art or poetry that can be hung. For applications, email

    Full event information:

  2. 11:30am 2010-09-21T12:30-05:00
    Intro to Public Sector Debt Mgmt for 1Ls

    Learn strategies to manage your educational debt, including the UT Law and federal loan repayment and forgiveness programs for lawyers pursuing jobs in the government and public interest sectors. Co-sponsored by the Career Services Office and the William Wayne Justice Center for Public Interest Law. RSVP by Monday, September 20, on UT Law Symplicity by selecting the "Events" tab.

    Full event information:

  3. 5:30pm 2010-09-21T19:00-05:00
    Federalist Society Swearing-In

    Swearing in for the new members of the Federalist Society.

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  4. 5:30pm 2010-09-21T18:30-05:00
    IPLS Meeting

    The Intellectual Property Law Society will host its next meeting TUESDAY, 9/21/10.

    Firm: Conley Rose Speaker: Thaddeus Faleski Topic: Life as a young associate Date: 9/21/10 Time: 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Room: 3.124 Food: Rudy's Bar-B-Q

    Bonus: Conley Rose will sponsor Happy Hour at Crown and Anchor immediately after the meeting.

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  5. 6:30pm 2010-09-21T00:00-05:00
    THJLP Meeting

    The Texas Hispanic Journal of Law and Policy will be having its first meeting September 21st at 6:30 p.m. in room 4.134. See you there!

    Full event information:

Wednesday September 22
  1. 3:30pm 2010-09-22T16:30-05:00
    Freshlaw Skills Session - Legal Analysis

    Logically applying rules to various sets of facts is a fundamental skill necessary for successful exam taking and legal practice. Professor Emily Kadens will show you how to use rules from different scenarios to solve legal problems. You have only really learned “the law” when you can apply it. Come find out how.

    Full event information:

  2. 4:30pm 2010-09-22T17:00-05:00
    Assault and Flattery Informational

    Assault and Flattery will be holding an informational meeting Wednesday, September 22 at 4:30 p.m. in TNH 3.142. Come out to learn more about the organization that produces the law school musical, band, and a capella group! We will be talking about what we have in store for this year's main show, as well as all of the different ways to get involved in our organization. And if that is not enough to persuade you to come, we will also be providing free pizza!

    Full event information:

  3. 6:30pm 2010-09-22T21:30-05:00
    Shakespeare and the Law


    Actors from Spirit of Shakespeare, a University of Texas student organization, will perform scenes from A Midsummer Night’s Dream as part of a panel discussion titled “According to our Law: Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” on Wednesday, September 22, 2010, in the Eidman Courtroom at the University of Texas School of Law from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

    The event, free and open to the public, is sponsored by the Department of English at the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Texas School of Law.

    A reception will be held at 6:30 p.m. in the Jamail Pavilion adjacent to the Eidman Courtroom in the Law School’s John B. Connally Center. (See Maps and Directions.) The panel, which includes the performance, starts at 7:00 p.m.

    The panel’s title, “According to our Law,” is taken from the play’s first scene, when the harsh patriarch Egeus demands that his daughter marry the man of his choice or be executed “according to our law.” The play’s actions find a way to reconcile “harsh Athenian law” and the erotic desires of the young lovers.

    This year, four panelists will discuss legal and related issues central to A Midsummer Night’s Dream. They are:

    •Zipporah Wiseman, Thomas H. Law Centennial Professor at the University of Texas School of Law •James Loehlin, director of Shakespeare at Winedale and professor of English at the University of Texas at Austin •Robert Matney, actor, Austin Shakespeare, and graduate of the Shakespeare at Winedale program •Alan Friedman, professor of English, coordinator of Actors from the London Stage, and faculty advisor for Spirit of Shakespeare at the University of Texas at Austin Spirit of Shakespeare (SOS) is a group of University of Texas students involved in promoting Shakespeare programs on campus and in the community. For several years now, the SOS players have performed scenes from the annual Actors from the London Stage (AFTLS) play and have helped to augment and elucidate the Shakespeare and the Law panel discussions.

    Shakespeare and the Law grew out of the AFTLS residency, a familiar and regular part of the University’s Shakespeare offerings since 1999, and a conference on “The Law and Other Performing Arts” held at the Law School in 2002. AFTLS, a London-based theatrical touring company, brings its unique educational and theatrical program, which features a troupe of five classically trained actors from major English theaters, to this campus and city for week-long residencies every year.

    This year, these actors will perform A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Their week-long residency begins September 27, 2010, with performances at UT’s McCullough Theatre running from September 29 to October 1, 2010, at 7:30 p.m. Purchase tickets from Texas Performing Arts online ticket office. On October 2, 2010, the play will be performed at the Winedale Historical Center in Round Top, Texas, at 7:00 p.m. For more information, log on to the Winedale website. .

    Full event information:

Thursday September 23
  1. 11:30am 2010-09-23T12:30-05:00
    Fried Frank Fellowship Info Session

    Are you interested in partnering with an international law firm to obtain cutting-edge legal experience in both the public and private sectors? Please join Ivan Espinoza-Madrigal, fellow with both MALDEF and Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP as he discusses the postgraduate Fried Frank Fellowship Program. Please RSVP by Wednesday, September 22, on UT Law Symplicity by selecting the "Events" tab.

    Full event information:

  2. 12:15pm 2010-09-23T14:00-05:00
    PMF Application Workshop

    The purpose of the Presidential Management Fellowship Program is to attract to the federal service outstanding men and women from a variety of academic disciplines and career paths who have a clear interest in, and commitment to, excellence in the leadership and management of public policies and programs.

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  3. 1:00pm 2010-09-23T16:00-05:00
    Energy Law Career Panel

    Diverse panel of attorneys fielding questions related to the job search in general, in addition to careers in energy law. Representatives from large firms, the Attorney General's office, general counsel, and small firms will be in attendance. Reception to follow. All students invited.

    Full event information:

  4. 2:00pm 2010-09-23T15:00-05:00
    Building Your Personal Brand

    Mike Whelan, 3L, will discuss how to build your personal brand while you’re in law school. He’ll talk about what a personal brand is and how to develop it through networking, blogging, connecting with others through social media, and building personal relationships. Presented by the Future Solo and Small Firm Attorneys Group. Please RSVP by Wednesday, September 22, on UT Law Symplicity by selecting the "Events" tab.

    Full event information:

  5. 3:30pm 2010-09-23T17:30-05:00
    Law and Philosophy Workshop

    Law and Philosophy Workshop

    Full event information:

Friday September 24
  1. 11:30am 2010-09-24T14:45-05:00
    2010 Fall Litigation Institute

    The Fall Litigation Institute is a 4-week hands-on, crash course in trial skills – from the basics of laying a foundation to advanced witness examination techniques. It is open to second- and third-year law students of all experience levels. Registration begins at noon on August 27th and ends at 8:00 a.m. on September 7th. For more information and for registration instructions, see

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  2. 1:00pm 2010-09-24T14:00-05:00
    Foreign-Trained LLM Job Search Workshop

    Learn how to conduct a U.S. and international job search. We’ll also be discussing the International Student Interview Program at New York University and the West Coast International LL.M. Job Fairs. RSVP by Thursday, September 23, on UT Law Symplicity by selecting the "Events" tab.

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Saturday September 25
  1. All day
    Tailgate Party, UT vs. UCLA

    Eduardo Rodriguez, '68 will be back with his world famous barbecue 2 hours before the UT vs. UCLA kickoff. Please check for game time.

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Sunday 26 Monday September 27
  1. 10:00am 2010-09-27T14:00-05:00
    Clinical Faculty Information Table

    Clinical faculty will be on hand to informally discuss clinics and internships to be offered in Spring 2011.

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  2. 11:30am 2010-09-27T12:30-05:00
    Chuy Ramirez

    UT Law Alum, Chuy Ramirez, will address the Chicano/Hispanic Law Students’ Association on Monday, September 27th, at 11:30am in TNH 3.125. Author will be signing books following the event.

    Ramirez’ topic will be Counsel to the Corporate Entity, A Lot of Law and a Little Bit of Politics. He will also be reading brief excerpts from his book, Strawberry Fields, A Book of Short Stories, published earlier in the year by First Texas Publishers. A Class of '83 UT law school grad, Chuy Ramirez, served as Articles Editor for the Texas International Law Journal. He published a note entitled, “Altering the Policy of Neglect of Undocumented Immigration from South of the Border." In law school, Ramirez was an active participant in the Chicano Law Students Association, served as a director on the Legal Research Board, and initiated the publication of Rio Rojo, a student publication.

    Ramirez’ address will focus on the attorney’s ethical standards in representing both public governmental bodies and corporations. Currently, Ramirez’ practice focuses on commercial transactions and public finance. As a bond attorney, he has represented many governmental units in South Texas in connection with their issuance of tax-exempt bonds. He is currently corporate legal counsel for Lone Star National Bank, a Texas national bank with branches throughout South Texas and in San Antonio.

    Recent reviews of Ramirez’ book highlight his unique style and sensibility through the eyes of the adolescent main character, a successful attorney who reflects on his past through a reflexive journey. Boston University professor, Dr. John Hart, writes, “Strawberry Fields is a beautifully written, well-told tale of remembrance, reflection, and renewal. Strawberry Fields is a very important book for its insightful portrayal of Chicano culture, values, and hardships, of lingering impacts of racism and economic deprivation, and of continuing efforts by Chicanos to be accorded respect and dignity in the twenty-first century…and beyond.”

    University of Texas Pan American professor, Dr. Genaro Gonzalez, an author of four novels himself writes, “Chuy Ramírez’ description of harvesting strawberries while living in a squalid labor camp is at once lyrical and sober. There is an adolescent’s sense of adventure on experiencing the world beyond his barrio, yet the wonder is tempered with a more mature portrayal of the hardships of camp life. He incorporates those experiences into the emotional crisis of Joaquín, now a successful attorney, who senses that his spiritual tumult is somehow linked to that long-ago summer.”

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  3. 1:30pm 2010-09-27T15:00-05:00
    Moves Coordination Meeting

    Moves Coordination Meeting

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  4. 3:30pm 2010-09-27T17:30-05:00
    Human Rights Happy Hour

    As the first guests in the Rapoport Center's human rights happy hour speaker seires, Daniel M. Brinks and Varun Gauri will co-present a lecture on “Assessing the Distributive Impact of Social and Economic Rights Litigation: More Litigation = More Inequality?” Brinks is an associate professor at the Department of Government. Gauri is a senior economist in the Development Research Group of the World Bank.

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  5. 5:00pm 2010-09-27T18:00-05:00
    Law Students for the Arts Meeting

    We are meeting to finalize details for the Literary and Visual Art Show which will take place October 4-8 and to assign committees.

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Tuesday September 28
  1. 10:00am 2010-09-28T14:00-05:00
    Clinical Faculty Information Table

    Clinical faculty will be on hand to informally discuss clinics and internships to be offered in Spring 2011.

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  2. 4:00pm 2010-09-28T17:00-05:00
    A New Era For Capital Defense in Texas?

    The Criminal Law Association, with the American Constitution Society and the Public Interest Law Association co-sponsoring, is having Brad Levenson, the new Director of the Texas Office of Capital Writs, come speak about the creation of his office, what his office means for indigent defense in Texas, and his life in the law.

    Food will be provided, first-come first-served.

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Wednesday September 29
  1. 11:00am 2010-09-29T12:30-05:00
    Clinical Information Session

    Clinical Faculty and Staff will be on hand to informally discuss clinics and internships to be offered Spring 2011. Light snacks and drinks will be provided.

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  2. 3:30pm 2010-09-29T16:30-05:00
    Freshlaw Registration Advising Session

    Early Registration for Spring 2011 will occur October 4-8. First year students are NOT automatically registered for spring; all students need to complete the registration process. First year students may select one elective, worth 1-3 credits. At the session, the Student Affairs Office will discuss the registration process, considerations in choosing electives, and your course choices throughout your career at the law school

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Thursday September 30
  1. 11:30am 2010-09-30T13:00-05:00
    faculty colloquium

    Mary Dudziak, Unversity of Southern California

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  2. 11:45am 2010-09-30T13:00-05:00
    CCJ Open House

    Clinical faculty, staff and students will be on hand to informally discuss the clinics and internships offered at UT Law in Spring 2011. Pizza and drinks will be provided. All students are invited!

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  3. 2:15pm 2010-09-30T15:00-05:00
    International Moot Court Competition

    There will be a meeting on Thursday, September 30th, from 2:15 to 3:00 in TNH 3.114 to discuss the Eighteenth Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot Court Competition in Vienna in Spring 2011. Please join us to find out how you can apply to be part of the UT Law team attending the competition.

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  4. 6:00pm 2010-09-30T20:00-05:00
    1L Welcome Reception

    The Alumni Association is hosting a party welcoming all 1Ls at Shoal Creek Saloon, 909 North Lamar Boulevard, at 6:00 p.m. on September 30.

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Friday October 1
  1. 9:00am 2010-10-01T09:30-05:00
    Breakfast meeting

    Breakfast meeting with John Beckworth's son to discuss the Law school.

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  2. 11:30am 2010-10-01T14:45-05:00
    2010 Fall Litigation Institute

    The Fall Litigation Institute is a 4-week hands-on, crash course in trial skills – from the basics of laying a foundation to advanced witness examination techniques. It is open to second- and third-year law students of all experience levels. Registration begins at noon on August 27th and ends at 8:00 a.m. on September 7th. For more information and for registration instructions, see

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  3. 4:00pm 2010-10-01T17:00-05:00

    Meeting with Professor John Winslade

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Saturday 2