Events Calendar

Now viewing: August 24–September 6, 2014

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Sunday August 24
  1. 8:00am 2014-08-24T00:00-05:00
    Fall 2014 Registration & Add/Drop

    Registration for new and readmitted students not yet registered. Add/drop for those already registered. Tuition due by 5:00 p.m. on September 2nd.

    Full event information:

Monday August 25
  1. All day
    Fall On-Campus Interviews

    Rising second- and third-year students and alumni up to one year after graduation are eligible to participate in Fall On-Campus Interviews per employer requests. Session I will be held weekdays August 12-26, 2014 and Session II will be held October 13-17, 2014.

    Full event information:

  2. 8:00am 2014-08-25T16:00-05:00
    FreshLaw Orientation

    Orientation for first year students. Admitted first year students can see more information at

    Full event information:

  3. 7:00pm 2014-08-25T00:00-05:00
    Fall 2014 Late Registration & Add/Drop

    Late registration for students not yet registered. Add/drop for students previously registered. Tuition due by 5:00 on September 2nd.

    Full event information:

Tuesday August 26
  1. All day
    Fall On-Campus Interviews

    Rising second- and third-year students and alumni up to one year after graduation are eligible to participate in Fall On-Campus Interviews per employer requests. Session I will be held weekdays August 12-26, 2014 and Session II will be held October 13-17, 2014.

    Full event information:

  2. 8:00am 2014-08-26T17:00-05:00
    Fall 2014 Late Registration & Add/Drop

    Late registration for students not yet registered. Add/drop for students previously registered. Tuition due by 5:00 on September 2nd.

    Full event information:

  3. 11:30am 2014-08-26T13:30-05:00
    CSO Lunch with Student Orgs and Journals

    The University of Texas School of Law Career Services Office invites student organization and journal leaders at the Law School to a lunchtime discussion on how we can work together on relevant career-related programming for the upcoming school year.

    Full event information:

Wednesday August 27
  1. All day
    First Class Day

    Classes have ended for the Spring semester and will resume for the fall semester on Wednesday, Aug. 27.

    Full event information:

  2. All day
    Classes Begin

    Classes Begin

    Full event information:

  3. 8:00am 2014-08-27T00:00-05:00
    Fall 2014 Late Registration & Add/Drop

    Late registration for students not yet registered. Add/drop for students previously registered. Tuition due by 5:00 on September 2nd.

    Full event information:

Thursday August 28
  1. 8:00am 2014-08-28T00:00-05:00
    Fall 2014 Late Registration & Add/Drop

    Late registration for students not yet registered. Add/drop for students previously registered. Tuition due by 5:00 on September 2nd.

    Full event information:

  2. 8:30am 2014-08-28T09:30-05:00
    CSO Breakfast with Student Orgs

    The University of Texas School of Law Career Services Office invites student organization and journal leaders at the Law School to a breakfast discussion on how we can work together on relevant career-related programming for the upcoming school year.

    Full event information:

  3. 10:30am 2014-08-28T11:30-05:00
    HUD Honors Program Info Session

    Debra Loya with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, will talk about HUD and how to successfully apply for their Honors Programs. HUD's mission is to increase homeownership, support community development, and increase access to affordable housing free from discrimination. Coffee will be served.

    Please RSVP by Wednesday, August 27, on UT Law Symplicity by selecting the 'Events' tab. Note: 1Ls and LL.M.s may RSVP to Alisha Camacho at

    Full event information:

  4. 12:00pm 2014-08-28T13:00-05:00
    DOJ Summer & Honors Info Session

    Learn more about the opportunities available in the Summer Law Intern Program (law students) and Honors Program (for entry-level attorneys) at the U.S. Department of Justice from Tracy Greer, '88, who is an attorney in the DOJ's Antitrust Division. Lunch will be served after the program.

    Please RSVP by Wednesday, August 27, on UT Law Symplicity by selecting the 'Events' tab. Note: 1Ls and LL.M.s may RSVP to Alisha Camacho at

    Full event information:

  5. 12:00pm 2014-08-28T13:00-05:00
    Dean's Lunch: Transfer Students

    Lunch with Dean Farnsworth for incoming transfer students.

    Full event information:

Friday August 29
  1. 8:00am 2014-08-29T00:00-05:00
    Fall 2014 Late Registration & Add/Drop

    Late registration for students not yet registered. Add/drop for students previously registered. Tuition due by 5:00 on September 2nd.

    Full event information:

  2. 12:00pm 2014-08-29T14:00-05:00
    Tarlton Law Review Editors Luncheon

    A luncheon to introduce new law review editors to Tarlton librarians and library services for the journals. Lunch will start at 12:30pm.

    Full event information:

Saturday 30
Sunday 31 Monday September 1
  1. All day
    Labor Day Holiday - University Closed

    Labor Day Holiday - University Closed

    Full event information:

Tuesday September 2
  1. All day
    TJCLCR Fall Write-On Competition

    The Texas Journal on Civil Liberties & Civil Rights (TJCLCR) is now hosting its Fall Write-On Competition. The journal is accepting applications from ALL classes (1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls, and LLMs). If you are interested in applying to be a staff member for TJCLCR, please email, or pick up an application from the circulation desk in the atrium. Applications are due Monday, September 8, by 11:59 PM.

    Full event information:

  2. 8:00am 2014-09-02T17:00-05:00
    Fall 2014 Late Registration & Add/Drop

    Late registration for students not yet registered. Add/drop for students previously registered. Tuition due by 5:00 on September 2nd.

    Full event information:

  3. 8:00am 2014-09-02T17:00-05:00
    Last Day Online Reg. & Tuition Due

    Fourth class day. Last day of registration and adds/drops through the online system. After today, schedule changes must be made through the Student Affairs Office.

    Tuition MUST BE PAID or confirmed no later than 5:00 p.m., or your schedule will be deleted.

    Full event information:

  4. 12:00pm 2014-09-02T00:00-05:00
    Fall OCI - Bidding Period Opens

    Rising second- and third-year students and alumni up to one year after graduation are eligible to participate in Fall On-Campus Interviews per employer requests. Students may bid (apply) at any time during the online bidding period, which takes place September 2-12, 2014, on UT Law Symplicity.

    Full event information:

  5. 5:30pm 2014-09-02T19:30-05:00
    All Board Meeting

    The Executive and Editorial Board meet to discuss the semester.

    Full event information:

Wednesday September 3
  1. All day
    TJCLCR Fall Write-On Competition

    The Texas Journal on Civil Liberties & Civil Rights (TJCLCR) is now hosting its Fall Write-On Competition. The journal is accepting applications from ALL classes (1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls, and LLMs). If you are interested in applying to be a staff member for TJCLCR, please email, or pick up an application from the circulation desk in the atrium. Applications are due Monday, September 8, by 11:59 PM.

    Full event information:

  2. All day
    TJWL Write-on

    It's Fall write-on time for the Texas Journal of Women and the Law! TJWL is one of the few journals that allows 1Ls to write-on, which often leads to an editorial board position during your 2L and 3L years. We welcome ALL students to apply!

    Pick up an application at the Communications Desk in the Atrium. Completed applications should be turned in by Friday, September 19, 2014 at 5:00pm to the TJWL box at the Communications Center, or email with the subject: “TJWL APPLICATION.”


    TJWL is an innovative, student-edited journal dedicated to publishing legal scholarship that explores the cultural, racial, and socio-economic factors affecting women. We celebrate the advances made by women's advocates and seek to enhance the relationship between theoretical and practical perspectives by promoting discourse on gender and the law issues.

    TJWL publishes twice during the academic year. Each publication includes a combination of three or four articles, notes, and/or comments. Preference for publication is given to student notes written by TJWL staff members.

    Staff members have the opportunity to take part in more than simple cite-checking. As a member of TJWL, you may take advantage of opportunities to edit, work directly with authors, select materials for publication, and work on non-publication projects.

    If you have questions or would like an application, please contact Lauren Miller at

    Full event information:

  3. 11:30am 2014-09-03T13:30-05:00
    Student Organizational Fair

    The Student Organizational Fair is for UT Law students to visit tables for all of the different student organizations, and learn about what they do. Students can collect information, sign up for organizations, and interact with organization leaders.

    Full event information:

  4. 8:00pm 2014-09-03T00:00-05:00
    Sign Up for Austin Bar Speed Networking

    Online signup for Speed Networking with the Austin Bar Association starts at 8:00 p.m. tonight and is on a first-come, first-served basis as space is limited!

    On Thursday, September 11, participating Texas Law students will have the opportunity to network one-on-one with members of the Austin Bar Association from a variety of practice areas during several short (8-10 minutes) speed networking rounds. We request that participating students commit to attending the entire speed networking portion of the event (5:45-6:30 p.m.). Please arrive by 5:30 p.m. as the program will start promptly at 5:45 p.m. Dress is business casual. Light refreshments will be served.

    Afterwards, from 6:30-7:00 p.m., Career Discovery Table Talk will be open to all Texas Law students. During Career Exploration Table Talk, members of the Austin Bar Association will be on hand to answer your questions about various practice areas.

    Full event information:

  5. 9:00pm 2014-09-03T00:00-05:00
    Sign Up for Publ. Serv. Speed Networking

    Online signup for Public Service Speed Networking starts at 9:00 p.m. tonight and is on a first-come, first-served basis as space is limited!

    On Friday, September 12, participating Texas Law students will have the opportunity to network one-on-one with legal professionals from public interest organizations and government agencies during several short (8-10 minutes) speed networking rounds. We request that participating students commit to attend the entire speed networking portion of the event (1:00-2:00 p.m.). Lunch will be served at 12:15 p.m. and students may sign in at this time but no later than 12:45 p.m. as the program will start promptly at 1:00 p.m. Dress is school casual.

    Full event information:

Thursday September 4
  1. All day
    TJCLCR Fall Write-On Competition

    The Texas Journal on Civil Liberties & Civil Rights (TJCLCR) is now hosting its Fall Write-On Competition. The journal is accepting applications from ALL classes (1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls, and LLMs). If you are interested in applying to be a staff member for TJCLCR, please email, or pick up an application from the circulation desk in the atrium. Applications are due Monday, September 8, by 11:59 PM.

    Full event information:

  2. All day
    TJWL Write-on

    It's Fall write-on time for the Texas Journal of Women and the Law! TJWL is one of the few journals that allows 1Ls to write-on, which often leads to an editorial board position during your 2L and 3L years. We welcome ALL students to apply!

    Pick up an application at the Communications Desk in the Atrium. Completed applications should be turned in by Friday, September 19, 2014 at 5:00pm to the TJWL box at the Communications Center, or email with the subject: “TJWL APPLICATION.”


    TJWL is an innovative, student-edited journal dedicated to publishing legal scholarship that explores the cultural, racial, and socio-economic factors affecting women. We celebrate the advances made by women's advocates and seek to enhance the relationship between theoretical and practical perspectives by promoting discourse on gender and the law issues.

    TJWL publishes twice during the academic year. Each publication includes a combination of three or four articles, notes, and/or comments. Preference for publication is given to student notes written by TJWL staff members.

    Staff members have the opportunity to take part in more than simple cite-checking. As a member of TJWL, you may take advantage of opportunities to edit, work directly with authors, select materials for publication, and work on non-publication projects.

    If you have questions or would like an application, please contact Lauren Miller at

    Full event information:

  3. 11:30am 2014-09-04T13:00-05:00
    Supreme Court Review

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  4. 12:00pm 2014-09-04T13:00-05:00
    Jud.Clerkships: 3Ls, It's Not Too Late

    Clerkship advisors Alex Albright, Rémi Ratliff, and Elana Einhorn discuss the clerkship application process and the clerkship opportunities available for 3Ls. Lunch will be served. Please RSVP by Wednesday, September 3, on UT Law Symplicity by selecting the 'Events' tab.

    Full event information:

  5. 12:00pm 2014-09-04T13:00-05:00
    TLF 1L Lunch

    Calling all 1Ls interested in making a difference in the UT Law and public interest law community!

    Join Texas Law Fellowships (TLF) for an informational lunch to learn about how you can become an integral member of the TLF team.

    12pm - 1pm TNH 3.142 Pizza will be provided!

    Full event information:

Friday September 5
  1. All day
    2014 Alumni Awards Dinner

    2014 Alumni Awards Dinner

    Full event information:

  2. All day
    TJCLCR Fall Write-On Competition

    The Texas Journal on Civil Liberties & Civil Rights (TJCLCR) is now hosting its Fall Write-On Competition. The journal is accepting applications from ALL classes (1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls, and LLMs). If you are interested in applying to be a staff member for TJCLCR, please email, or pick up an application from the circulation desk in the atrium. Applications are due Monday, September 8, by 11:59 PM.

    Full event information:

  3. All day
    TJWL Write-on

    It's Fall write-on time for the Texas Journal of Women and the Law! TJWL is one of the few journals that allows 1Ls to write-on, which often leads to an editorial board position during your 2L and 3L years. We welcome ALL students to apply!

    Pick up an application at the Communications Desk in the Atrium. Completed applications should be turned in by Friday, September 19, 2014 at 5:00pm to the TJWL box at the Communications Center, or email with the subject: “TJWL APPLICATION.”


    TJWL is an innovative, student-edited journal dedicated to publishing legal scholarship that explores the cultural, racial, and socio-economic factors affecting women. We celebrate the advances made by women's advocates and seek to enhance the relationship between theoretical and practical perspectives by promoting discourse on gender and the law issues.

    TJWL publishes twice during the academic year. Each publication includes a combination of three or four articles, notes, and/or comments. Preference for publication is given to student notes written by TJWL staff members.

    Staff members have the opportunity to take part in more than simple cite-checking. As a member of TJWL, you may take advantage of opportunities to edit, work directly with authors, select materials for publication, and work on non-publication projects.

    If you have questions or would like an application, please contact Lauren Miller at

    Full event information:

  4. 11:45am 2014-09-05T16:30-05:00
    Change It Up!

    Incoming students are invited to attend this afternoon event, created to introduce students to lawyering for social change in Austin and beyond, connect students with like-minded students and attorneys, and inspire students to dedicate their careers to social change across the non-profit, government, and private sectors.

    Registration deadline midnight Tuesday, September 2, 2014

    Full event information:

  5. 12:00pm 2014-09-05T16:00-05:00
    AAEC Fall Lunch & Meeting

    The Law Alumni Association Executive Meeting will be Friday, September 5th, beginning with lunch at noon in the Sheffield Room.

    Full event information:

  6. 2:00pm 2014-09-05T16:00-05:00
    TELJ Vol. 45 Welcome

    The new staff of TELJ Vol. 45 will meet the TELJ Editorial Board and receive editing training.

    Full event information:

Saturday September 6
  1. All day
    TJCLCR Fall Write-On Competition

    The Texas Journal on Civil Liberties & Civil Rights (TJCLCR) is now hosting its Fall Write-On Competition. The journal is accepting applications from ALL classes (1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls, and LLMs). If you are interested in applying to be a staff member for TJCLCR, please email, or pick up an application from the circulation desk in the atrium. Applications are due Monday, September 8, by 11:59 PM.

    Full event information:

  2. All day
    TJWL Write-on

    It's Fall write-on time for the Texas Journal of Women and the Law! TJWL is one of the few journals that allows 1Ls to write-on, which often leads to an editorial board position during your 2L and 3L years. We welcome ALL students to apply!

    Pick up an application at the Communications Desk in the Atrium. Completed applications should be turned in by Friday, September 19, 2014 at 5:00pm to the TJWL box at the Communications Center, or email with the subject: “TJWL APPLICATION.”


    TJWL is an innovative, student-edited journal dedicated to publishing legal scholarship that explores the cultural, racial, and socio-economic factors affecting women. We celebrate the advances made by women's advocates and seek to enhance the relationship between theoretical and practical perspectives by promoting discourse on gender and the law issues.

    TJWL publishes twice during the academic year. Each publication includes a combination of three or four articles, notes, and/or comments. Preference for publication is given to student notes written by TJWL staff members.

    Staff members have the opportunity to take part in more than simple cite-checking. As a member of TJWL, you may take advantage of opportunities to edit, work directly with authors, select materials for publication, and work on non-publication projects.

    If you have questions or would like an application, please contact Lauren Miller at

    Full event information: