Events Calendar

Now viewing: October 23–November 5, 2022

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Sunday 23 Monday 24 Tuesday 25 Wednesday October 26
  1. 12:00pm 2022-10-26T13:00-05:00
    Marginalized PI Student Support

    Join the Justice Center for the launch of a new program designed to support public interest law students whose lived experiences intersect with the legal systems they seek to challenge in their careers.

    Law schools need to do more to support the well-being, needs, and leadership development of students of color, students from low-income backgrounds, students with disabilities, immigrant students, LGBTQ+ students, formerly incarcerated students, and students with families who have been impacted by the criminal or immigration enforcement systems. This space is meant to build a positive community for students who not only have these experiences, but whose public interest work as attorneys may be directly tied to their lived experiences and/or those of their loved ones.

    This program seeks to serve as a space for dialogue, mentorship, and resource-sharing that is tailored to the particular needs, and strengths, of students in this position.

    Wednesday October 26, noon to 1pm

    Goodwin Conference Room (Room 1.312, ground floor of the Connally Center)

    Lunch provided. Please RSVP to Liza Soria by Thursday, October 20.

    Full event information:

Thursday October 27
  1. 5:00pm 2022-10-27T19:00-05:00
    Inter-Affinity Group Mixer

    Join attorneys from APALSA, OUTlaw, TMLS, and CHLSA to meet with attorneys of diverse backgrounds and professional interests, and learn about their pathways to law. Please RSVP via form to be circulated among members of respective organizations prior to the event.

    Full event information:

Friday 28 Saturday 29
Sunday 30 Monday October 31
  1. All day
    Dia De Los Muertos Ofrenda

    CHLLSA will be putting on a "Dia de los Muertos" ofrenda in the Affinity Suite to celebrate the Day of the Dead

    Full event information:

Tuesday November 1
  1. All day
    Dia De Los Muertos Ofrenda

    CHLLSA will be putting on a "Dia de los Muertos" ofrenda in the Affinity Suite to celebrate the Day of the Dead

    Full event information:

  2. 5:30pm 2022-11-01T00:00-05:00
    Intentional Solidarity: Transformation T

    The 37th Annual Sweatt Symposium on Civil Rights

    Intentional Solidarity: Transformation Through Cross-Cultural Unity

    LBJ Auditorium LBJ Library and Museum 2313 Red River St, Austin, TX 78712

    Full event information:

Wednesday November 2
  1. All day
    Dia De Los Muertos Ofrenda

    CHLLSA will be putting on a "Dia de los Muertos" ofrenda in the Affinity Suite to celebrate the Day of the Dead

    Full event information:

Thursday November 3
  1. 12:00pm 2022-11-03T13:00-05:00
    Election Law and Voting Rights Panel

    Join us at 12 pm CT on November 3 for a timely discussion with Liz Avore of the Voting Rights Lab. Ms. Avore will discuss her pathway to advocating for better voting laws and highlight current legislative efforts to address voting rights. Mimi Marziani, President of the Texas Civil Rights Project, will moderate this discussion.

    Full event information:

  2. 5:00pm 2022-11-03T18:30-05:00
    “We Are Not Slaves”

    “We Are Not Slaves”: A book talk and panel discussion Thursday, November 3, 5-6:30 pm, Sheffield Room

    Author Robert Chase will discuss his book “We Are Not Slaves,” a history of the prisoners’ rights movement in Texas in the second half of the 20th century. Professor Talitha LeFlouria (History) will introduce Chase and his work. Following Chase’s talk, Professor Michele Deitch (LBJ/Law) will lead a panel discussion with local advocates focused on current prison labor practices and the “end the exception” movement.

    From the book jacket: “Told from the vantage point of the prisoners themselves, this book weaves together untold but devastatingly important truths from the histories of labor, civil rights, and politics in the United States as it narrates the transition from prison plantations of the past to the mass incarceration of today.”

    Cosponsored by the LBJ School’s Prison and Jail Innovation Lab and the UT Austin Initiative for Law, Societies, and Justice, Law Students for Black Lives, Public Defense Group, and Public Interest Law Association.

    Light refreshments provided.

    Full event information:

Friday 4 Saturday 5