Events Calendar

Now viewing: July 4–10, 2021

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Sunday 4 Monday 5 Tuesday 6 Wednesday July 7
  1. 12:30pm 2021-07-07T14:00-05:00
    Views from South Africa

    Faculty from the University of Texas and the University of Cape Town are beginning a collaboration on the drivers of the past, present, and future of work in South Africa. In this panel, leading South African economists set the stage for this project to generate much-needed responses to the many economic, legal, and political crises exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Haroon Bhorat Professor of Economics & Director of the Development Policy Research Unit, University of Cape Town

    Busi Sibeko Researcher, Institute for Economic Justice

    Neva Makgetla Senior Economist at Trade and Industrial Policy Strategies

    Imraan Valodia Economist & Dean of the Faculty of Commerce, Law, and Management, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

    Moderated by Dennis Davis Professor of Commercial Law, University of Cape Town

    Relevant Research Clusters: Essential Work, Work Across the Global South

    Join via Zoom:

    Full event information:

Thursday July 8
  1. 12:00pm 2021-07-08T13:00-05:00
    Dean Bangs Drop-in Office Hours

    Drop-in hours are back! Stop by to talk about your summer job, fall classes, life in general. Check your email for the zoom link!

    Full event information:

Friday 9 Saturday 10