Events Calendar

Now viewing: February 3–9, 2013

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Sunday February 3
  1. All day
    TJWL Spring Write-On

    Texas Journal of Women and the Law is receiving applications for Spring Write-On. Applications are due February 5, 2013. For more information email Alyssa Flores at

    Full event information:

Monday February 4
  1. All day
    Spring OCI - Student Bidding Ends

    First, second- and third-year students and alumni up to one year after graduation are eligible to participate in Spring On-Campus Interviews per employer requests. Online bidding ends at 5 p.m. today via UT Law Symplicity.

    Full event information:

  2. All day
    TJWL Spring Write-On

    Texas Journal of Women and the Law is receiving applications for Spring Write-On. Applications are due February 5, 2013. For more information email Alyssa Flores at

    Full event information:

Tuesday February 5
  1. All day
    TJWL Spring Write-On

    Texas Journal of Women and the Law is receiving applications for Spring Write-On. Applications are due February 5, 2013. For more information email Alyssa Flores at

    Full event information:

  2. 11:45am 2013-02-05T13:45-06:00
    Lives in the Law: Pamelya Herndon

    Pamelya Herndon, Executive Director, Southwest Women’s Law Center will speak on her life in the law

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  3. 12:00pm 2013-02-05T13:00-06:00
    Meeting: Health Law & Bioethics Society

    The Health Law & Bioethics Society will be holding its first meeting of the semester on Tuesday, February 5th at noon in TNH 3.114.

    This semester we will host and event which will be a discussion by two leading experts from the Center for Public Policy Priorities and the Texas Public Policy Foundation about the direction the State is taking in light of the Supreme Court’s Affordable Care Act decision. Tentatively, this event will be held on March 18th, the first class day after Spring Break.

    Near the end of the semester, we will hold elections for the HL&BS Board for the 2013-2014 academic year.

    If you are interested in joining our student organization, please come!

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  4. 3:45pm 2013-02-05T16:45-06:00
    Yoga Club Meeting

    Free yoga class for law school students, faculty and staff. All experience levels welcome. Equipment provided but please wear comfortable clothing.

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  5. 6:30pm 2013-02-05T00:00-06:00
    Virgil C. Lott Award

    The Honorable Rodney G. Ellis will be presented with the Virgil C. Lott Medal on Tuesday, February 5th at 6:30 p.m. in the Kondorsky Donor Lounge at the Long Center.

    Full event information:

Wednesday 6 Thursday February 7
  1. 8:45am 2013-02-07T17:30-06:00
    Securities Regulation and Business Law

    Join leading securities law experts, including practitioners, bankers, market makers, regulators and judges at the 35th Annual Conference on Securities Regulation and Business Law at the Four Seasons Hotel in Austin for two days of engaging topics.

    Don’t miss this opportunity to join us for superb materials, A-list speakers from Texas, New York, and Delaware, and terrific networking opportunities, including buffet lunches and Thursday evening's reception.

    View program and register online at

    Full event information:

  2. 10:00am 2013-02-07T17:30-06:00
    Special Needs

    For more information on this event, please visit

    Full event information:

    SBA Spring Elections Candidate Petitions

    THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELED. If in doubt, verify with the web-based events calendar.

    You must also turn in your SBA Candidate Petition form by Thursday, March 21 by 2:30p.m. in the ballot box outside of the SBA Office TNH 2.128E. Petitions available here:

    Elections will take place from 10:30a.m.-2:30p.m. in the Atrium on Wednesday, March 27.

    Full event information:

  4. 3:30pm 2013-02-07T17:30-06:00
    Careers in Corporate Law

    The Association of Corporate Counsel - Austin Chapter will present a panel discussion on the practice of corporate in-house law. Always wondered what these lawyers do? How they got their jobs? Learn about corporate hiring practices, what it is like to be in-house counsel, and how law firm and in-house practices differ. Panelists include Christopher Rhodes, Senior Counsel, The Travelers Companies, Inc.; Ana Ward, ’96, Sr. Vice President and General Counsel, Asuragen; Mark Walker, Counsel, IBM Corp.; and Nestor Ho, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, Silicon Laboratories. Moderated by Feras Mousilli,’03, Technology Attorney, Dell, Inc. Also learn about ACC-Austin’s informal mentor program.

    Reception to follow in the Susman Godfrey Atrium from 4:30-6:30 p.m. RSVP for both the panel and reception by Wednesday, February 6, on UT Law Symplicity by selecting the 'Events' tab.

    Part of the Career Exploration Series, which offers students an opportunity to learn more about different areas of the law and network with leading practitioners in these areas.

    Full event information:

  5. 3:30pm 2013-02-07T17:00-06:00
    TMLS G-Body Meeting

    Our general body meeting to organize events, give announcements, and fellowship with friends. Meetings are every other week.

    Full event information:

  6. CANCELED 2013-02-07T17:30-06:00
    Legal Epistemology

    THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELED. If in doubt, verify with the web-based events calendar.

    Ron Allen will be the speaker.

    Full event information:

  7. 4:00pm 2013-02-07T18:30-06:00
    Rapoport Center Annual Conference

    The Rapoport Center's ninth annual conference, entitled "Impunity, Justice and the Human Rights Agenda," will be held at the University of Texas School of Law on February 7-8, 2013. This multidisciplinary conference will bring together scholars, human rights advocates and policy makers from around the world to assess critically the human rights movement's focus on anti-impunity. Panels include "The Anti-Impunity Professional: A View from Inside," "The Criminal Law Paradigm," "Criminalization and the Politics of Transition," and "Transitional Justice Outside the Criminal Law Paradigm."

    Full event information:

  8. 5:00pm 2013-02-07T20:00-06:00
    TILJ International Insolvency Symposium

    The Texas International Law Journal is hosting its annual International Law Symposium on February 7 and 8 in the Thompson Conference Center. This year's faculty sponsor is Professor Westbrook and the topic will be International Insolvency. In the wake of the Euro Debt Crisis, this Symposium will offer forward-thinking viewpoints on the future of international finance.

    Full event information:

  9. 5:30pm 2013-02-07T19:30-06:00
    Political Asylum Training

    Students will work with a pro bono attorney representing a political asylum petitioner.

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Friday February 8
  1. 8:00am 2013-02-08T18:00-06:00
    TILJ International Insolvency Symposium

    The Texas International Law Journal is hosting its annual International Law Symposium on February 7 and 8 in the Thompson Conference Center. This year's faculty sponsor is Professor Westbrook and the topic will be International Insolvency. In the wake of the Euro Debt Crisis, this Symposium will offer forward-thinking viewpoints on the future of international finance.

    Full event information:

  2. 8:15am 2013-02-08T15:15-06:00
    Special Needs

    For more information on this event, please visit

    Full event information:

  3. 8:30am 2013-02-08T15:15-06:00
    Securities Regulation and Business Law

    Join leading securities law experts, including practitioners, bankers, market makers, regulators and judges at the 35th Annual Conference on Securities Regulation and Business Law at the Four Seasons Hotel in Austin for two days of engaging topics.

    Don’t miss this opportunity to join us for superb materials, A-list speakers from Texas, New York, and Delaware, and terrific networking opportunities, including buffet lunches and Thursday evening's reception.

    View program and register online at

    Full event information:

  4. 9:00am 2013-02-08T17:00-06:00
    Rapoport Center Annual Conference

    The Rapoport Center's ninth annual conference, entitled "Impunity, Justice and the Human Rights Agenda," will be held at the University of Texas School of Law on February 7-8, 2013. This multidisciplinary conference will bring together scholars, human rights advocates and policy makers from around the world to assess critically the human rights movement's focus on anti-impunity. Panels include "The Anti-Impunity Professional: A View from Inside," "The Criminal Law Paradigm," "Criminalization and the Politics of Transition," and "Transitional Justice Outside the Criminal Law Paradigm."

    Full event information:

  5. 11:15am 2013-02-08T13:30-06:00
    Austin Bar Association Environmental

    Austin Bar Association's Environmental Section and the Texas Environmental Law Journal will host a joint lunch at UT Law. Three guest speakers will discuss emerging issues in environmental law.

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Saturday 9