Events Calendar

Now viewing: October 3–9, 2010

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Sunday 3 Monday 4 Tuesday 5 Wednesday October 6
  1. 3:00pm 2010-10-06T18:00-05:00
    ACS Panel Discussion: Immigration Reform

    The American Constitution Society is hosting a panel discussion on comprehensive immigration reform in the wake of SB1070 and subsequent litigation.

    Full event information:

  2. 5:30pm 2010-10-06T18:30-05:00
    IPLS Meeting

    The Intellectual Property Law Society will host its next meeting WEDNESDAY, 10/06/10.

    Firm: Howrey Speaker: Georgianna Braden Topic: Patent Trolls Date: 10/06/10 Time: 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Room: 3.142 Food: Chinese

    Full event information:

Thursday 7 Friday October 8
  1. 1:15pm 2010-10-08T15:30-05:00
    Career Exploration: Immigration Law

    The State Bar of Texas Committee on Immigration and Naturalization Laws will present a panel reflecting different aspects of Immigration Practice; i.e., business representation, family representation, children and juveniles, individuals, and academia. Panelists include the Hon. David Ayala, U.S. Immigration Court; the Hon. Deitrich Sims, Dallas Immigration Court; the Hon. Margaret Burkhart ’83, U.S. Immigration Judge; Wiley Blakeway, Field Office Director, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services; William L. Finley ‘97, Deputy Regional Counsel, INS; Robert Loughran, Partner, FosterQuan, LLP; Mario Rojo del Busto, Director of International Faculty & Scholar Services, Texas A&M University; Linda Brandmiller, Director, Immigration Services at Catholic Charities Archdiocese of San Antonio; and Rebecca R. Massiatte, Associate, Jackson Lewis LLP. Moderated by Mark Harrington, Committee Chair. The panel will take place from 1:15-3:00 p.m. with a reception following in the Jamail Pavilion. RSVP by Thursday, October 7, on UT Law Symplicity by selecting the "Events" tab.

    Full event information:

Saturday 9