Events Calendar
2017 Capital Punishment Center Conference: "Comparative Capital Punishment"
- Date:
- April 7, 2017
- Start:
- 8:00am
- End:
- 4:00pm
- Save to your calendar:
- iCalendar (.ics)
- Location:
- CCJ 2.306 (Eidman Courtroom)
April 7-8, Capital Punishment Center Conference: "Comparative Capital Punishment."
This conference, “Comparative Capital Punishment” will address the many commonalities (and some significant differences) in the worldwide movement away from the death penalty that began in the late eighteenth century and that sharply accelerated in the last half of the twentieth century. At the present moment, the industrialized West is an almost completely abolitionist zone (with the notable exception of the United States), while the death penalty is seeing a resurgence in some parts of the Middle East and Africa. This conference will look broadly and deeply at the practice of capital punishment around the world. There are many common themes even in apparently disparate parts of the world, such as the kinds of restrictions and reforms that usually precede abolition, the moral, political, and legal strategies of reformers and abolitionists, the forces that promote retention, and the distinctive possibilities and pitfalls of various pathways to change (legislative action vs. judicial intervention vs. international or transnational institutions and influences). The conference brings together experts on different regions and issues to evaluate the past, present, and future of the practice of capital punishment.
- Faculty Colloquia Series:
- Moderator:
- Specific audiences:
- Texas Law students
- Prospective students
- Texas Law alumni
- Faculty
- Staff
- General public
- Sponsored by:
- Capital Punishment Center
- William Wayne Justice Center for Public Interest Law
If you need an accommodation to participate in this event, please contact the sponsor listed above or the Texas Law Special Events Office at no later than seven business days prior to the event.