Events Calendar

Now viewing: October 15–28, 2023

Monday, October 16


Wednesday, October 18

Ginsburg Initiative Panel Discussion: The Caregiver Penalty

As part of its Ginsburg Initiative, the Center for Women in Law will host a virtual panel discussion to discuss the caregiver penalty and what legal employers can do to address and remedy the issue in their places of employment. 1 Hour of CLE Ethics Credit. Register Here:

For more information visit
Renaldo Speaks Toward Decarceration

CCJ 2.306 (Eidman Courtroom)

Thursday, October 19

Before and After Chile 1973: Recovering a More Just Future

LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collections, 2300 Red River St, 2nd Floor Conference Room, Austin, TX 78712, USA

Friday, October 20

Monday, October 23

Ji Seon Sung: Rapoport Center Reproductive Justice Colloquium Series

TNH 2.111 (Sheffield-Massey Room)

Professor Song's talk examines the extent of hospitals' participation in policing and punishment, arguing that hospitals in the “free world” have become part of the carceral infrastructure, performing functions essential to the operations of mass incarceration by identifying criminals, helping build criminal cases, preparing people for incarceration, and treating and returning people to imprisonment.

For more information visit

Wednesday, October 25

State Department Explained

SRH 3.122, LBJ School

On Wednesday, October 25, the Strauss Center and LBJ School of Public Affairs will host Ambassador (ret) Larry André, Visiting Professor at the LBJ School of Public Affairs, as he discusses how the State Department operates. What is an Ambassador? How does someone become an Ambassador? What is a Foreign Service Officer? What is a Civil Service employee? Who are locally recruited colleagues? What is an embassy? How is it organized? Ambassador And

For more information visit
Out in Law Panel

CCJ 2.306 (Eidman Courtroom)
Out in Law Mixer

TNH PATMAN (Patman Family Plaza)

Thursday, October 26

All day
2023 Essential Cybersecurity Law

Essential Cybersecurity Law is a one-day, extensive program designed to walk through key legal issues relating to breach preparedness and response.

For more information visit

Friday, October 27

All day
2023 Gas and Power Institute

The 2023 Gas and Power Institute, is a one-day program that features timely topics relevant to the gas and power industry in light of the changing landscape of rules, regulation, legislation, and environmental requirements. The Institute also provides essential information and resources on the latest industry and market climate.

For more information visit