Events Calendar

Now viewing: November 4–17, 2012

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Sunday 4 Monday 5 Tuesday November 6
  1. 3:45pm 2012-11-06T17:45-06:00
    Human Rights Happy Hour: Jonathan Miller

    Please join us for a human rights happy hour talk featuring Jonathan Miller, Professor of Law at Southwestern Law School. Light refreshments will be served.

    Full event information:

Wednesday November 7
  1. 1:30pm 2012-11-07T18:30-06:00
    Fundamentals of Immigration and National

    UT Law’s Fundamentals of Immigration and Nationality Law—ideal for new entrance to the field or as a refresher for experienced practitioners—includes an overview of immigration laws and issues, individual sessions on family immigration practice and employment immigration practice, and concludes with Practicum: Intake and Evaluation of an Immigration Case.

    Continue on at the Conference on Immigration and Nationality Law for two full days of coverage of advanced issues and includes a special presentation from AILA, After the Election: News from Washington, a discussion of hot topics and issues—what to expect and what's next.

    Full event information:

  2. 5:00pm 2012-11-07T18:00-06:00
    Hyder Reception

    Reception and Re-dedication of Hyder Collection

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  3. 6:00pm 2012-11-07T00:00-06:00
    2012 John C. Akard Lecture

    The Honourable Madam Justice Barbara Romaine, Justice of the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta Canada, will deliver the University of Texas School of Law's John C. Akard Lecture at the Four Seasons Hotel Austin on Wednesday, Nov. 7 at 6 p.m. Justice Romaine will speak on why cross-border proceedings between our countries work with relative ease and will share her thoughts about existing issues and the challenges to come.

    ROOM CHANGE: The lecture, which will be presented in San Jacinto West room at the hotel, is free and open to the public.

    Full event information:

Thursday November 8
  1. All day
    Trustees Fall Meeting

    The UT Law School Foundation Board of Trustees will meet on November 8 and 9 at the Four Seasons Hotel.

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  2. 8:45am 2012-11-08T17:45-06:00
    Jay L. Westbrook Bankruptcy Conference

    The Jay L. Westbrook Bankruptcy Conference is the leading bankruptcy program in the Southwest and one of the premier programs in the nation. The conference attracts a stellar national faculty of academics, judges, and practitioners, and addresses a mix of business and consumer bankruptcy topics at an advanced level.

    View program and register online at

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  3. 8:45am 2012-11-08T17:45-06:00
    Immigration and Nationality Law

    Don’t miss the opportunity to meet with and learn from nationally-recognized experts. Get to know your fellow practitioners from around the state and hear how they are dealing with tough issues.

    The program includes sessions designed to leave practitioners with tools, forms, tips and guidance on key decision points and strategies in family-based immigration cases and employment-based immigration cases, and the increasing importance of removal and relief from removal.

    View program and register online at

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  4. 3:30pm 2012-11-08T18:00-06:00
    TJOGEL Career Panel

    The Texas Journal of Oil, Gas, & Energy Law will be hosting its annual Energy Law Career Panel featuring attorneys working in various roles within the energy industry discussing careers in energy law, in addition to answering students’ questions. This is a great networking opportunity for anyone interested in the industry, particularly 1Ls who are considering summer employment in the energy sector. Panelists include Bill Kroger ’89, Partner, Baker Botts L.L.P.; Creighton Smith ‘97, Partner, Vinson & Elkins LLP; Austin Lee ’09, Associate, Bracewell & Giuliani LLP; David Leonard ‘11, Associate, Looper Reed & McGraw P.C.; Amy Maxwell ’07, Chief of Staff and Legal Counsel to Railroad Commissioner David Porter; Cynthia Redwine ’07, Principal, Clean Power Professionals, LLC; and Brandon Seale ‘08, Principal, Zaragoza Resources. Moderated by Brock Naeve, 3L, Editor-in-Chief of TJOGEL. Co-sponsored by the Career Services Office. RSVP by Wednesday, November 7, on UT Law Symplicity by selecting the “Events” tab.

    Full event information:

  5. 5:30pm 2012-11-08T18:15-06:00
    Speed Networking

    Sign-up at 10 p.m. on Tuesday, October 23 is on a first-come, first-served basis on UT Law Symplicity by selecting the "Events" tab. Space is limited! Back by popular demand! Participating students will have the opportunity to network one-on-one with legal professionals from a variety of practice areas, as well as fellow students, during several short (8-10 minutes) speed networking rounds prior to Cocktails & Conversation. We request that students commit to attend the entire speed networking portion of the event. Please arrive no later than 5:15 p.m. Free street parking and UT Shuttle (40 Acres) is also available. The AT&T Conference Center is located on campus at 1900 University Blvd. at MLK Blvd.

    Then afterwards, join us for our 15th Annual Cocktails & Conversation in the courtyard of the AT&T for drinks and hors d’ouevres. Your RSVP for Speed Networking will also be noted for Cocktails & Conversation. Dress is business casual.

    Full event information:

  6. 6:00pm 2012-11-08T19:30-06:00
    Cocktails & Conversation

    UT Law students and alumni are invited to attend the CSO's 15th Annual Cocktails & Conversation networking reception, which provides the perfect opportunity to meet and network in a casual setting with UT Law alumni and friends. Student parking provided. Free street parking and UT Shuttle (40 Acres) is also available. The AT&T Conference Center is located on campus at 1900 University Blvd. at MLK Blvd. This is a great way to expand your network, so don’t miss out! Dress is business casual. RSVP by Wednesday, November 7, on UT Law Symplicity by selecting the “Events” tab.

    Sponsored by Lateral Link.

    Full event information:

  7. 7:30pm 2012-11-08T22:00-06:00
    Sexy Sex-Ed Trivia

    Start your weekend and Bar Review early this Thursday with Sex-Ed Trivia at Fado's Irish Pub. See how well you learned (or successfully unlearned) the material from your middle school sex-ed classes at this free event, which is sponsored by Texas Law Students for Reproductive Justice. There will also be a raffle and door prizes provided by Forbidden Fruit and other local shops. Doors open at 7:30pm and trivia starts at 8pm. The event is open to all, and the first three teams to arrive get a pitcher of beer on us! Bar Review will follow at the same location. For more information, see the Facebook event page at

    Full event information:

Friday November 9
  1. All day
    Trustees Fall Meeting

    The UT Law School Foundation Board of Trustees will meet on November 8 and 9 at the Four Seasons Hotel.

    Full event information:

  2. 8:30am 2012-11-09T16:30-06:00
    Immigration and Nationality Law

    Don’t miss the opportunity to meet with and learn from nationally-recognized experts. Get to know your fellow practitioners from around the state and hear how they are dealing with tough issues.

    The program includes sessions designed to leave practitioners with tools, forms, tips and guidance on key decision points and strategies in family-based immigration cases and employment-based immigration cases, and the increasing importance of removal and relief from removal.

    View program and register online at

    Full event information:

  3. 8:45am 2012-11-09T15:00-06:00
    Jay L. Westbrook Bankruptcy Conference

    The Jay L. Westbrook Bankruptcy Conference is the leading bankruptcy program in the Southwest and one of the premier programs in the nation. The conference attracts a stellar national faculty of academics, judges, and practitioners, and addresses a mix of business and consumer bankruptcy topics at an advanced level.

    View program and register online at

    Full event information:

Saturday November 10
  1. 11:00am 2012-11-10T00:00-06:00
    TX Football - Iowa State @ Austin

    UT vs. Iowa State @ Austin

    Full event information:

Sunday 11 Monday November 12
  1. 12:00pm 2012-11-12T13:00-06:00
    “From Civil Rights to Human Rights”

    Monday, November 12, noon to 1 p.m., Eidman Courtroom

    Pizza to follow in the Pavilion

    Moderated by Professor Willy Forbath

    Presented by the Justice Center and the Rapoport Center

    Co-sponsored by: Chicano/Hispanic Law Students Association, Human Rights Law Society, Public Interest Law Association, Thurgood Marshall Legal Society, Texas Journal on Civil Liberties & Civil Rights

    About Ramsey Clark:

    William Ramsey Clark was appointed Assistant Attorney General of the Lands Division by President Kennedy in 1961, when Clark was only 33 years old. After his tenure as AAG, Clark served as Deputy Attorney General from 1965 until 1967, when President Johnson appointed him the 66th U.S. Attorney General. Clark served as the Attorney General until the end of the Johnson Administration in January 1969, and played an important role in the administration’s civil rights agenda, including supervising the drafting of the 1968 Civil Rights Act.

    Following his term as Attorney General, Clark worked as a law professor and was active in the anti-Vietnam War movement. He undertook two unsuccessful Senate campaigns in New York in 1974 and 1976. Clark became an antiwar and civil rights activist, founding the International Action Center, and speaking out against the United States’ 1991 and 2003 military invasions of Iraq. He has served as legal counsel to many controversial figures, including Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein. In 2008 he received the United Nations Human Rights Prize.

    Clark was born in Dallas. At the age of 17 he joined the Marine Corps, and served in Europe in the final months of World War II. He received a bachelor’s degree from the University of Texas and a law degree from the University of Chicago. After completing his education, Clark joined his father’s Texas law firm Clark, Reed and Clark, where he remained until he was appointed AAG. Clark’s father was former U.S. Attorney General and Supreme Court Justice Tom C. Clark.

    Full event information:

  2. 2:30pm 2012-11-12T16:30-06:00
    Prof. Sokolow's make-up class

    Prof. Sokolow's make-up class

    Full event information:

Tuesday November 13
  1. 11:45am 2012-11-13T13:00-06:00
    Jobs Workshop

    Bracewell & Giuliani will be hosting a workshop luncheon to discuss resumes and job applications. They will also touch on exam preparation and what to do now to get ready for finals. Lunch will be served.

    Full event information:

  2. 12:00pm 2012-11-13T13:00-06:00
    Federalist Society - Cops & Criminals

    The Federalist Society will host Jack Kress who will give an interactive presentation involving videos and demonstrations about the decision-making process of police officers in the line of duty.

    Full event information:

  3. 3:00pm 2012-11-13T17:30-06:00
    Supreme Ct. Clinic

    Supreme Ct. Clinic is holding a moot court.

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  4. CANCELED 2012-11-13T17:45-06:00
    Human Rights Happy Hour: Keith Banting

    THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELED. If in doubt, verify with the web-based events calendar.

    Please join us for a human rights happy hour talk featuring Keith Banting, Professor of Political Studies and Policy Studies and Queen's Chair in Public Policy at Queen's University. Light refreshments will be served.

    Full event information:

  5. 5:30pm 2012-11-13T18:30-06:00
    Breaking into the Music Law field

    Law Students for the Arts will have 2 attorneys speak about their experience in the music industry, how they got into the field, and the Grammy Foundation's Entertainment Law Initiative's writing competition.

    Full event information:

  6. 6:00pm 2012-11-13T19:00-06:00
    CHLSA meeting

    CHLSA will be holding a general body meeting at 6pm in room 3.127. Dinner will be provided.

    Full event information:

Wednesday November 14
  1. 2:15pm 2012-11-14T15:30-06:00
    Panel Discussion: A Market for Organs

    The Health Law & Bioethics Society will host a panel discussion on organ donation, specifically, creating a free market for organs. Our speakers will be Ms. Jody Gibson of the Texas Organ Sharing Alliance and Professor John Robertson. Topics covered will include federal law banning payment for organs, the organ donation process, and the implications of creating a free market for organs. Interested individuals will also be able to register as organ donors following the event. Open to students, staff, faculty and the public. Refreshments will be provided. Event sponsored by the William Wayne Justice Center for Public Interest Law.

    Full event information:

Thursday November 15
  1. 6:00pm 2012-11-15T00:00-06:00
    Atlanta Alumni Reception

    The Alumni Association is hosting a reception with Associate Dean Stefanie Lindquist for Atlanta area alumni on November 15, 2012 at the law firm of King & Spalding at 6:00 p.m.

    Full event information:

Friday 16 Saturday 17