Events Calendar
11:30am – 12:30pm
Dean's Forum Luncheon: Ben Barnes
TNH 2.111 (Sheffield-Massey Room)
TNH 2.111 (Sheffield-Massey Room)
Ben Barnes will be the guest speaker. RSVP required. Event is open to the first 35 students who respond.
For more information visit – 1:30pm
The Reasonable Man
TNH 3.127 (Roberts Classroom)
TNH 3.127 (Roberts Classroom)
a lecture to be delivered by Alan Miller
For more information visit – 12:30pm
Criminal Law Luncheon
Lunchtime conference with Professor Laurin and students from her Criminal Law section.
For more information visit – 12:30pm
Environmental Law Society Meeting
TNH 3.124 (Neathery Classroom)
TNH 3.124 (Neathery Classroom)
Thur Sept 8, room 3.124, 11:30-12:20pm
For more information visit