Events Calendar

Now viewing: October 28–November 10, 2012

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Sunday October 28
  1. 12:00pm 2012-10-28T17:15-05:00
    St. Gallen Conference

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

Monday October 29
  1. All day
    Spring 2013 Registration & Add/Drop

    Registration for continuing and readmitted students for the Spring 2013 semester. Add/drop for students who participated in early registration.

    Check for your access times.

    Full event information:

  2. 9:00am 2012-10-29T18:00-05:00
    St. Gallen Conference

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  3. 10:00am 2012-10-29T14:00-05:00
    Pumpkins and Poker Ticket Sales

    Pumpkins and Poker tickets are on sale in the Tom Clark lounge.

    $15 gets you a player ticket, a P&P t-shirt, a drink ticket, 1 raffle ticket, & chips for play.

    $7 is our non-player ticket and gets you 1 raffle ticket, and either a drink ticket OR a P&P t-shirt.

    For $5 you may purchase an extra raffle ticket for door prizes.

    At the event, player tickets will be $20 and non-player tickets will be $10. We'll also continue to offer raffle tickets throughout the night for $5.

    Full event information:

  4. 11:30am 2012-10-29T13:00-05:00
    Faculty Colloquium - Justin Driver (UT L

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  5. 3:45pm 2012-10-29T16:45-05:00
    1L Resume Workshop

    Learn how to effectively tailor your resume for various legal jobs in the private and public sector. Please bring a copy of your legal-style resume to the workshop. Examples of legal-style resumes are provided in the CSO Career Development Handbook that you will receive during the 1L Orientation and Career Development Workshops. All 1Ls must submit a copy of a legal-style resume to the CSO at least 24 hours prior to your first career counseling appointment, which will take place after November 1. RSVP by Friday, October 26, on UT Law Symplicity by selecting the “Events” tab.

    Full event information:

Tuesday October 30
  1. All day
    TX Feb. 2013 Bar Exam App Final Deadline

    Reminder for 3Ls planning to sit for the Texas February 2013 Bar Exam: in order to sit for the exam, your In-State Application to Take the TX Bar Exam must be post-marked by October 30. This deadline is strictly enforced.

    Applicants who have not yet filed their Declaration of Intention to Study Law must do so prior to or with their In-State Application.

    If you would like to hand deliver your completed application by end this business day, the TX BLE office is located at:

    205 W. 14th St. Ste 500, Austin, TX 78701

    You're encouraged to arrive well in advance of the 5 PM closing time.

    Full event information:

  2. All day
    Spring 2013 Registration & Add/Drop

    Registration for continuing and readmitted students for the Spring 2013 semester. Add/drop for students who participated in early registration.

    Check for your access times.

    Full event information:

  3. 8:00am 2012-10-30T09:00-05:00
    Makeup Class

    Makeup class for Professor Mira Ganor. Breakfast tacos and drinks will be served.

    Full event information:

  4. 8:30am 2012-10-30T16:30-05:00
    Fingerprint Sessions

    The timely postmark deadline for 1Ls and out-of-state transfers students to submit their TX Declaration of Intention to Study Law to Study Law to the Board of Law Examiners (BLE) is October 1st.

    All students (including 2L and 3L late-filers) who submit their Declaration by October 1st, 2012 are eligible to have their fingerprints taken on location at The School of Law on Tuesday, October 30th—Thursday, November 1st. The BLE will accept the fingerprints taken at this session, though it is after the 10/1 deadline.

    Qualifying students who wish to participate must follow the registration instructions and arrive promptly for their appointment with their FAST form filled out and proper ID on hand. Only registered students will be admitted.

    Full event information:

  5. 9:00am 2012-10-30T18:00-05:00
    St. Gallen Conference

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  6. 10:00am 2012-10-30T14:00-05:00
    Pumpkins and Poker Ticket Sales

    Pumpkins and Poker tickets are on sale in the Tom Clark lounge.

    $15 gets you a player ticket, a P&P t-shirt, a drink ticket, 1 raffle ticket, & chips for play.

    $7 is our non-player ticket and gets you 1 raffle ticket, and either a drink ticket OR a P&P t-shirt.

    For $5 you may purchase an extra raffle ticket for door prizes.

    At the event, player tickets will be $20 and non-player tickets will be $10. We'll also continue to offer raffle tickets throughout the night for $5.

    Full event information:

  7. 11:45am 2012-10-30T13:45-05:00
    CANCELLED:Lives in the Law: Vanita Gupta


    Vanita Gupta, Deputy Legal Director of the ACLU and Director of the ACLU’s Center for Justice, will speak on her life in the law. Lunch will be served. Co-sponsored by the William Wayne Justice Center for Public Interest Law and Career Services Office. RSVP by Monday, October 29, on UT Law Symplicity by selecting the 'Events' tab.

    Full event information:

  8. 11:45am 2012-10-30T13:00-05:00
    Crim Law Lunch

    Prof. John Robertson meets with his students for personal interaction and to get to know them better.

    Full event information:

  9. 6:00pm 2012-10-30T19:00-05:00
    CHLSA meeting

    CHLSA will be holding a general body meeting at 6pm in room 3.127. Dinner will be provided.

    Full event information:

  10. 6:00pm 2012-10-30T19:00-05:00
    St. Gallen Reception

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

Wednesday October 31
  1. All day
    Spring 2013 Registration & Add/Drop

    Registration for continuing and readmitted students for the Spring 2013 semester. Add/drop for students who participated in early registration.

    Check for your access times.

    Full event information:

  2. 8:30am 2012-10-31T16:30-05:00
    Fingerprint Sessions

    The timely postmark deadline for 1Ls and out-of-state transfers students to submit their TX Declaration of Intention to Study Law to Study Law to the Board of Law Examiners (BLE) is October 1st.

    All students (including 2L and 3L late-filers) who submit their Declaration by October 1st, 2012 are eligible to have their fingerprints taken on location at The School of Law on Tuesday, October 30th—Thursday, November 1st. The BLE will accept the fingerprints taken at this session, though it is after the 10/1 deadline.

    Qualifying students who wish to participate must follow the registration instructions and arrive promptly for their appointment with their FAST form filled out and proper ID on hand. Only registered students will be admitted.

    Full event information:

  3. 9:00am 2012-10-31T18:00-05:00
    St. Gallen Conference

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  4. 10:00am 2012-10-31T14:00-05:00
    Pumpkins and Poker Ticket Sales

    Pumpkins and Poker tickets are on sale in the Tom Clark lounge.

    $15 gets you a player ticket, a P&P t-shirt, a drink ticket, 1 raffle ticket, & chips for play.

    $7 is our non-player ticket and gets you 1 raffle ticket, and either a drink ticket OR a P&P t-shirt.

    For $5 you may purchase an extra raffle ticket for door prizes.

    At the event, player tickets will be $20 and non-player tickets will be $10. We'll also continue to offer raffle tickets throughout the night for $5.

    Full event information:

  5. 11:30am 2012-10-31T12:30-05:00
    Careers in Energy Tax Law

    Jaime Spellings, General Tax Counsel for ExxonMobil, and Denney L. Wright, Senior Tax Counsel for ExxonMobil, will be at the law school on Wednesday, October 31, to speak to students interested in a career in energy tax law. Mr. Spellings and Mr. Wright co-taught Oil and Gas Tax last spring and will be teaching it again during the Spring 2013 semester. Students will have the opportunity to ask questions about the field of Energy Tax Law and decide if they would lik to add Oil and Gas Tax to their schedules for the spring semester. Summer internship opportunities in the Energy Tax Department at Exxonmobil will also be discussed.

    Lunch will be provided.

    Full event information:

  6. 12:00pm 2012-10-31T13:00-05:00
    Humanitarian Intervention

    presented by the Student Council on Re-thinking Diplomacy, in conjunction with the campus-wide Re-thinking Diplomacy Project

    Full event information:

  7. 3:00pm 2012-10-31T17:00-05:00
    Halloween Fun

    The UT Law School would like to extend an invitation to all children of students, faculty and staff to join the “Trick-or-Treat” festivities scheduled for

    Wednesday, October 31ST 3:00PM- 5:00PM

    All students and their children are welcome to participate in this special Halloween event here at the Law School.

    Maps of participating offices/locations in the Law School will be available in the Student Affairs Office (TNH 2.117) beginning at 2:30pm on 10/31.

    Full event information:

Thursday November 1
  1. All day
    Spring 2013 Registration & Add/Drop

    Registration for continuing and readmitted students for the Spring 2013 semester. Add/drop for students who participated in early registration.

    Check for your access times.

    Full event information:

  2. 8:30am 2012-11-01T16:30-05:00
    Fingerprint Sessions

    The timely postmark deadline for 1Ls and out-of-state transfers students to submit their TX Declaration of Intention to Study Law to Study Law to the Board of Law Examiners (BLE) is October 1st.

    All students (including 2L and 3L late-filers) who submit their Declaration by October 1st, 2012 are eligible to have their fingerprints taken on location at The School of Law on Tuesday, October 30th—Thursday, November 1st. The BLE will accept the fingerprints taken at this session, though it is after the 10/1 deadline.

    Qualifying students who wish to participate must follow the registration instructions and arrive promptly for their appointment with their FAST form filled out and proper ID on hand. Only registered students will be admitted.

    Full event information:

  3. 8:45am 2012-11-01T17:30-05:00

    Join a nationally-recognized faculty including senior IP counsel from major companies, patent prosecution and litigation experts, and leading academics at the Four Seasons Austin on November 1-2, 2012.

    View program and register online at

    Full event information:

  4. 8:45am 2012-11-01T16:30-05:00

    The Texas Water Law Institute brings together members of state regulatory agencies alongside water law experts and attorneys to examine and discuss current water law issues and updates. This year’s conference features a wide range of renowned speakers and topics.

    View program and register online at

    Full event information:

  5. 9:00am 2012-11-01T18:00-05:00
    St. Gallen Conference

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  6. 10:00am 2012-11-01T14:00-05:00
    Pumpkins and Poker Ticket Sales

    Pumpkins and Poker tickets are on sale in the Tom Clark lounge.

    $15 gets you a player ticket, a P&P t-shirt, a drink ticket, 1 raffle ticket, & chips for play.

    $7 is our non-player ticket and gets you 1 raffle ticket, and either a drink ticket OR a P&P t-shirt.

    For $5 you may purchase an extra raffle ticket for door prizes.

    At the event, player tickets will be $20 and non-player tickets will be $10. We'll also continue to offer raffle tickets throughout the night for $5.

    Full event information:

  7. 10:30am 2012-11-01T11:30-05:00
    1L Resume Workshop

    Learn how to effectively tailor your resume for various legal jobs in the private and public sector. Please bring a copy of your legal-style resume to the workshop. Examples of legal-style resumes are provided in the CSO Career Development Handbook that you will receive during the 1L Orientation and Career Development Workshops. All 1Ls must submit a copy of a legal-style resume to the CSO at least 24 hours prior to your first career counseling appointment, which will take place after November 1. RSVP by Wednesday, October 31, on UT Law Symplicity by selecting the “Events” tab.

    Full event information:

  8. 11:00am 2012-11-01T12:00-05:00
    Federalist Society & ACS; Election Panel

    The Federalist Society and the American Constitutional Society co-host a panel on Election Law.

    Full event information:

  9. 11:30am 2012-11-01T13:00-05:00
    Faculty Colloquium - Mitch Berman (UT La

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  10. 11:30am 2012-11-01T13:00-05:00
    Witness Check-In

    Intensive Trial Skills Class: Witness Check-In

    Full event information:

  11. 4:00pm
    Fried Frank Fellowship - Appl. Deadline

    For more information about this fellowship, please contact Nicole Simmons, Director of Public Service Programs in the CSO, at

    Fried Frank has created unique programs that effectively bridge the worlds of private law firm litigation and public service law by joining with two of the country's leading civil rights advocacy organizations, the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. (LDF) and the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF).

    The LDF and MALDEF fellowships each give an entry-level lawyer the opportunity to spend two years as a Fried Frank litigator and then two years as a staff attorney with LDF or MALDEF. At the end of their four-year commitment, successful Fellows are encouraged to interview to return to Fried Frank and, in some cases, they may continue on the staff of their civil rights organization. We are proud that a number of our former Fellows hold high-level positions on the staffs of both LDF and MALDEF.

    The ideal candidate for a Fried Frank Fellowship is a third-year law student or recent graduate currently in a judicial clerkship. Candidates for the MALDEF and LDF fellowships should have a genuine interest in both corporate and civil rights litigation. For the MALDEF Fellowship, Spanish language skills are highly desirable.

    The application deadline is November 1, 2012 by 4:00 p.m. (Central).on the application and selection process can be found on the Fried Frank Fellowship page.

    Full event information:

  12. 4:00pm 2012-11-01T18:00-05:00
    Prof. Sager with Vietnamese delegation

    Prof. Sager meets with GlobalAustin's State Department Vietnamese delegation

    Full event information:

  13. 9:00pm 2012-11-01T02:00-05:00
    Pumpkins and Poker

    This year, Domestic Violence Survivor Support Network (DVSSN) is holding Pumpkins and Poker at The Ranch!

    All proceeds from this annual fundraising event are used to provide assistance year-round to survivors of domestic violence in the Austin area. This assistance takes many forms (funds to help survivors relocate, pay past-due utility bills, past-due rent, etc.), but serves primarily to empower our clients and stabilize their lives.

    Pumpkins and Poker includes a lively poker tournament and a raffle that continues throughout the night. Doors open at 9 pm, the tournament begins at 930 pm, and we'll conclude at 2 am.

    Ticket sales will begin the week of Oct. 22nd in the Atrium:

    $15 gets you a player ticket, a P&P t-shirt, a drink ticket, 1 raffle ticket, & chips for play.

    $7 is our non-player ticket and gets you 1 raffle ticket, and either a drink ticket OR a P&P t-shirt.

    For $5 you may purchase an extra raffle ticket for door prizes.

    At the event, player tickets will be $20 and non-player tickets will be $10. We'll also continue to offer raffle tickets throughout the night for $5.

    Full event information:

Friday November 2
  1. All day
    Spring 2013 Registration & Add/Drop

    Registration for continuing and readmitted students for the Spring 2013 semester. Add/drop for students who participated in early registration.

    Check for your access times.

    Full event information:

  2. 8:30am 2012-11-02T16:45-05:00

    Join a nationally-recognized faculty including senior IP counsel from major companies, patent prosecution and litigation experts, and leading academics at the Four Seasons Austin on November 1-2, 2012.

    View program and register online at

    Full event information:

  3. 9:00am 2012-11-02T15:45-05:00

    The Texas Water Law Institute brings together members of state regulatory agencies alongside water law experts and attorneys to examine and discuss current water law issues and updates. This year’s conference features a wide range of renowned speakers and topics.

    View program and register online at

    Full event information:

  4. 9:00am 2012-11-02T18:00-05:00
    St. Gallen Conference

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  5. 11:30am 2012-11-02T12:30-05:00
    Lunch with a Law Professor

    Professor Gerald Torres, Bryant Smith Chair in Law, will be speaking about his current research and other areas of interest to him. A leading figure in critical race theory, Torres is also an expert in agricultural and environmental law. Torres has served as deputy assistant attorney general for the Environment and Natural Resources Division of the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington, D.C., and as counsel to then U.S. attorney general Janet Reno.

    Torres has served on the board of the Environmental Law Institute, the National Petroleum Council and on EPA's National Environmental Justice Advisory Council. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the American Law Institute. Torres was honored with the 2004 Legal Service Award from the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) for his work to advance the legal rights of Latinos. He has been a visiting professor at Harvard and Stanford law schools.

    Full event information:

  6. 1:15pm 2012-11-02T14:15-05:00
    1L Resume Workshop

    Learn how to effectively tailor your resume for various legal jobs in the private and public sector. Please bring a copy of your legal-style resume to the workshop. Examples of legal-style resumes are provided in the CSO Career Development Handbook that you will receive during the 1L Orientation and Career Development Workshops. All 1Ls must submit a copy of a legal-style resume to the CSO at least 24 hours prior to your first career counseling appointment, which will take place after November 1. RSVP by Thursday, November 1, on UT Law Symplicity by selecting the “Events” tab.

    Full event information:

  7. 2:00pm 2012-11-02T16:00-05:00
    Senator John Kerry Presentation

    The Honorable John F. Kerry, United States Senator from Massachusetts, will present a talk entitled “The Rule of Law in World Affairs.” Senator Kerry will discuss promoting the rule of law in the Middle East at a time of transition, Iran and the utility of multilateral sanctions, and the role of treaties (New START and Law of the Sea) in keeping Americans safe and America secure. The lecture will be held on Friday, November 2, 2012, at 2 p.m. in the Lady Bird Johnson Auditorium on the University of Texas at Austin campus. A reception will be held after the lecture, at 3:00 p.m.

    The event is sponsored by the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs and the School of Law at the University of Texas at Austin, and the James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy at Rice University, under the auspices of the Law School’s James A. Baker III Chair in the Rule of Law in World Affairs.

    No rsvp or tickets required. Seating is general admission on a first come, first served basis. For additional information, please contact Teri Raeke at

    Full event information:

  8. 2:30pm 2012-11-02T15:30-05:00
    Final Round-Gibbs & Bruns Moot Court Tou

    On behalf of the Board of Advocates and the Gibbs & Bruns Moot Court Tournament, I’d like to invite you to the Gibbs & Bruns Moot Court Final round to be held at 2:30pm, November 2nd, in the Eidman Courtroom. Gibbs & Bruns has kindly provided experienced attorneys to judge the round, who will be hanging around afterwards to chat with students.

    This year’s tournament has been based on an actual Texas Supreme Court case, Case No. 12-0047, scheduled for oral argument early next year. The case involves a dispute between a dog’s owner, an animal shelter, and the calculation of damages upon the untimely euthanization of the family pet.

    We hope you will be able to join us and support the competitors!


    David Marcou

    Full event information:

Saturday November 3
  1. All day
    Spring 2013 Registration & Add/Drop

    Registration for continuing and readmitted students for the Spring 2013 semester. Add/drop for students who participated in early registration.

    Check for your access times.

    Full event information:

  2. 2:30pm 2012-11-03T00:00-05:00
    TX Football - Texas Tech @ Lubbock

    UT vs. Texas Tech @ Lubbock, TX

    Full event information:

Sunday November 4
  1. All day
    Spring 2013 Registration & Add/Drop

    Registration for continuing and readmitted students for the Spring 2013 semester. Add/drop for students who participated in early registration.

    Check for your access times.

    Full event information:

  2. All day
    Administrative Deans Meeting

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

Monday November 5
  1. All day
    Spring 2013 Registration & Add/Drop

    Registration for continuing and readmitted students for the Spring 2013 semester. Add/drop for students who participated in early registration.

    Check for your access times.

    Full event information:

  2. All day
    Administrative Deans Meeting

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

Tuesday November 6
  1. All day
    Spring 2013 Registration & Add/Drop

    Registration for continuing and readmitted students for the Spring 2013 semester. Add/drop for students who participated in early registration.

    Check for your access times.

    Full event information:

  2. All day
    Election Day Phone Bank

    Make Calls on Election Day to Voters in Swing States!

    Have an impact on the Election! Stop by the atrium for 10 minutes, an hour, or all day to help the Obama campaign get voters in swing states to the polls.

    Full event information:

  3. 11:45am 2012-11-06T13:00-06:00
    All You Want to Know 1L Summer Jobs

    (Formerly titled Preparing for a Productive 1L Summer). Learn about summer clerkship and internship experiences from upperclassmen who worked in the public service, judicial, corporate and small and large law firm sectors over their 1L summer. Panelists include Dave Mauch, 2L, Equal Justice Center Summer Intern and Texas Civil Rights Project volunteer; Annie Kuntz, 2L, Texas Office of the Attorney General, Antitrust Division; David Marcou, 2L, Hess Corporation & U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida; Emily Stein, 2L, Burns Anderson Jury & Brenner, LLP and The Honorable Eric Shepperd, County Court at Law #2; and Tecuan Flores, 2L, Baker Botts and Fish & Richardson. Moderated by Denyse Demel, Government Career Counselor. RSVP by Monday, November 5, on UT Law Symplicity by selecting the “Events” tab.

    Full event information:

  4. 3:45pm 2012-11-06T17:45-06:00
    Human Rights Happy Hour: Jonathan Miller

    Please join us for a human rights happy hour talk featuring Jonathan Miller, Professor of Law at Southwestern Law School. Light refreshments will be served.

    Full event information:

Wednesday November 7
  1. All day
    Spring 2013 Registration & Add/Drop

    Registration for continuing and readmitted students for the Spring 2013 semester. Add/drop for students who participated in early registration.

    Check for your access times.

    Full event information:

  2. 1:30pm 2012-11-07T18:30-06:00
    Fundamentals of Immigration and National

    UT Law’s Fundamentals of Immigration and Nationality Law—ideal for new entrance to the field or as a refresher for experienced practitioners—includes an overview of immigration laws and issues, individual sessions on family immigration practice and employment immigration practice, and concludes with Practicum: Intake and Evaluation of an Immigration Case.

    Continue on at the Conference on Immigration and Nationality Law for two full days of coverage of advanced issues and includes a special presentation from AILA, After the Election: News from Washington, a discussion of hot topics and issues—what to expect and what's next.

    Full event information:

  3. 5:00pm 2012-11-07T18:00-06:00
    Hyder Reception

    Reception and Re-dedication of Hyder Collection

    Full event information:

  4. 6:00pm 2012-11-07T00:00-06:00
    2012 John C. Akard Lecture

    The Honourable Madam Justice Barbara Romaine, Justice of the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta Canada, will deliver the University of Texas School of Law's John C. Akard Lecture at the Four Seasons Hotel Austin on Wednesday, Nov. 7 at 6 p.m. Justice Romaine will speak on why cross-border proceedings between our countries work with relative ease and will share her thoughts about existing issues and the challenges to come.

    ROOM CHANGE: The lecture, which will be presented in San Jacinto West room at the hotel, is free and open to the public.

    Full event information:

Thursday November 8
  1. All day
    Spring 2013 Registration & Add/Drop

    Registration for continuing and readmitted students for the Spring 2013 semester. Add/drop for students who participated in early registration.

    Check for your access times.

    Full event information:

  2. All day
    Trustees Fall Meeting

    The UT Law School Foundation Board of Trustees will meet on November 8 and 9 at the Four Seasons Hotel.

    Full event information:

  3. 8:45am 2012-11-08T17:45-06:00
    Jay L. Westbrook Bankruptcy Conference

    The Jay L. Westbrook Bankruptcy Conference is the leading bankruptcy program in the Southwest and one of the premier programs in the nation. The conference attracts a stellar national faculty of academics, judges, and practitioners, and addresses a mix of business and consumer bankruptcy topics at an advanced level.

    View program and register online at

    Full event information:

  4. 8:45am 2012-11-08T17:45-06:00
    Immigration and Nationality Law

    Don’t miss the opportunity to meet with and learn from nationally-recognized experts. Get to know your fellow practitioners from around the state and hear how they are dealing with tough issues.

    The program includes sessions designed to leave practitioners with tools, forms, tips and guidance on key decision points and strategies in family-based immigration cases and employment-based immigration cases, and the increasing importance of removal and relief from removal.

    View program and register online at

    Full event information:

  5. 10:30am 2012-11-08T11:30-06:00
    Relationship Building 101

    This informational and practical program, presented by Mardy Sackley and Sara Gail of Lateral Link, will walk you through the networking process and provide a practical guide to networking for life to connect, get referrals, and land a job. You will walk away with many concrete tips on how to conduct yourself in networking situations. So take the first step - show up and attend! Lunch will be provided after the program. RSVP by Wednesday, November 7, on UT Law Symplicity by selecting the “Events” tab.

    Full event information:

  6. 11:30am 2012-11-08T13:00-06:00
    Faculty Colloquium - Julie Seaman

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  7. 1:15pm 2012-11-08T14:15-06:00
    Antitrust Division Informational Session

    Mark Levy, '01, will discuss Spring and Summer 2013 internship opportunities available in the Texas Office of the Attorney General - Antitrust Division, which may qualify for academic credit.

    Full event information:

  8. 3:30pm 2012-11-08T18:00-06:00
    TJOGEL Career Panel

    The Texas Journal of Oil, Gas, & Energy Law will be hosting its annual Energy Law Career Panel featuring attorneys working in various roles within the energy industry discussing careers in energy law, in addition to answering students’ questions. This is a great networking opportunity for anyone interested in the industry, particularly 1Ls who are considering summer employment in the energy sector. Panelists include Bill Kroger ’89, Partner, Baker Botts L.L.P.; Creighton Smith ‘97, Partner, Vinson & Elkins LLP; Austin Lee ’09, Associate, Bracewell & Giuliani LLP; David Leonard ‘11, Associate, Looper Reed & McGraw P.C.; Amy Maxwell ’07, Chief of Staff and Legal Counsel to Railroad Commissioner David Porter; Cynthia Redwine ’07, Principal, Clean Power Professionals, LLC; and Brandon Seale ‘08, Principal, Zaragoza Resources. Moderated by Brock Naeve, 3L, Editor-in-Chief of TJOGEL. Co-sponsored by the Career Services Office. RSVP by Wednesday, November 7, on UT Law Symplicity by selecting the “Events” tab.

    Full event information:

  9. 5:30pm 2012-11-08T18:15-06:00
    Speed Networking

    Sign-up at 10 p.m. on Tuesday, October 23 is on a first-come, first-served basis on UT Law Symplicity by selecting the "Events" tab. Space is limited! Back by popular demand! Participating students will have the opportunity to network one-on-one with legal professionals from a variety of practice areas, as well as fellow students, during several short (8-10 minutes) speed networking rounds prior to Cocktails & Conversation. We request that students commit to attend the entire speed networking portion of the event. Please arrive no later than 5:15 p.m. Free street parking and UT Shuttle (40 Acres) is also available. The AT&T Conference Center is located on campus at 1900 University Blvd. at MLK Blvd.

    Then afterwards, join us for our 15th Annual Cocktails & Conversation in the courtyard of the AT&T for drinks and hors d’ouevres. Your RSVP for Speed Networking will also be noted for Cocktails & Conversation. Dress is business casual.

    Full event information:

  10. 6:00pm 2012-11-08T19:30-06:00
    Cocktails & Conversation

    UT Law students and alumni are invited to attend the CSO's 15th Annual Cocktails & Conversation networking reception, which provides the perfect opportunity to meet and network in a casual setting with UT Law alumni and friends. Student parking provided. Free street parking and UT Shuttle (40 Acres) is also available. The AT&T Conference Center is located on campus at 1900 University Blvd. at MLK Blvd. This is a great way to expand your network, so don’t miss out! Dress is business casual. RSVP by Wednesday, November 7, on UT Law Symplicity by selecting the “Events” tab.

    Sponsored by Lateral Link.

    Full event information:

  11. 7:00pm 2012-11-08T20:30-06:00
    Chancellors Ceremony and Reception

    This is the annual Chancellors ceremony to induct them and reception to honor them.

    Full event information:

  12. 7:30pm 2012-11-08T22:00-06:00
    Sexy Sex-Ed Trivia

    Start your weekend and Bar Review early this Thursday with Sex-Ed Trivia at Fado's Irish Pub. See how well you learned (or successfully unlearned) the material from your middle school sex-ed classes at this free event, which is sponsored by Texas Law Students for Reproductive Justice. There will also be a raffle and door prizes provided by Forbidden Fruit and other local shops. Doors open at 7:30pm and trivia starts at 8pm. The event is open to all, and the first three teams to arrive get a pitcher of beer on us! Bar Review will follow at the same location. For more information, see the Facebook event page at

    Full event information:

Friday November 9
  1. All day
    Spring 2013 Registration & Add/Drop

    Registration for continuing and readmitted students for the Spring 2013 semester. Add/drop for students who participated in early registration.

    Check for your access times.

    Full event information:

  2. All day
    Trustees Fall Meeting

    The UT Law School Foundation Board of Trustees will meet on November 8 and 9 at the Four Seasons Hotel.

    Full event information:

  3. 8:30am 2012-11-09T16:30-06:00
    Immigration and Nationality Law

    Don’t miss the opportunity to meet with and learn from nationally-recognized experts. Get to know your fellow practitioners from around the state and hear how they are dealing with tough issues.

    The program includes sessions designed to leave practitioners with tools, forms, tips and guidance on key decision points and strategies in family-based immigration cases and employment-based immigration cases, and the increasing importance of removal and relief from removal.

    View program and register online at

    Full event information:

  4. 8:45am 2012-11-09T15:00-06:00
    Jay L. Westbrook Bankruptcy Conference

    The Jay L. Westbrook Bankruptcy Conference is the leading bankruptcy program in the Southwest and one of the premier programs in the nation. The conference attracts a stellar national faculty of academics, judges, and practitioners, and addresses a mix of business and consumer bankruptcy topics at an advanced level.

    View program and register online at

    Full event information:

  5. 10:30am 2012-11-09T13:15-06:00
    Pizza Lunch

    Pizza lunch for Zipporah Wiseman's Reproductive Rights & Justice makeup class in TNH 3.129.

    Full event information:

  6. 1:15pm 2012-11-09T14:15-06:00
    1L Public Interest Summer Jobs Panel

    Are you interested in working at a nonprofit or government agency your 1L summer? Come hear advice from a panel of upperclass students on how to approach the public interest summer job search.

    Panelists will discuss how they found and secured their nonprofit and government summer jobs working on juvenile justice, human rights, prosecution, criminal defense reform, environmental enforcement, and more.

    Pizza will be provided.

    Full event information:

Saturday November 10
  1. 11:00am 2012-11-10T00:00-06:00
    TX Football - Iowa State @ Austin

    UT vs. Iowa State @ Austin

    Full event information: