Events Calendar

Now viewing: March 13–26, 2016

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Sunday 13 Monday March 14
  1. 8:45am 2016-03-14T10:45-05:00
    Townes Hall Morning Coffee

    On Monday, February 1, the Texas Law Alumni Association is pleased to announce that it will kick off its Spring 2016 Townes Hall Morning Coffee for all students every Monday morning. Please bring your favorite travel mug from home (we are “going green,” so no paper products will be provided) and enjoy FREE coffee every Monday morning to start off your week on behalf of the Alumni Association. Coffee will be located at one, large station located near the 1L Classrooms (by TNH 2.140, TNH 2.139, etc.) beginning at 8:45 am.

    Full event information:

Tuesday 15 Wednesday 16 Thursday 17 Friday 18 Saturday 19
Sunday 20 Monday March 21
  1. 8:45am 2016-03-21T10:45-05:00
    Townes Hall Morning Coffee

    On Monday, February 1, the Texas Law Alumni Association is pleased to announce that it will kick off its Spring 2016 Townes Hall Morning Coffee for all students every Monday morning. Please bring your favorite travel mug from home (we are “going green,” so no paper products will be provided) and enjoy FREE coffee every Monday morning to start off your week on behalf of the Alumni Association. Coffee will be located at one, large station located near the 1L Classrooms (by TNH 2.140, TNH 2.139, etc.) beginning at 8:45 am.

    Full event information:

  2. CANCELED 2016-03-21T14:00-05:00
    Clinic Faculty Table

    THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELED. If in doubt, verify with the web-based events calendar.

    Stop by the Clinical Education Info Table in the Atrium to find out more about clinics and internships at Texas Law.

    Full event information:

  3. 12:00pm 2016-03-21T13:00-05:00
    Prepared for Practice Lunch Series

    Please join the Thurgood Marshall Legal Society for our official event - The TMLS Prepared to Practice Lunch for Alternative Careers. Panelists include Parisa Fatehi-Weeks, Community Impact Manager at Google Fiber; and Dara Chike-Obi, Land consultant with Statoil––a global energy company that specializes in oil and gas production. This event will take place on Monday, March 21st, from noon to 1 pm.

    To RSVP, please visit the Symplicity website at –– –– using the "Events" tab. The official deadline to RSVP is Friday, March 18th.

    Full event information:

Tuesday March 22
  1. 11:30am 2016-03-22T13:00-05:00
    Robots in American Law

    On Tuesday, March 22, the Robert Strauss Center welcomes Ryan Calo, assistant professor at the University of Washington School of Law, for a talk on the way American courts have thought about robots over the past five decades, and what these strange and varied cases tell us about the path of robotics law. His presentation, titled "Robots in American Law," is based on his research of hundreds of state and federal cases that mention robotics (and analogs), and sheds light on how the acceleration and mainstreaming of robotics may play out in contemporary American law.

    This presentation is free and open to the public.

    More information here.

    Full event information:

  2. 11:45am 2016-03-22T13:00-05:00
    Clinic Info Session

    Clinical faculty, staff and students will be on hand to discuss Texas Law's clinical program. Lunch provided!

    Full event information:

  3. 12:00pm 2016-03-22T13:00-05:00
    Bar Exam Boot Camp

    3Ls and LLMs are invited to get a jump on studying for the bar with these skills based sessions. Learn how to effectively write bar exam essay answers. TX bar questions will be used as examples. Sessions take place on Tuesdays from noon-1pm in TNH 2.124 and repeat Thursday from 1-2pm in TNH 2.124. This is a three week series beginning the week of March 28, which builds on the exercise from the previous week.

    Full event information:

  4. 12:00pm 2016-03-22T00:00-05:00
    TLF Applicant Info Session

    TLF will host three information sessions throughout the application period to provide guidelines for applicants and to answer any questions about the applications. In order to apply, you must attend at least one session. If you have any questions, please email Alexandra Fulcher at

    Information Sessions: March 8th, 12pm-12:30pm, TNH 3.127

    March 9th, 1pm-1:30pm, TNH 3.127

    March 22nd, 12pm-12:30pm, TNH 3.127

    Full event information:

  5. 3:30pm 2016-03-22T16:30-05:00
    1L Early Registration Info Session

    Come learn how the Early Registration system works and how to maximize your chances at getting the exact schedule you want for Fall 2016.

    Full event information:

  6. 5:00pm 2016-03-22T21:00-05:00
    Expunction Work Session II

    Expunction Work Session II

    Full event information:

Wednesday March 23
  1. 8:00am 2016-03-23T17:00-05:00
    Law Marketplace

    Bar prep vendors will be available to discuss their courses. Free food and giveaways!

    Full event information:

  2. 11:30am 2016-03-23T13:30-05:00
    Faculty Lunch

    Weekly luncheon for Texas Law faculty members

    Full event information:

  3. 5:45pm 2016-03-23T19:45-05:00
    LRW Oral Argument Training

    Oral argument training for Legal Research and Writing Teaching Quizmasters

    Full event information:

Thursday March 24
  1. 9:00am 2016-03-24T10:00-05:00
    LCLP Info Session

    For 3Ls seeking permanent employment, come learn about Texas Law's three-month postgraduate internship program, the Long Career Launch Program (LCLP). Strategies will be discussed on how to maximize the benefit of LCLP and similar postgraduate programs. You will also obtain practical advice on how to make your job search more efficient and productive. Coffee and pastries will be served.

    RSVP by Wednesday, March 23 on Symplicity by selecting the "Events" tab.

    Full event information:

  2. 11:00am 2016-03-24T13:30-05:00
    CHLSA Lunch

    CHLSA members will meet with lawyers from Sidley Austin!

    Full event information:

  3. 11:30am 2016-03-24T13:00-05:00
    Faculty Colloquium

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  4. 11:30am 2016-03-24T12:30-05:00
    Clinic Open House

    Clinical faculty, staff and students will be on hand to informally discuss clinics and internships. Come meet students and learn about life as a clinic student!

    Full event information:

  5. 11:45am 2016-03-24T12:45-05:00
    Career Exploration: Labor and Employment

    Come learn about practicing labor and employment law from attorneys who represent both employees and employers. Panelists include Jessica Anderson, Associate, Littler Mendelson; Jonathan Rector, Associate, Littler Mendelson; Jay Forester, Attorney, Lee & Braziel, LLP; and Michael Cowles, Attorney, Equal Justice Center.Lunch will be provided. RSVP by Wednesday, March 23 on Symplicity by selecting the "Events" tab.

    Full event information:

  6. 12:00pm 2016-03-24T13:00-05:00
    LCLP Info Session

    For 3Ls seeking permanent employment, come learn about Texas Law's three-month postgraduate internship program, the Long Career Launch Program (LCLP). Strategies will be discussed on how to maximize the benefit of LCLP and similar postgraduate programs. You will also obtain practical advice on how to make your job search more efficient and productive. Lunch will be served.

    RSVP by Wednesday, March 23 on Symplicity by selecting the "Events" tab.

    Full event information:

  7. 1:00pm 2016-03-24T14:00-05:00
    Bar Exam Boot Camp

    3Ls and LLMs are invited to get a jump on studying for the bar with these skills based sessions. Learn how to effectively write bar exam essay answers. TX bar questions will be used as examples. Sessions take place on Tuesdays from noon-1pm in TNH 2.124 and repeat Thursday from 1-2pm in TNH 2.124. This is a three week series beginning the week of March 21, which builds on the exercise from the previous week.

    Full event information:

  8. 1:30pm 2016-03-24T14:30-05:00
    Popcorn Break

    The Texas Law Alumni Association and Student Affairs Office are excited to announce the return of Popcorn Break in Spring 2016! Starting January 21, 2016, Popcorn Break will be every Thursday afternoon from 1:30 – 2:30 pm. The popcorn will be located in the Tom Clark Lounge. We look forward to seeing you there!

    Full event information:

  9. 3:30pm 2016-03-24T16:30-05:00
    1L Early Registration Info Session

    Come learn how the Early Registration system works and how to maximize your chances at getting the exact schedule you want for Fall 2016.

    Full event information:

Friday 25 Saturday 26