Events Calendar

Now viewing: November 6–19, 2022

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
November 6
  1. 8:00am 2022-11-06T15:00-06:00
    1L Exam Prep Workshop

    In preparation for finals season, TMLS has partnered with Barbri and Vinson & Elkins to provide an exam workshop for the 1Ls. During this day-long session, participants will hear from Barbri representatives about effective exam-taking strategies and ways to prepare for exams. Additionally, attorneys from Vinson & Elkins will be present to answer questions about their experiences in law school and offer the 1Ls tips on how to conquer their first-year exams.

    Full event information:

  2. 3:00pm 2022-11-06T17:00-06:00
    Title IX Hearing Prep Training

    This is event is for pro bono volunteers either accepted to the Title IX pro bono project or on the waitlist for that project

    Full event information:

November 7
  1. 8:45am 2022-11-07T11:00-06:00
    Monday Morning Mugs: Free Coffee

    Swing by the Patman Family Plaza to grab some free coffee provided by SBA and sponsored by V&E! First come, first serve.

    Full event information:

  2. 9:00am 2022-11-07T17:00-06:00
    Mock Interview Program: Public Sector

    Each year, the CSO hosts the public sector Mock Interview Program. This program aims to introduce our students to the legal interviewing process and affords attorneys an opportunity to meet our exceptional students. Practice interviews and attorney feedback are invaluable to our students, preparing them technically and instilling confidence as they embark on their 1L interview season. Depending on availability, 2L and 3Ls may also participate in this program. Monday, November 7, 2022: In-person interviews will be held in the Career Services Interview Suite Tuesday, November 8, 2022: Virtual interviews will be held on Flo Recruit

    Each mock interview will be 20-minutes in length followed by a 10-minute review.

    The initial sign-up period for 1Ls opens at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 25, and closes at noon on Wednesday, October 26. If spots are still available you will be able to sign up for third mock interview from 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, October 26, until 11;59 p.m. on Thursday, October 27, 2022.

    Full event information:

  3. 11:30am 2022-11-07T12:45-06:00
    November Clinical Faculty Meeting

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  4. 11:30am 2022-11-07T13:30-06:00
    1L Meet and Greet with Latham & Watkins

    1Ls: Stop by to meet with recruiting coordinators from Latham & Watkins to learn more about their firm and grab lunch.

    Full event information:

  5. 11:45am 2022-11-07T13:00-06:00
    1L Mentoring Program Orientation

    1L students who are participating in the Alumni Mentoring Program are encouraged to attend one orientation meeting, either 11/1 or 11/7. Lunch will be provided.

    If you are unable to attend, please contact

    Full event information:

  6. 12:00pm 2022-11-07T13:30-06:00
    Marginalized PI Student Support

    Join the Justice Center for a community-building session for public interest law students whose lived experiences intersect with the legal systems they seek to challenge in their careers. Law schools need to do more to support the well-being, needs, and leadership development of students of color, students from low-income backgrounds, students with disabilities, immigrant students, LGBTQ+ students, formerly incarcerated students, and students with families who have been impacted by the criminal or immigration enforcement systems. This space is meant to build a positive community for students who not only have these experiences, but whose public interest work as attorneys may be directly tied to their lived experiences and/or those of their loved ones. This program seeks to serve as a space for dialogue, mentorship, and resource-sharing that is tailored to the particular needs, and strengths, of students in this position.

    Monday, November 7, noon to 1:30 Goodwin Conference Room (Room 1.312, ground floor of the Connally Center)

    Lunch provided. Please RSVP to Liza Soria by Wednesday, November 2.

    Full event information:

  7. 4:30pm 2022-11-07T17:30-06:00
    Health Law Student Career Panel

    THLS is hosting a student panel for students interested in health law to learn about other Texas Law students’ experiences with summer positions focused in health law. Topics will include how the students found their summer positions, when they applied, how they applied, and what they learned or experienced over the summer.

    Full event information:

  8. 6:00pm 2022-11-07T08:30-06:00
    Film Screening


    Full event information:

November 8
  1. 8:00am 2022-11-08T09:00-06:00
    TJOGEL Coffee & Conversation

    Join TJOGEL and a sponsor law firm for coffee and breakfast to chat and network.

    Full event information:

  2. 9:00am 2022-11-08T17:00-06:00
    Mock Interview Program: Public Sector

    Each year, the CSO hosts the public sector Mock Interview Program. This program aims to introduce our students to the legal interviewing process and affords attorneys an opportunity to meet our exceptional students. Practice interviews and attorney feedback are invaluable to our students, preparing them technically and instilling confidence as they embark on their 1L interview season. Depending on availability, 2L and 3Ls may also participate in this program. Monday, November 7, 2022: In-person interviews will be held in the Career Services Interview Suite Tuesday, November 8, 2022: Virtual interviews will be held on Flo Recruit Each mock interview will be 20-minutes in length followed by a 10-minute review.

    The initial sign-up period for 1Ls opens at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 25, and closes at noon on Wednesday, October 26. If spots are still available you will be able to sign up for third mock interview from 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, October 26, until 11;59 p.m. on Thursday, October 27, 2022.

    Full event information:

  3. CANCELED 2022-11-08T13:15-06:00
    TJOGEL Roundtable Luncheon

    THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELED. If in doubt, verify with the web-based events calendar.

    Join the TJOGEL Society for a Roundtable Lunch with partners and associates from national law firms. Please RSVP via a form that will be sent out about a week before each Roundtable to TJOGEL Society Members.

    Full event information:

  4. 3:45pm 2022-11-08T17:30-06:00
    Law and Economic Seminar - Jon Klick
November 9
  1. 11:30am 2022-11-09T13:15-06:00
    Faculty lunch

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  2. 12:00pm 2022-11-09T13:00-06:00
    Alt Curriculum: Affirmative Action

    Join us for a deep dive into the history and future of Affirmative Action. Professor Arnold Jin will lead us in a discussion about what Affirmative Action is, its constitutional roots, and understanding the arguments made both in support of the policy, and against it to the Supreme Court this term.

    Full event information:

  3. 12:00pm 2022-11-09T13:00-06:00
    Public Defense Internship App. Workshop

    Please RSVP by Tuesday, November 8, on Symplicity.

    Are you interested in interning for a public defense organization this summer? Come learn how to draft your resume and cover letters specifically for public defense positions! CSO counselor Mary Murphy will lead a workshop on how to best prepare for applying to PD jobs and interviews. Lunch will be provided.

    Full event information:

  4. 6:00pm 2022-11-09T19:30-06:00
    Fort Worth - Texas Law on Tour

    An opportunity for alumni in the Fort Worth area to meet Texas Law's new dean, Bobby Chesney.

    Full event information:

November 10
  1. 9:00am 2022-11-10T10:00-06:00
    Women's Law Caucus Breakfast

    Join Women's Law Caucus for our final grab-and-go breakfast of the semester! Food is first-come, first-served and offered only to members.

    Full event information:

  2. 11:15am 2022-11-10T13:15-06:00
    TJOGEL Roundtable Luncheon

    Join the TJOGEL Society for a Roundtable Lunch with partners and associates from national law firms. Please RSVP via a form that will be sent out about a week before each Roundtable to TJOGEL Society Members.

    Full event information:

  3. 12:00pm 2022-11-10T12:45-06:00
    Law School 101 - Exam Prep

    SAO Presentation on Exam Preparation and Taking Exams

    Full event information:

  4. 12:30pm 2022-11-10T13:30-06:00
    Women's Christian Fellowship Bible Study

    Come join us Thursday from 12:30-1:30pm in the Jury Room (CCJ 2.310) for an hour of community and Bible study. Feel free to drop in as you're able. We welcome all women regardless of faith background!

    Full event information:

  5. 1:00pm 2022-11-10T14:00-06:00
    Business Law 101 with Akin Gump

    TBLS is excited to be hosting their final panel in their Business Law 101 series with Akin Gump. Partners and associates from their firm will be talking about different components of transactional law and answering your questions. This event is for TBLS members only, but if you are not a member, you can sign up here:

    Full event information:

  6. 2:30pm 2022-11-10T15:30-06:00
    Public Interest Peer Support

    The Justice Center conference room on the ground floor of the Connally Center, CCJ 1.324. (Take the elevator in the Jamail Pavilion one floor down.) Questions about the summer public interest job search, classes/clinics, postgrad opportunities, or public interest at Texas Law more generally? Members of the Justice Center student advisory board are here to help.

    We’re available with advice and snacks at the times below. We’ve listed our areas of focus, but we’re happy to answer more general questions!

    Thursday, November 10, 2:30-3:30pm

    – Nicole Steinberg – labor & employment, especially the Peggy Browning Foundation

    Monday, November 14, 4-5pm

    – Lauren Schoen – reproductive rights

    Tuesday, November 15, 3:30-4:30pm

    – Adarsh Parthasarathy & Sally Vandenberg – public defense, capital defense and appeals

    Full event information:

  7. 4:30pm 2022-11-10T19:00-06:00
    Freshlaw BBQ

    Join your classmates and faculty for traditional Texas BBQ to celebrate your first semester at Texas Law!

    Full event information:

  8. 6:00pm 2022-11-10T19:30-06:00
    Dallas - Texas Law on Tour

    An opportunity for alumni in the Dallas area to meet Texas Law's new dean, Bobby Chesney.

    Full event information:

  9. 6:00pm 2022-11-10T19:30-06:00
    Creating Community Accountability

    Join SCAL, LS4BL, LJ, and TCJE for a workshop to brainstorm and discuss non-punitive responses to harm. Dinner will be provided!

    Full event information:

November 11
  1. 9:00am 2022-11-11T10:15-06:00
    1L Practice Exam - Section 2

    Simulated practice exam. This is meant to simulate the exam environment, including proctors, a question provided by one of your professors, and Exam4 software. Take advantage of this opportunity to experience the exam setting before your December exams.

    Full event information:

  2. 9:30am 2022-11-11T11:30-06:00
    1L Society Wide Breakfast

    Society Program Breakfast

    Full event information:

  3. 10:00am 2022-11-11T12:00-06:00
    Master Wind Law Class

    Join the Law School's Institute for Transnational Law for a Master Wind Law Class by Professor Rod Wetsel (J.D. '77). Professor Wetsel is a renowned wind law expert and the co-author of Wind & Solar Law, the first treatise on wind law. This 2-hour master class will be presented virtually over Zoom. Register for the event at

    Full event information:

  4. 11:00am 2022-11-11T12:15-06:00
    1L Practice Exam - Section 4

    Simulated practice exam. This is meant to simulate the exam environment, including proctors, a question provided by one of your professors, and Exam4 software. Take advantage of this opportunity to experience the exam setting before your December exams.

    Full event information:

  5. 11:30am 2022-11-11T12:30-06:00
    Clerkship Program Lunch

    Lunch students in the clerkship and internship programs. Judge Diana Saldana, representatives from the United States Attorney’s Office. W.D. of TX, Austin Division, and the Federal Public Defender’s Service, W.D. of TX, Austin Division (both downtown) will be here for students interested in the interning programs Professor Susan Klein supervises.

    Full event information:

  6. 1:00pm 2022-11-11T14:30-06:00
    1L Practice Exam - Section 3

    Simulated practice exam. This is meant to simulate the exam environment, including proctors, a question provided by one of your professors, and Exam4 software. Take advantage of this opportunity to experience the exam setting before your December exams.

    Full event information:

  7. 5:30pm 2022-11-11T21:00-06:00
    TMLS Friendsgiving

    To wrap up the semester, TMLS wants to gather together as an organization for good food and a good time. We understand that the end of the semester means the beginning of finals, so before the stress kicks in, we want to put on this fun event for our members.

    Full event information:

  8. 6:30pm 2022-11-11T08:30-06:00
    Pizza at Home Slice with CLS

    Join the Christian Legal Society at Home Slice for a fun and enjoyable dinner. The event is free, all pizza will be paid for by the organization. Friends, spouses, and significant others are welcome!

    Full event information:

November 12
    TJOGEL x TLR x TLF Tailgate

    THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELED. If in doubt, verify with the web-based events calendar.

    Join TJOGEL, TLR and TLF at our tailgate before the TCU home game!

    Full event information:

13 November 14
  1. 8:00am 2022-11-14T09:00-06:00
    Clerkship Applications - Getting Started

    Join the Judicial Clerkship Program for a catch-up introductory session on Judicial Clerkships. We'll introduce you to the resources and support available to apply to judicial clerkships as well as detailed instructions on how to begin the application process for 2024-term clerkship positions. For 2Ls and 3Ls only.

    Capacity will be limited to 25 people per session. RSVP by Friday, November 11, on Symplicity by selecting the Events tab.

    These sessions will not be recorded. If you already attended a session this fall, you do not need to attend this one.

    Full event information:

  2. 8:45am 2022-11-14T11:00-06:00
    Monday Morning Mugs: Free Coffee

    Swing by the Patman Family Plaza to grab some free coffee provided by SBA and sponsored by V&E! First come, first serve.

    Full event information:

  3. 12:00pm 2022-11-14T13:00-06:00
    Texas Law Review Mini-Symposium: A Conve

    Texas Law Review is hosting a lunchtime conversation between Texas Law Professors Vladeck and Ponomarenko and Professors Macey and Richardson about their article coming out in Volume 101 of Texas Law Review. All Texas Law students and faculty are welcome. Lunch will be served.

    Full event information:

  4. 4:00pm 2022-11-14T17:00-06:00
    Public Interest Peer Support

    The Justice Center conference room on the ground floor of the Connally Center, CCJ 1.324. (Take the elevator in the Jamail Pavilion one floor down.) Questions about the summer public interest job search, classes/clinics, postgrad opportunities, or public interest at Texas Law more generally? Members of the Justice Center student advisory board are here to help.

    We’re available with advice and snacks at the times below. We’ve listed our areas of focus, but we’re happy to answer more general questions!

    Thursday, November 10, 2:30-3:30pm

    – Nicole Steinberg – labor & employment, especially the Peggy Browning Foundation

    Monday, November 14, 4-5pm

    – Lauren Schoen – reproductive rights

    Tuesday, November 15, 3:30-4:30pm

    – Adarsh Parthasarathy & Sally Vandenberg – public defense, capital defense and appeals

    Full event information:

  5. 6:00pm 2022-11-14T08:30-06:00
    Film Screening


    Full event information:

November 15
  1. 8:00am 2022-11-15T09:00-06:00
    TJOGEL Coffee & Conversation

    Join TJOGEL and a sponsor law firm for coffee and breakfast to chat and network.

    Full event information:

  2. 8:30am 2022-11-15T09:30-06:00
    Breakfast for BOA

    Board of Advocates Members: stop by the BOA Office, TNH 2.130, to grab a breakfast taco and say hello to your exec board and 1L reps! This is a great chance to meet fellow members, hear about our plans for the spring, share your own feedback, and have some breakfast on us!

    Full event information:

  3. 10:00am 2022-11-15T16:00-06:00
    SBA Thanksgiving Pie and Thank You Notes

    Come celebrate Thanksgiving with your Student Bar Association! Stop by the Patman Plaza to grab a piece of Thanksgiving Pie and write thank-you notes for your peers. The notes will be delivered by SBA throughout the week.

    Full event information:

  4. 11:00am 2022-11-15T13:30-06:00
    TLF Sweatshirt Sale

    Come grab a sweatshirt during the cold front! Sweatshirts are $50 and all sales benefit public interest students.

    3L big law students: come learn how to get a free sweatshirt!

    Full event information:

  5. 11:15am 2022-11-15T13:15-06:00
    TJOGEL Roundtable Luncheon

    Join the TJOGEL Society for a Roundtable Lunch with partners and associates from national law firms. Please RSVP via a form that will be sent out about a week before each Roundtable to TJOGEL Society Members.

    Full event information:

  6. 3:30pm 2022-11-15T16:30-06:00
    De-Stress with WLC!

    We know finals are around the corner - come de-stress with WLC with paint-by-numbers, warm ciders and teas, and decadent pastries. This event is open to WLC members only.

    Full event information:

  7. 3:30pm 2022-11-15T16:30-06:00
    Public Interest Peer Support

    The Justice Center conference room on the ground floor of the Connally Center, CCJ 1.324. (Take the elevator in the Jamail Pavilion one floor down.) Questions about the summer public interest job search, classes/clinics, postgrad opportunities, or public interest at Texas Law more generally? Members of the Justice Center student advisory board are here to help.

    We’re available with advice and snacks at the times below. We’ve listed our areas of focus, but we’re happy to answer more general questions!

    Thursday, November 10, 2:30-3:30pm

    – Nicole Steinberg – labor & employment, especially the Peggy Browning Foundation

    Monday, November 14, 4-5pm

    – Lauren Schoen – reproductive rights

    Tuesday, November 15, 3:30-4:30pm

    – Adarsh Parthasarathy & Sally Vandenberg – public defense, capital defense and appeals

    Full event information:

  8. 3:45pm 2022-11-15T17:30-06:00
    Law & Economics Seminar - Elissa Gentry
  9. 6:30pm 2022-11-15T08:30-06:00
    CHLLSA Thanksgiving Dinner

    We are thankful for our CHLLSA members! Join us for a Thanksgiving Dinner on November 15 at 6:30pm and share what you are thankful for this year. Sponsored by: Kirkland & Ellis

    Full event information:

November 16
  1. 8:30am 2022-11-16T10:30-06:00
    1L Breakfast with Winston & Strawn

    1Ls: Stop by to meet with recruiting coordinators from Winston & Strawn to learn more about their firm and grab a breakfast treat!

    Full event information:

  2. 11:00am 2022-11-16T13:30-06:00
    TLF Sweatshirt Sale

    Come grab a sweatshirt during the cold front! Sweatshirts are $50 and all sales benefit public interest students.

    3L big law students: come learn how to get a free sweatshirt!

    Full event information:

  3. 11:30am 2022-11-16T13:15-06:00
    Faculty lunch

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  4. 12:00pm 2022-11-16T13:00-06:00
    U.S. Special Forces to the Blockchain

    On Wednesday, November 16, the Strauss Center joins the Texas Law Veterans Association and the Texas Veterans in Business in hosting the first talk of its inaugural Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Policy Week. Join us in hearing Alex Pruden, CEO of blockchain startup Aleo, discuss blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies.

    Are cryptocurrencies the next frontier in innovation or a threat to national security? How will decentralized finance, the metaverse, and other “Web3” applications affect counterterrorism, sanctions, and intelligence gathering? Is Bitcoin a danger to the climate or a better way to finance green energy? Strauss Center experts will consider these and other questions during the inaugural Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Policy Week.

    This event is open to UT students with priority given to members of the Texas Law Veterans Association and the Texas Veterans in Business. RSVP is required. Lunch will be served. To RSVP, please contact Susan Crane at

    Full event information:

  5. 12:00pm 2022-11-16T13:00-06:00
    Law Firm Div. Fellowship Applications

    Please RSVP by Monday, November 15, on Symplicity. Zoom link will then be sent before the event.

    Hear from law firms about their summer diversity fellowship programs and get advice on how to apply, interview, and stand out.

    This program will feature panelists from four law firms offering diversity fellowships for 1Ls this summer and will be moderated by Angelica Salinas Evans, Associate Director of Career Services.

    We will record the program for those unable to attend.

    Full event information:

  6. 2:30pm 2022-11-16T17:00-06:00
    Crypto Wars: Blockchain Mini-Conference

    On Wednesday, November 16, the Strauss Center is hosting the mini-conference, “Crypto Wars: Blockchains, Cryptocurrencies, and American National Security” during its inaugural Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Policy Week. This conference features experts on the intersection of blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies and national security and law.

    Are cryptocurrencies the next frontier in innovation or a threat to national security? How will decentralized finance, the metaverse, and other “Web3” applications affect counterterrorism, sanctions, and intelligence gathering? Is Bitcoin a danger to the climate or a better way to finance green energy? Strauss Center experts will consider these and other questions during the inaugural Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Policy Week.

    This event is free and open to the public. No RSVP required. Lunch will be served. For more information on this event, contact Susan Crane at


    2:00 – 2:30pm – Arrival: coffee and lunch will be served

    2:30 – 2:35pm – Welcome Remarks: Adam Klein, Director of the Strauss Center for International Security and Law

    2:35 – 3:15pm – “Blockchain Investigations”: Sujit Raman, General Counsel with TRM Labs and former Associate Deputy Attorney General with the U.S. Department of Justice

    3:15 – 4:15pm – Keynote Remarks: Juan Zarate, Global Co-Managing Partner and Chief Strategy Officer of K2 Integrity and former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes

    4:15 – 5:00pm – Panel Discussion: “Crypto Ask Me Anything”

    -Sina Kian, Chief Strategy Officer & General Counsel at Aleo and Technology, Security, and Global Affairs Fellow at the Strauss Center for International Security and Law

    -Sujit Raman, General Counsel with TRM Labs and former Associate Deputy Attorney General with the U.S. Department of Justice

    -Chinmayi Sharma, Scholar in Residence at the Strauss Center for International Security and Law and Lecturer at the University of Austin School of Law

    -Moderator: Adam Klein, Director of the Strauss Center for International Security and Law

    5:00 – 6:00pm – Reception in Bass Lecture Hall Lobby: Light refreshments will be served

    Full event information:

  7. 4:15pm 2022-11-16T17:15-06:00
    Address by Melissa Murray

    Melissa Murray will give an address entitled “Race-ing Roe and Woke Warriors: Weaponizing Racial Justice at the Supreme Court.”

    Professor Melissa Murray of New York University School of Law is a leading expert in family law, constitutional law, and reproductive rights and justice. Murray’s award-winning research focuses on the legal regulation of intimate life and encompasses such topics as the regulation of sex and sexuality, marriage and its alternatives, the marriage equality debate, the legal recognition of caregiving, and reproductive rights and justice. She is also a cohost of the podcast Strict Scrutiny. For more of her complete biography, visit:

    This event has been accredited by the State Bar of Texas for 1.00 hour of CLE credit.

    This event is open to the public. Professor Murray’s talk in the Eidman Courtroom will be followed by a reception in the Jamail Pavilion.

    Hosted by the William Wayne Justice Center for Public Interest Law. Her address is cosponsored by the Center for Women in Law and Texas Law’s Office for Equity and Inclusion, along with the American Constitution Society Austin Lawyer and Texas Law Chapters, the Chicano/Hispanic/Latino Law Students Association, If/When/How, Law Students for Black Lives, the Public Interest Law Association, and the Thurgood Marshall Legal Society.

    Full event information:

November 17
  1. 8:30am 2022-11-17T10:30-06:00
    1L Breakfast with Munsch Hardt

    1Ls: Stop by to meet with recruiting coordinators from Munsch Hardt Kopf & Harr to learn more about their firm and grab a breakfast taco.

    Full event information:

  2. 9:00am 2022-11-17T10:00-06:00
    Faculty Breakfast with Melissa Murray

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  3. 11:15am 2022-11-17T13:15-06:00
    TJOGEL Roundtable Luncheon

    Join the TJOGEL Society for a Roundtable Lunch with partners and associates from national law firms. Please RSVP via a form that will be sent out about a week before each Roundtable to TJOGEL Society Members.

    Full event information:

  4. 11:30am 2022-11-17T13:30-06:00
    1L Meet and Greet with Bracewell

    1Ls: Stop by to meet with attorneys and recruiting coordinators from Bracewell to learn more about their firm and grab lunch.

    Full event information:

  5. 11:45am 2022-11-17T12:45-06:00
    Doing Well and Doing Good: How and Why

    In 2020, the largest firms in the United States donated nearly 5.5 million hours to pro bono clients – but also saw record profits. In fact, the largest and most profitable firms did the most pro bono work. How is it possible to be both profitable and pro bono-minded? Steven Schulman, Pro Bono Partner at Akin Gump, will explain how lawyers and their firms can both do well and do good. Having served more than two decades as both an antitrust lawyer then a pro bono partner, Schulman offers his insights into both law firm economics and pro bono practice. He manages the firm’s world-wide pro bono practice, which devotes more than 100,000 hours annually to a range of clients, from non-profit organizations to individuals in need of protection.

    Full event information:

  6. 12:30pm 2022-11-17T13:30-06:00
    Women's Christian Fellowship Bible Study

    Come join us Thursday from 12:30-1:30pm in the Jury Room (CCJ 2.310) for an hour of community and Bible study. Feel free to drop in as you're able. We welcome all women regardless of faith background!

    Full event information:

  7. 12:45pm 2022-11-17T13:45-06:00
    Cryptocurrency Mining Energy Consumption

    On Thursday, November 17, the Strauss Center is hosting a panel of experts in energy and cryptocurrency as part of its inaugural Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Policy Week. Dr. Carey King, Assistant Director at UT Austin’s Energy Institute joins UT research scientist Dr. Joshua Rhodes and Strauss Technology, Security, and Global Affairs Fellow Sina Kian in discussing energy consumption involved in cryptocurrency mining and the implications of this consumption.

    Are cryptocurrencies the next frontier in innovation or a threat to national security? How will decentralized finance, the metaverse, and other “Web3” applications affect counterterrorism, sanctions, and intelligence gathering? Is Bitcoin a danger to the climate or a better way to finance green energy? Strauss Center experts will consider these and other questions during the inaugural Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Policy Week.

    This event is free and open to the public. No RSVP required. Lunch will be served. For more information on this event, contact Susan Crane at


    Dr. Carey King performs interdisciplinary research related to how energy systems interact within the economy and environment as well as how our policy and social systems can make decisions and tradeoffs among these often competing factors. Dr. King’s research goals center on rigorous interpretations of the past to determine the most probable future energy pathways. He is a research scientist at The University of Texas at Austin and Assistant Director at the Energy Institute. He also has appointments with the Center for International Energy and Environmental Policy within the Jackson School of Geosciences and the McCombs School of Business. He has both a B.S. with high honors and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin. He has published technical articles in the academic journals Environmental Science and Technology, Environmental Research Letters, Nature Geoscience, Energy Policy, Sustainability, and Ecology and Society. He has also written commentary for American Scientist andEarth magazines as well as major newspapers such as the Dallas Morning News, Houston Chronicle, and Austin American-Statesman. Dr. King has several patents as former Director for Scientific Research of Uni-Pixel Displays, Inc.

    Dr. Joshua Rhodes is a research scientist at the University of Texas at Austin, a non-Resident Fellow at Columbia University, and a Founding partner of IdeaSmiths LLC. His current work is in the area of smart grid and the bulk electricity system, including spatial system-level applications and impacts of energy efficiency, resource planning, distributed generation, and storage. He is interested in policy and the impacts that good policy can have on the efficiency of the micro and macro economy. He is a regular contributor to Forbes and is an AXIOS Expert Voice. He also sits on the boards of Catalyst Cooperative. He holds a double bachelors in Mathematics and Economics from Stephen F. Austin State University, a masters in Computational Mathematics from Texas A&M University, a masters in Architectural Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin and a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin.

    Sina Kian is Chief Strategy Officer & General Counsel at Aleo, a startup building a decentralized blockchain that uses cryptography to provide significantly enhanced data security and privacy capabilities. Si

    Full event information:

  8. 4:30pm 2022-11-17T17:30-06:00
    Legal Careers in Blockchain and Crypto

    On Thursday, November 17, the Strauss Center is hosting Strauss Technology, Security, and Global Affairs Fellow Sina Kian as he discusses legal careers in the realm of blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies.

    Are cryptocurrencies the next frontier in innovation or a threat to national security? How will decentralized finance, the metaverse, and other “Web3” applications affect counterterrorism, sanctions, and intelligence gathering? Is Bitcoin a danger to the climate or a better way to finance green energy? Strauss Center experts will consider these and other questions during the inaugural Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Policy Week.

    The event is open to UT law students. Coffee and light refreshments will be served. RSVP to Susan Crane at Please reach out with any questions.


    Sina Kian is Chief Strategy Officer & General Counsel at Aleo, a startup building a decentralized blockchain that uses cryptography to provide significantly enhanced data security and privacy capabilities. Sina’s background is in law, policy, and finance. He graduated from Stanford Law School and clerked on the D.C. Circuit for Judge Thomas B. Griffith and Judge David S. Tatel, and on the Supreme Court for Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. Sina then practiced law at WilmerHale, where he worked on appellate litigation in federal courts around the country, including the Supreme Court, and with the Strategic Response Group, a bipartisan group that assists clients in navigating multifaceted challenges with legal, public policy, and media dimensions. Following his time at WilmerHale, he transitioned to an investing role, working as a Vice President at Blackstone, and then as a Director at Kennedy Lewis, where he led investments in technology across sectors. Sina has also served as an advisor at the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, and currently serves as an advisor to SentiLink, a company that provides identity verification and fraud prevention services. He is a Term Member on the Council of Foreign Relations.

    Full event information:

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