Events Calendar

Now viewing: September 3–16, 2023

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Sunday 3 Monday 4 Tuesday 5 Wednesday September 6
  1. 7:00am 2023-09-06T08:30-05:00
    Judicial Education Conference Breaskfast

    A breakfast for all Texas Law grads attending the annual Judicial Education Conference. We hope to see you there! Room: Hunter's Creek.

    Full event information:

  2. 4:30pm 2023-09-06T18:30-05:00
    Welcome to WDTX Happy Hour

    Join the Texas Law Alumni Association to welcome our incoming federal law clerks in San Antonio for their W.D. Texas orientation. We hope to see you there!

    Full event information:

Thursday September 7
  1. All day
    Advanced TX Administrative Law Seminar

    The Advanced Texas Administrative Law Seminar brings together members of the judiciary, regulatory, and academic communities to engage with practitioners about the latest legislative and case law updates, rule changes, and other timely topics. 2023 highlights include: Updates on significant administrative law cases and legislative activity during the last year, Texas Public Information Act, and Sunset actions. An exploration of hot topics, including Navigating the Shifting Tides: Helping Courts Handle Administrative Law Transfers and the Potential Effects of the new 15th Court of Appeals, AI in the Study and Practice of Administrative Law, and Changing the Makeup of the Courts. The always popular unscripted round-robin discussion during the Judicial Panel, including a Q&A for attendees. 3.25 hours of ethics, including presentations on Wellness in the Practice of Law: What Every Lawyer Should Know, Implicit Bias: What Your Brain is Up to When You’re Not Paying Attention, and Working with Your Colleagues: Not Working Against Your Enemies. Multiple networking opportunities with program faculty and fellow practitioners, including the Thursday Evening Networking Reception.

    Full event information:

  2. 12:00pm 2023-09-07T13:00-05:00
    Supreme Court Preview

    In a discussion between Aaron Streett and Lisa Eskow, we will be exploring the cases and controversies appearing before the Supreme Court in the upcoming term, the major legal questions burdening the Court, and what to expect from the Justices themselves.

    Full event information:

Friday September 8
  1. 12:45pm 2023-09-08T16:15-05:00
    Change It Up! 2023

    Started by students in 2013, Change It Up! is Texas Law’s annual public-interest orientation. Our Friday afternoon program gives us a chance to welcome law students into the social justice community at the law school, and to strengthen our networks and resources among public-interest students, organizations, faculty, staff, alumni, and local attorneys.

    CIU 2023! will begin with formal remarks, followed by lunch and conversation at subject-specific tables, a panel featuring recent graduates who practice public interest law, and opportunities to connect with like-minded students, faculty, staff and attorneys. The formal program at the law school will be followed by a student-organized happy hour off campus. Check-in starts at 12:45pm. Everyone is asked to be seated for lunch by 1:10pm.


    Register by 5pm on Monday, August 28:

    Full event information:

Saturday 9
Sunday 10 Monday September 11
  1. 10:00am 2023-09-11T14:00-05:00
    ALDF Monday Coffee

    Welcome back to school! The Animal Legal Defense Fund Student Chapter at Texas Law would like to invite everyone to our coffee table and share recent animal law updates. This week, we’d like to talk about the “Ending Agricutural Trade Suppression Act,” a bill recently introduced in Congress. The EATS Act poses a grave threat to states’ rights, local government, public health and safety, consumer protection, workers’ rights, environmental protection, and animals. We’d like to also encourage people to sign onto a letter calling members of Congress to oppose the inclusion of the EATS Act in the Farm Bill. Vegan coffee and pastry will be provided.

    Full event information:

  2. 4:00pm 2023-09-11T17:45-05:00
    Reproductive Justice Colloquium Series

    Join us for our first Fall 2023 Rapoport Center Reproductive Justice Colloquium Event, presented by Rachel Rebouche, Dean and the James E. Beasley Professor of Law, Temple University Beasley School of Law. Kari White, Associate Professor at the Steve Hicks School of Social Work, will respond.

    Abstract: Antiabortion activists attempt to stop medication abortion by any means necessary, including through criminalization. They aim to redefine abortion’s location to criminalize abortion travel, information, and supply chain bans, and even to revive the long-unenforced and arguably repealed Comstock Act’s ban on mailing anything that induces an abortion. Some even attempt to target directly those who take abortion pills. This talk considers the reproductive justice implications for some of these efforts, with a focus on the ways in which attempts to punish people who provide or use pills will exacerbate the public health and criminal justice consequences that new abortion bans have wrought, entrenching existing class and race differences. It encourages abortion rights advocates to keep these implications at the fore of their own efforts to increase access to abortion pills through federal and state advocacy, including through FDA regulation, state abortion shield laws that protect cross-border telehealth, and pharmacist prescriptions of abortion pills.

    Full event information:

Tuesday 12 Wednesday 13 Thursday September 14
  1. 12:00pm 2023-09-14T13:00-05:00
    Are We All Originalists Now?

    Associate Professor Ilan Wurman and Professor Tara Grove will debate and discuss the validity of originalist interpretation of the Constitution. The debate will provide an overview of one of the preeminent methods of constitutional interpretation, delve into the major objections to it, and provide information to the attendees to determine what method of interpretation is right for them.

    Full event information:

Friday September 15
  1. 11:45am 2023-09-15T13:30-05:00
    Scholarship Luncheon

    The Scholarship Luncheon is an opportunity to gather both scholarship supporters and student recipients of this year's scholarships. By invitation only.

    Full event information:

Saturday 16