Events Calendar

Now viewing: Wednesday, January 15, 2014

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Mock Interview Program

Career Services Interview Suite (TNH 3.122)

Each spring the CSO presents a Mock Interview Program where attorneys come on campus to provide mock interviews with 1L students prior to Spring OCI and Public Service Career Fair. Don't miss this opportunity to practice interviewing with attorneys from a wide range of legal employers.

For more information visit
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American Journal of Criminal Law Spring Write-On

The American Journal of Criminal Law (AJCL) is now accepting new members. If you are interested in joining one of the country's top criminal law journals, please send a resume, transcript, and a writing sample to by January 21st.

Writing samples should be the LRW memos written during the first semester. Applicants who got an A+ or A in Criminal Law will automatically be invited to join if a resume and transcript is su

For more information visit
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Texas Journal of Women and the Law Spring Write-On

The Texas Journal of Women and the Law is now accepting membership applications for the 2014-2015 school year!

Please contact Miki Alvarado at for an application or with any questions you may have about the journal.

Spring applications will be due on January 26 at 11:59pm.

For more information visit
Public Service Career Fair – Preselect Scheduling Begins

Preselected students may begin scheduling via the Texas Consortium Symplicity Module for Public Service Career Fair, which is the largest public service job fair for law students in Texas. Scheduling for preselected students ends at noon on Friday, January 17, 2014. Alternate students may begin scheduling available interviews at 1:00 p.m. Alternate scheduling is on a first-come, first-serv

For more information visit
1L Session: Grades Are In - Now What?

TNH 2.140 (Wright Classroom)

Your first semester grades are in. Now what? Dean Bangs and Brandi Welch will discuss your grades, your reaction and where to go from here. Whether you were satisfied or not, there are a few strategies all law students may attempt to better performance in the Spring. We'll also discuss how to approach professors with questions about exam answers.

For more information visit
Akin Gump Pro Bono Scholar Information Session

CCJ 2.310 (Jury Room)

Students interested in making pro bono work an important part of their law firm careers are invited to learn more about the benefits of pro bono work. Steven Schulman, Pro Bono Partner at Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP (Washington, DC) will discuss law firm pro bono programs and the importance of pro bono service in your legal career.

For more information visit