Hosted annually by the UT Law Career Services Office, Public Service Career Day (PSCD) is the largest public service job fair for law students in Texas. Student bidding ends on Tuesday, January 4, 2011 at noon.
During both days of PSCD, which will be held February 3-4, 2011, public interest and government employers will conduct on-campus interviews for paid and unpaid summer and permanent positions. On day one of the fair, certain employers will also host informational tables in the Law School's Susman Godfrey Atrium from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
First, second, third-year and/or LL.M. students and alumni up to one year after graduation from all nine Texas law schools are eligible to participate in this program. You must register to use the Texas Consortium Symplicity Module, which is a different module than the UT Law Symplicity.
Each spring the CSO presents a Mock Interview Program where attorneys come on campus to provide mock interviews with 1L students prior to Spring OCI and Public Service Career Day. If interview slots remain available, the CSO will notify 2Ls and 3Ls that they may register as well. 1Ls may begin scheduling one interview today at noon. Scheduling is a on a first-come, first-served basis.