Events Calendar

Now viewing: October 8–14, 2023

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Sunday 8 Monday October 9
  1. 11:30am 2023-10-09T13:00-05:00
    Louise Weinberg Prize Lunch and Lecture

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  2. 4:00pm 2023-10-09T17:45-05:00
    Reproductive Justice Colloquium Event

    Join us for our 3rd event in the Rapoport Center Reproductive Justice Colloquium Series presented by Professor of Law and N. Neal Pike Scholar at the Boston University School of Law Aziza Ahmed.

    Abstract: Professor Aziza Ahmed’s talk interrogates the relationship between scientific expertise, evidence, and lawmaking. Largely through the example of the highly controversial forensic method known as the “floating lungs” test in the context of self-induced abortion and stillbirths, Ahmed argues that contestation around medical and epidemiological evidence shapes the regulation and criminalization of pregnancy-related outcomes. The stakes are high. Although in Dobbs, the Supreme Court ignored the role of experts and claimed to throw the question of who should decide when and how a person has an abortion to the people, tensions over science and medicine preceded the case and will continue. Abortion rights advocates, in part by attending to ways that science has been (mis)used in the criminalization of pregnant persons in the past need to examine purportedly neutral scientific and expert-based justifications in the legal regulation of the practice of medicine and medication more closely. Doing so will create new and necessary avenues for legal advocacy, including challenging when and where legal institutions legitimate misinformation about abortion or limit access to abortion based on science and evidence.

    Full event information:

Tuesday 10 Wednesday October 11
  1. All day
    Mortgage Lending Institute

    UT Law CLE's 57th Annual William W. Gibson, Jr. Mortgage Lending Institute presents current developments and industry trends, offers practical information on real estate lending, financing and title issues, and provides a must-have set of materials and resources. This year's highlights include: Updates from the legislature and the courts, along with focused sessions on Advanced Commercial Lending and Residential Lending. The United States’ Attorney's Office provides insight on how to spot the red flags for avoiding mortgage fraud. Insight into hot topics like contesting property tax appraisals, FDIC receiverships, bankruptcy, and loan workouts and modifications. Hear updates from the 88th Legislative Session and how they will impact the mortgage industry. A review of the various uses, types of escrow agreements, escrow agent options, regulatory and drafting concerns and form availability.

    Full event information:

  2. 12:00pm 2023-10-11T13:00-05:00
    Dobbs One Year Later

    Please join the Federalist Society and the Texas Law Students for Life as we explore the state of substantive due process one year after the Dobbs decision through a lively debate between Robert John Pushaw and Elizabeth Sepper.

    Full event information:

  3. 6:00pm 2023-10-11T21:00-05:00
    PALS Happy Hour-Honey Moon Spirit Lounge

    Join us for craft cocktails and passed appetizers on the PALS tab at Honey Moon Spirit Lounge! This will be a chance to mix and mingle with the partners at Burns Charest (who will be speaking at our lunch event earlier this same day) as well as other students interested in practicing plaintiffs' law.

    Full event information:

Thursday October 12
  1. 12:00pm 2023-10-12T13:15-05:00
    LGBTQ Family Panel with Prof. Williams

    Join OUTLaw for a conversation with Professor Sean Williams about legal issues facing queer parents and families. For example, when a lesbian couple asks a male friend to provide sperm, who are the legal parents? Who is listed on the birth certificate? Although the Supreme Court has weighed in on the latter issue, there is still some judicial resistance to the legal claims of queer parents. Professor Williams will address these questions and more about family law as it pertains to the legal rights of LGBTQ parents and children. Food will be provided!

    Full event information:

  2. 7:00pm 2023-10-12T22:00-05:00
    TLF Fall Auction

    Join TLF at Hotel Vegas for our annual fall auction! Doors open at 7:00pm with our live auction set to start soon after. Each year, students bid on silent auction items from local businesses and on experiences with professors. All students, including 1Ls and LLMs, are encouraged to attend, enjoy an open bar, and bid on items. We also encourage the wider Texas Law community to attend. All profits from the fall auction directly support public interest students.

    Fall Auction pre-sale tickets are $25. We will sell tickets at the door for $30. Tickets will be sold at the law school at the following times: Oct. 5 from 11-2 in the atrium; Oct. 10 from 11-2 in the Patman Plaza (Breezeway); Oct. 11 from 11-2 in the atrium; Oct. 12 from 11-2 in the atrium; Oct. 12 from 11-3 in the Patman Plaza (Breezeway).

    Or you can buy online at:

    Full event information:

Friday October 13
  1. 7:00pm 2023-10-13T21:00-05:00
    CLS Bowling Night

    Join us for bowling at the Texas Union Underground! Friends, spouses/significant others, and kids are welcome. We hope to see you there!

    Full event information:

Saturday 14