Events Calendar

Now viewing: October 3–9, 2021

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Sunday 3 Monday October 4
  1. All day
    October "On-Campus" Interviews (Virtual)

    October “On-Campus” Interviews will place on the web-based platform Flo Recruit.

    Employers may recruit 2Ls, 3Ls, domestic and foreign-trained LL.M.s, and recent graduates (up to one year after graduation) for summer clerkships or postgraduate positions.

    Full event information:

  2. 12:00pm 2021-10-04T13:00-05:00
    How to Think: Socratic Method

    Join FGLS in hearing from UT Law alum and first-generation lawyer, Ali Gallagher, on her research on how humans think!

    Ali will be covering how humans learn and how to apply these basic tenets to improve study habits and reduce anxiety in a Socratic learning environment over a series of sessions.

    This second session will focus on the Socratic Method and individual learning.

    Attendance of the first session is not necessary to understand the new material. Feel free to send questions to

    Full event information:

  3. 4:00pm 2021-10-04T18:00-05:00
    Rapoport Center Colloquium

    Speaker Alyssa Battistoni: “Climate Futures and the Future of Work: Rethinking “Green Jobs,” Revaluing Care Work”

    Instructions for joining the zoom meeting: Please note that registration is required for the Zoom webinar:

    You will need to sign in with the same email account that you used to register for the program. If you have difficulty registering, please contact

    If you do not have a Zoom account, you may watch this event on our YouTube channel:

    Full event information:

Tuesday October 5
  1. All day
    October "On-Campus" Interviews (Virtual)

    October “On-Campus” Interviews will place on the web-based platform Flo Recruit.

    Employers may recruit 2Ls, 3Ls, domestic and foreign-trained LL.M.s, and recent graduates (up to one year after graduation) for summer clerkships or postgraduate positions.

    Full event information:

  2. 12:00pm 2021-10-05T13:00-05:00
    TJOGEL Roundtable Luncheon

    On Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Fall semester, the Texas Journal of Oil, Gas, and Energy Law hosts a law firm for a roundtable lunch with interested TJOGEL Society members. At the roundtables, partners and associates visiting from the law firms will present on a wide variety of energy law topics for the first part of the lunch. Then, TJOGEL Society members will have the opportunity to ask questions about the presentation. Finally, at 12:40-12:45pm, we will go from JON 5.257 to the courtyard outside to give out lunches to the lawyers and student attendees. Students and the visiting lawyers can eat lunch and network. We expect to have a variety of both National and Texas-based law firms.

    There is a limited number of spots for each Roundtable Luncheon. To sign up to attend a Roundtable, please sign up for the TJOGEL Society and look for an RSVP form about a week before the Roundtable Luncheon that you want to attend.

    Full event information:

  3. 3:30pm 2021-10-05T16:30-05:00
    Law School 101: Outlining

    Outlining consists of many different strategies for each law student. Come hear about how you should think about outlining and potential methods to use to attack your courses.

    Full event information:

  4. 3:45pm 2021-10-05T17:30-05:00
    Law & Economic - Dr, Corren // HU

    Topic: Law and Economic Seminar - Dr Netta Barak Corren Time: Oct 5, 2021 03:45 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 930 2328 2700

    Full event information:

Wednesday October 6
  1. All day
    October "On-Campus" Interviews (Virtual)

    October “On-Campus” Interviews will place on the web-based platform Flo Recruit.

    Employers may recruit 2Ls, 3Ls, domestic and foreign-trained LL.M.s, and recent graduates (up to one year after graduation) for summer clerkships or postgraduate positions.

    Full event information:

  2. 8:00am 2021-10-06T09:15-05:00

    Join us for our weekly time of Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. Light breakfast will be served.

    In the event of rain, this event will be moved indoors to the Jury Room (CCJ 2.310).

    Full event information:

  3. 12:00pm 2021-10-06T13:00-05:00
    So You Want to Be a Law Professor…

    If you’ve ever thought about becoming a law professor, or simply wanted insight into a career in legal academia, join Professors Henderson and Vladeck for lunch

    You can RSVP for this event using this survey:

    Full event information:

  4. 12:00pm 2021-10-06T13:00-05:00
    Lunch and Lege

    Come join the American Constitution Society at Texas Law and the Texas Journal on Civil Liberties & Civil Rights for a lunchtime discussion with Representative Chris Turner, Chair of the Texas House Democratic Caucus, James Slattery, senior staff attorney at the Texas Civil Rights Project, and Carson White, attorney at Texas Appleseed. Given SB8, redistricting, and the walkout over voting restrictions, this promises to be an interesting discussion.

    Please note: The American Constitution Society is a 501(c)(3) organization and does not endorse any candidate or political message.

    Full event information:

  5. 3:30pm 2021-10-06T16:30-05:00
    Law School 101: Outlining

    Outlining consists of many different strategies for each law student. Come hear about how you should think about outlining and potential methods to use to attack your courses.

    Full event information:

  6. 5:00pm 2021-10-06T19:00-05:00
    Business Law 101: Venture Capital

    Please join the Texas Business Law Society for our first in-person presentation of the year. Brian Dillavou, an Austin-based partner with Wilson Sonini, will discuss representing startups and venture-backed companies.

    TBLS is committed to making the presentation available for those who are unable to join in-person. Please contact for alternative accommodation.

    Full event information:

  7. 6:00pm 2021-10-06T19:30-05:00
    Town-Hall with Lee Merritt

    We are hosting a speaking engagement with Lee Merritt, civil rights lawyer running for Texas AG, on the evening of Wednesday, October 6.

    The plan is for the event to be held at the law school, with a hybrid set-up so people can attend via Zoom, as well. Mimi Marziani of the Texas Civil Rights Project has agreed to moderate, so we imagine the first half hour as a conversation between Lee and Mimi and the second half hour as Q&A with students. We plan to circulate the event among various UT graduate school and undergrad groups who might be interested in joining.

    Full event information:

  8. 6:30pm 2021-10-06T19:30-05:00
    APALSA Internship Panel

    Join us to hear from APALSA 2Ls and 3Ls about their summer experiences with biglaw firms, IP, government agencies, public defense, legal aid, and impact litigation internships!

    Zoom ID: 968 7264 0974

    Full event information:

Thursday October 7
  1. All day
    October "On-Campus" Interviews (Virtual)

    October “On-Campus” Interviews will place on the web-based platform Flo Recruit.

    Employers may recruit 2Ls, 3Ls, domestic and foreign-trained LL.M.s, and recent graduates (up to one year after graduation) for summer clerkships or postgraduate positions.

    Full event information:

  2. 11:30am 2021-10-07T13:00-05:00
    Virtual Clinical Info Session

    Join clinical faculty and staff online to discuss Texas Law's clinical program. Visit us at (EID required)

    Full event information:

  3. 11:45am 2021-10-07T13:15-05:00
    Faculty Colloquium - Katerina Linos

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  4. 12:00pm 2021-10-07T13:00-05:00
    TJOGEL Roundtable Luncheon

    On Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Fall semester, the Texas Journal of Oil, Gas, and Energy Law hosts a law firm for a roundtable lunch with interested TJOGEL Society members. At the roundtables, partners and associates visiting from the law firms will present on a wide variety of energy law topics for the first part of the lunch. Then, TJOGEL Society members will have the opportunity to ask questions about the presentation. Finally, at 12:40-12:45pm, we will go from JON 5.257 to the courtyard outside to give out lunches to the lawyers and student attendees. Students and the visiting lawyers can eat lunch and network. We expect to have a variety of both National and Texas-based law firms.

    There is a limited number of spots for each Roundtable Luncheon. To sign up to attend a Roundtable, please sign up for the TJOGEL Society and look for an RSVP form about a week before the Roundtable Luncheon that you want to attend.

    Full event information:

  5. 12:30pm 2021-10-07T13:30-05:00
    Martinez Society 1L Boxed Lunches

    Norton Rose Fulbright sponsored lunch for 1Ls in Martinez Society.

    Full event information:

  6. 4:30pm 2021-10-07T19:30-05:00
    Virtual Texas Law Day

    Law Day is an open house hosted by the JD Admissions Office. Students can learn about the admissions process, sit in on mock class and here from current students of what law school is like.

    Full event information:

  7. 5:30pm 2021-10-07T18:15-05:00
    A Conversation with Justice Field

    The Texas Law Aggie Society will be hosting a Q&A session with Texas Law alumnus, Justice Scott K. Field. If you are curious about the path to the bench, commercial litigation, appellate advocacy, or trial advocacy, please join us in the Jury Room at 5:30PM. The discussion will be student lead, and soft drinks and Tiff’s Treats will be provided outside after the event!

    Full event information:

  8. 6:00pm 2021-10-07T19:00-05:00
    Big Tech and Section 230: Big Problem?

    Please join the Texas Federalist Society on Oct. 7 at 6pm as we host Professor Eugene Volokh of UCLA Law and Professor Ashutosh Bhagwat of UC Davis School of Law for a discussion about Section 230 (the law that protects online platforms from being held liable for things users say on them) and Big Tech. What's the problem?

    The first 50 Texas Law students to register will receive a $10 redemption code for DoorDash to enjoy a meal during the event.

    Registration Link:

    Note: Registration is not required to attend any of the Texas Federalist Society's virtual events this semester; it is only required for each event if you would like to make use of the DoorDash discount.

    Full event information:

Friday October 8
  1. All day
    October "On-Campus" Interviews (Virtual)

    October “On-Campus” Interviews will place on the web-based platform Flo Recruit.

    Employers may recruit 2Ls, 3Ls, domestic and foreign-trained LL.M.s, and recent graduates (up to one year after graduation) for summer clerkships or postgraduate positions.

    Full event information:

  2. All day
    OUTLaw Photoshoot Fundraiser

    To celebrate National Coming Out Day, OUTLaw is partnering with Shoott to have a photoshoot fundraiser! Come get a new headshot or just have fun!

    How it works: 1. Sign up for a 15 minute photoshoot - the photoshoot is free for you! 2. Show up at the law school courtyard at the time of your shoot on Friday, October 8. 3. Have a great time and get a great new headshot! OUTLaw receives $10 for every completed photoshoot. 4. Pick out some great photos to purchase! $15 for one photo, $10 per photo if you buy 6 or more, or $120 for all of your photos.

    If you cannot make a photoshoot on the 8th, or you would like a longer session, go to to book a session. OUTLaw will receive money if you complete that session.

    Full event information:

  3. 10:00am 2021-10-08T12:00-05:00
    Meeting of Advisory Board for DA Office

    Meeting of the Community Advisory Board on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault of the Travis County District Attorney’s Office. Estimated attendance 15 persons

    Full event information:

  4. 10:15am 2021-10-08T10:30-05:00
    OUTLaw Group Photo

    Come to the new sign in front of the courtyard facing Dean Keeton to be in a group OUTLaw photo! Wear fun rainbow swag and show off your pride!

    DO NOT BE LATE. We won't be able to wait for you, due to the photographer's commitments and the fact that people have class.

    NOTE: We will be posting this photo on social media. If you do not want to be on OUTLaw's social media, please do not join the photo!

    Full event information:

  5. 11:00am 2021-10-08T13:30-05:00
    1L Society Lunches

    Boxed lunches for 1L members of Society programs: Oct 8 -Hargrave from 11-2 in the Courtyard; Oct 15 -Green from 11-2 in the Courtyard; Oct 22: Sutton from 11-2 in the Courtyard; Nov 5:Cadena from 12:30-2 in the Courtyard

    Full event information:

  6. 1:00pm 2021-10-08T13:30-05:00
    Pro bono trainings

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  7. 6:00pm 2021-10-08T20:00-05:00
    TILJ Welcome Event

    All TILJ members are invited to join us for some good company and great food!

    Full event information:

Saturday 9